Diet menu for the lazy for every day, or How to lose weight for those who have no time

Even a strong desire to lose weight can come across many obstacles. Excessive stresses, lack of time, a complicated work schedule, and sometimes banal laziness diligently “put” the sticks in the wheels, pushing the beginning of losing weight indefinitely. The real salvation in these situations will be a diet for the lazy.
Sliced ​​vegetables on a plate

Several variants of such diets have been developed. Their main condition is to ensure effective weight loss with minimal effort. The most common water diet. It has many advantages and does not require investment. But at the same time it also has drawbacks, which you need to familiarize yourself with before starting a diet.

Water diet for the lazy: features

The main principle of this diet is the correct intake of water. This is practically the only important rule that you must adhere to strictly. About 20 minutes before eating, you need to drink water. And then you can start a regular meal. Nutritionists who give a detailed description of the diet for the lazy claim that such a diet allows you to lose weight due to three main effects.

  1. Fast saturation. The stomach is filled with water. There is little free space in it. Therefore, a person eats a much smaller portion and feels a sense of fullness.
  2. Metabolic activation. Water serves as a lever that triggers metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the body cleans itself of toxins faster and digests food much easier and more efficiently. Fats with accelerated metabolism simply do not have time to accumulate.
  3. Calorie reduction. By reducing the amount of food consumed, the amount of calories entering the body decreases. After all, high-calorie foods are replaced by water, which has zero calorie content.
The best period for a water diet, according to doctors, is summer. During the heat, most of the drunk liquid "leaves" with sweat.


Diet on the water will be a real "find" for overly busy people. It will help to find slim forms for those who cannot force themselves to follow strict diets and regularly visit the fitness room. But the plumb line is not the only positive result of the diet. Doctors, analyzing reviews and diet results for the lazy, note the following positive properties:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • elimination of hunger;
  • support for muscle tone;
  • headache reduction;
  • skin tone improvement;
  • fat cell breakdown;
  • disposal of toxic substances;
  • blood purification;
  • getting rid of constipation;
  • removal of urea from the body;
  • stimulation of bile formation;
  • activation of the synthesis of gastric juice;
  • digestion normalization;
  • prevention of urolithiasis.
Water diet, despite the many positive effects, it is impossible to classify as an absolutely harmless diet. Reviews of many doctors (for example, the famous Elena Malysheva) show that water abuse can cause serious harm to the body, causing fatigue, swelling, dizziness and hypertension.


Water diet has some disadvantages. To protect your body from unpleasant consequences and complications, you must definitely familiarize yourself with them.

Doctors point out such disadvantages of the diet for the lazy:

  1. Limited time. The water ration is designed for two to three weeks. In extreme cases, the diet can be extended up to one month. Longer compliance is contraindicated, since water creates a serious burden on the urinary, digestive system, heart.
  2. Leaching of nutrients. Water, along with toxins and slags, can carry vitamins, sodium, calcium. Such conditions are especially dangerous for people suffering from diseases of the bone apparatus, immunodeficiency, vitamin deficiency.
  3. Right exit. Lazy diet refers to short-term diets. It allows you to effectively lose weight. But the results are unstable. In order not to gain excess weight, you must gradually go out of the diet and adhere to a proper diet.


Do not start a water diet without consulting a doctor. This diet has serious contraindications. Among them:

  • kidney disease
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • lactation;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • chronic heart disease;
  • pathology of the urinary system;
  • tendency to swelling.

How to drink, what to eat and how to enhance the effect

Water diet implies a significant increase in fluid in the diet. In some cases, the use of water exceeds the standard rate by half. This creates a significant burden on the body. Therefore, when considering a diet menu for the lazy for every day, you must adhere to some rules.

7 recommendations

Nutritionists give seven recommendations to those who decide to resort to the help of a water diet.

  1. "Correct" water. Strengthen metabolism and "start" the body is capable of only raw water. It is advisable to take artesian or filtered. Absolutely useless sparkling. Also boiled is not suitable. It needs a little warm water, cold slows down the exchange.
  2. The correct power scheme. The diet starts the process of losing weight only with strict adherence to the drinking regime. Drink the liquid 20-30 minutes before eating. Repeat the use of water after a meal after 1.5-2 hours. This applies to all meals.
  3. Water, not food. Do not add any additives to the water (honey, lemon) to facilitate the intake process. Such a liquid is perceived by the body as "food." And instead of activating the metabolism, a slowdown in metabolic processes is observed.
  4. Gradual reception. Do not drink water in one gulp. This leads to a distension of the stomach, causing pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Drink gradually, in small sips.
  5. Hunger suppression. If you feel hungry, then drink water. Scientists argue that such a "deception" is quite successful. The human brain identifies thirst and hunger identically. Therefore, the desire to have a snack, as evidenced by the reviews of those who have lost weight, can be satisfied with ordinary water.
  6. Reception of vitamin complexes. It should be remembered that the liquid “leaches” the beneficial components. Therefore, to replenish minerals and vitamins in the body, it is necessary to use special complexes.
  7. Water rate. Oversaturation with water is very dangerous for the body. Excess fluid can provoke the appearance of puffiness, cause seizures and even a heart attack. Therefore, before starting a diet, you need to determine your norm. The recommended daily dose of fluid depends on the level of physical fitness and body weight. You can determine your norm from the table below.

Table - Recommended Water Standards

Body weightWith high activity, lWith an average activity, lWith low activity, l

To make the process go faster

The main feature of the diet for the lazy is the ability not to give up the usual dishes. Of course, it is desirable to reduce the consumption of flour products. Otherwise, there are practically no restrictions. To enhance the effect of losing weight and increase the effectiveness of the diet, it is recommended to resort to some restrictions.

  • Proper diet. Try to significantly reduce fatty foods and smoked meats in the diet. Eat smaller quantities of sweets and flour products. You can not drink soda, alcoholic beverages. Make sure your diet contains only wholesome food. Give preference to recipes in which cooking, stewing, baking, steaming is recommended. Try to avoid fried, pickled dishes.
  • Eight hour sleep. Be sure to provide the body with rest.Prolonged lack of sleep provokes a stressful state in the body. This leads to a slowdown in all metabolic processes, contributes to the accumulation of fats and causes a desire to "seize" stress, which is fraught with a failure of the diet.
  • Exercise stress. No matter how busy your schedule, take time for a few simple exercises. Make it a rule to go to work, to the store, from work on foot or just walk for 15-20 minutes in the park.
Sitting on such a diet for lazy people can achieve tangible results: in 2 weeks - minus 12 kg. Although calling this set of activities “lazy” is hardly possible.

Healthy foods

Daily menu

Before proceeding to the preparation of the menu, remember a simple rule: tea, coffee are not treated in the diet as water. These drinks are not included in the daily allowance. The sample menu shown in the table will help you understand what the diet should be like.

Table - Water diet menu for one day

EatingTimeDiet / Servings
Preparing for breakfast7.45- Water - 400 ml
First breakfast8.00- Porridge "Hercules" - 160 g;
- any fresh fruit –100 g;
- walnut (optional) - 100 g;
- honey (it is forbidden to melt) - a tablespoon
Lunch10.00- Banana - one;
- warm cocoa - 160-200 ml
Preparing for dinner13.40- Water - 400 ml
Dinner14.00- Vegetarian soup - 200 ml;
- boiled chicken breast - 100 g
High tea 16.00- Vegetable smoothie - 200 ml;
- apple - one
Dinner preparation17.45- Water - 400 ml
Dinner 18.00- Boiled fish - 100 g;
- cabbage salad with cucumbers and bell peppers - 150 g
Reinforcement20.00- Kefir low-fat or 1% - 180-200 ml
In order not to lose your diet, you should not completely abandon your favorite food. But if possible, replace junk food with healthy. For example, milk chocolate is black.

Menu for the week

When developing a nutrition scheme, you need to understand what you can eat on a diet for the lazy. Be sure to make your diet varied. You should not focus only on one or two dishes. The body must receive all the beneficial substances. Therefore, include in your menu: fish, meat, pasta, greens, fruits, cereals, mushrooms, vegetables. The table will help you navigate the preparation of the diet.

Table - Diet for the week

DaysFor breakfastFor lunchFor dinner
1- Steam omelet;
- cracker or oatmeal cookies
- Rice porridge with beef;
- vegetable salad
- steam fish;
- vegetable stew;
- the vinaigrette
2- Oatmeal with fruits;
- low-fat cottage cheese
- Pasta with boiled chicken;
- vegetables
- Vegetable salad;
- baked fish fillet
3- A slice of cheese (necessarily low-fat);
- cracker
- Barley porridge with meat;
- pear
- Carrot casserole
4- Curd with raisins and fruits- Buckwheat porridge with chicken;
- fresh salad
- Stewed vegetables;
- boiled fish
5- Oatmeal porridge with honey and fruit;
- slice of cheese
- Mashed potatoes with beef;
- radish
- Stew from vegetables;
- fish with white beans
6- Muesli- Green borsch;
- slaves for a couple;
- a slice of bran bread
- Chicken soup;
- fresh vegetables
7- Buckwheat- Braised rice with vegetables;
- steam fish
- Mushroom soup;
- bran bread;
- the vinaigrette

Right exit

It is important not only to achieve results, but also to preserve them. To protect yourself from re-gaining weight and returning to previous levels, you need to gradually return to your normal diet. The most optimal way out of a lazy diet.

  • First two to three days. Gradually reduce the amount of water used, reaching the norm.
  • From the fourth day. In the diet, flour products begin to be introduced. Such products are consumed only in the morning.
  • A week later. You can return to a normal diet. Sweets, flour products, if possible, limit and eat before lunch.

Joyful woman on the scales

Other options

Speaking of a lazy diet, they immediately mean water. But there are other diets that do not require much effort. Therefore, they are often ranked in this category. The most common lazy diet options.

  • Summer The use of seasonal vegetables and fruits is recommended. The main emphasis is on plant foods. But the menu must be supplemented with dairy products.
  • Mediterranean. It involves the use of seafood, sea fish, vegetables, fruits. Complex carbohydrates are acceptable in this diet. It is necessary to exclude eggs, red meat and completely abandon sweets.
  • Protein. This category includes the world famous Ducan diet. With a protein diet, it is allowed to eat meat, fish, legumes, seafood, cereals, dairy products, eggs.
  • Honey. This diet is based on an elementary rule. Before each meal, you need to eat a tablespoon of honey. Such a diet is suitable for lovers of sweets, provided that there is no allergy or pathology of the gall.
  • Vinegar. The diet is based on the activation of metabolism and a restriction in the diet of fats. Only apple cider vinegar is used, cooked personally.

So that a lazy diet for weight loss does not provoke the appearance of puffiness, doctors recommend excluding salt and sugar from the diet. These products are capable of retaining fluid in the body.

Feedback and Results

I'm on such a diet right now! But I generally try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The effect is 3 kg. during the week. But I consider myself obligated to add that I’ve been doing shaping all this week, aerobics right after shaping, then had breakfast, and then skiing for 8 km.


After the New Year holidays, I had not only gifts, but also extra 2 kg. I decided not to wait until spring so that these 2 kg did not grow “like yeast” and tried a new diet ... 5 days have passed, the result is already there! The essence of the diet is that before each meal for 15-20 minutes you need to drink 2 cups of clean water. You should not drink with food and immediately after eating. You can drink after 2 hours. It’s very difficult for me after a meal not to drink tea with “something” (delicious dried fruits, nuts) - but I hold on! After each diet, I draw conclusions for myself. There is an obvious plus in this diet. Firstly, after drinking water, it’s just not possible to “eat”. Secondly, after eating, when the obvious sense of fullness has not yet come, you do not eat a massive amount of “sweets”. And thirdly, any person needs to drink 2 liters of water per day.


Good diet, if you can call it that. Lose weight about 9 years ago, it is not difficult and quickly the weight goes away. I won’t cheat, I don’t remember exactly. Only the stomach asked to eat, immediately drank water, in general, deceived the body. For a month, I definitely lost 3-4 kg. Weight kept for a long time, gained when she became pregnant.

Lyud Milka,

28.2.2013, 13:23
In general, today I sat down on this diet, let's see what happens. A bite to eat as you like between things.
3.3.2013, 10:30
Today is the 4th day of the diet, so far I have lost 1 kg. I decided today to make a fasting day on kefir, while bearable.
4.3.2013, 6:47
After yesterday's kefir day, I dropped another kilogram. I'm afraid to dial again in the evening.
25.3.2013, 17:16
I report again. I came to the conclusion that you will not lose much weight with this diet. It is probably good for maintaining weight after a tougher diet.

Irishk @ 235,

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