6-petal diet menu, effectiveness, reviews

How do doctors and nutritionists relate to the 6-petal diet? What is its effectiveness based on? What is the 6-petal daily diet menu? How many kilograms will it help to lose? How to enter and exit it correctly? Features of the most "magical" way to lose weight with original motivation.
Bell pepper and apple

Which product will be most attractive to the buyer? Each marketer will say: firstly, necessary, and secondly, in unusual packaging. It is on this principle that the weight loss system under the original name of “6 petals” is built.

Features of the "petal" diet

It is unusual in everything. Firstly, it is offered not by a “domestic” specialist, but by a Swedish dietitian Anna Johansson. Secondly, the idea involves psychology, because it is much simpler and more interesting to adhere to a beautiful weight loss plan in the form of a flower than the usual, the more strict menu. And finally, thirdly, it is recommended that you write a system ration not on a simple leaflet, but work on it creatively.

The menu of the petal diet is beautifully designed in the form of a flower. On each leaflet it is necessary to indicate the day and the main product. The inscriptions can be made in different colors, and the middle of the flower is brightly painted. It will turn out a cute and attractive “plan for action”, from which the “passed” petal should be torn off every day.

Allowed Ladder Diet Foods


The diet "petals" is based on the following basic principles.

  • Only six days. Such a short period is chosen by chance. The 6-petal diet menu is one-component. Like most mono-diets, it critically limits the body in the intake of the main components of nutrition, therefore it is dangerous for health to stick to such a diet longer. Follow it for the recommended period and do not repeat more than twice a year.
  • Decrease to 0.8 kilograms per day. The author notes that the daily results of the 6-petal diet make it possible to observe weight loss from 0.5 to 0.8 kilograms. Thus, for the entire period you can lose weight by no more than 4.8 kilograms. The plumb line will seem small for people with significant excess weight, but for women with a couple of extra pounds at the waist this may be enough.
  • One day - one product. The essence of the diet of this system is the separation of products. Anna Johansson suggests not mixing the main components of the diet - proteins and carbohydrates, as she notes their incomplete assimilation by the body. Different in composition products "interfere" with each other, the body does not completely digest them. As a result, "surpluses" remain, which are transformed into adipose tissue. With separate consumption, products are not only properly absorbed by the body, but also do not form fat deposits.
  • Volume limitation. The main product can not be eaten in unlimited quantities. The daily menu in grams provides for the possibility of consuming up to five hundred grams of protein products, up to one and a half kilograms of plant products and up to three hundred grams of grain products.
  • Without additives. Food can be slightly salted, seasoned with spicy spices, but sugar is not allowed. On protein days, you can cook soups from the main component (meat, fish) and consume the broth.
  • Unlimited fluid volume. Drink during the diet should be a lot. Drink at least two liters of pure water per day, include green tea in the drinking regime (up to four cups per day). Coffee is not prohibited, but without sugar and cream.

The menu for every day with recipes for the week of the 6-petal diet is simple to develop. Use the main product, divide it into five equal servings and eat throughout the day.

Chicken and fish

Menu for every day diet "6 petals"

According to the author, an approximate menu for each day of the 6-petal diet cannot be changed at one’s discretion. It is important to adhere to the proposed concept.

  • Day one - only fish. Five hundred grams of finished product is allowed. Choose any kind of fish, including cod, hake, salmon, pollock, pilengas, chum, mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel. For one day you can eat fatty and nonfat fish cooked in the oven, steamed or boiled. It is not allowed to add vegetable oil, spices and some salt are allowed. The first day is protein, it is designed to saturate the body with easily absorbed protein and fatty unsaturated acids, which are rich in meat of valuable fish varieties.
  • Day two - only vegetables. Eat up to one and a half kilograms of any vegetables. In summer, enjoy the taste of bell pepper, tomato, cucumbers, all kinds of cabbage, zucchini. In winter and autumn, use seasonal vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets. It is allowed to include frozen foods in the diet. Vegetables are rich in fiber, pectins, vitamins and trace elements, most substances are stored only in fresh form, so the main part of the diet is important to eat without heat treatment. But cooking is allowed, for example, in a double boiler or oven. The most delicious, convenient and simple 6-petal diet recipes are vegetable salads in any combination of products seasoned with a tablespoon olive oil with a little salt added.
  • Day Three - Only Chicken. Chicken Day allows you to eat no more than half a kilogram of lean white meat without skin. Boil the fillet until soft or bake in the oven in foil. Divide into five receptions and eat during the day. Protein of chicken meat is quickly absorbed by the body, during the day you will feel hunger. Drink plenty of water.
  • Day four - only cereals. This day's menu is based on two hundred grams of dry cereal plus one hundred grams of whole grain bread. You can choose any cereal, but it is better - coarse grinding, not peeled from fruit shells. Hercules will do, barley grits, Brown rice. The ideal component of this day will be wheat or oat bran, which you can use with water instead of bread. Cereals enrich the body with valuable trace elements, but especially coarse grits are rich in fiber. To get it in full, do not boil the porridge, but soak the cereal in the evening with cold water and leave it until the morning. By breakfast, the mass will swell, it can be heated in the microwave and eat throughout the day.
  • Day five - only cottage cheese. On this day on your table should be low-fat cottage cheese weighing half a kilogram. When buying a product in a store, choose cottage cheese with a fat content of up to twenty percent. It is allowed to include in the diet of this day three hundred milliliters of low-fat kefir.
  • Day six - only fruits. On the last day, the diet consists of all kinds of fruits, except bananas and grapes. Eat up to one and a half kilograms of apples, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches and other fruits, as you wish. If desired, fruits can be baked without sugar.
The 7th day of the 6-petal diet requires a gradual return to a normal diet. It is important not to overload the body with a mass of heavy products. To exit from the “6 petals” diet without disruption of the digestive system, create a menu of the same foods that were consumed the day before, that is, cottage cheese, lean meat, fresh or steamed vegetables, fruits.
6 petal diet author

Anna Johansson - Swedish dietitian, diet author

Author concept

How the weight loss system works and why it is in such a sequence that you need to eat foods, explains the detailed description of the 6-petal diet.Let us dwell on the main points that its author highlights.

  • Efficiency is based on the characteristics of digestion. According to Anna Johansson, mono-diet is one of the forms of separate nutrition. When it is observed, the products do not mix with each other, therefore there is no risk of incompatible “cocktails” in the diet that are detrimental to the figure.
  • Aggressive weight loss. Compliance with mono-diet allows you to use the features of the liver for weight loss. According to Anna Johansson, many substances are accumulated in our liver that are designed to break down various foods. But when a person consumes one product, the body quickly becomes saturated with it. And it does not “pay attention” to its new portions, that is, it does not consider it as an energy source, but is waiting for other products. That same “many substances” in the liver remains unspent, and the body has to extract energy for life from its fat reserves. That is why weight loss is happening rapidly.
  • Protein-carbohydrate scheme. The menu for every day by the hour requires the use of specific foods. The first day is protein, the second is carbohydrates, and so on. Anna Johansson believes that it is thanks to this scheme that you can lose weight extremely quickly without compromising health, as our body regularly receives all the substances necessary for its life.
  • Strict adherence to the sequence. Changing the menu, rearranging the days at your discretion, is impossible. But you can choose the preferred varieties of products for a vegetable or fish day.

At first glance, the author’s concept looks convincing. And following a diet is not difficult, and the results are attractive. But the reviews of doctors do not share the enthusiasm for a separate food system. There are several reasons for this.

Diet Ladder

Health Risks of the 6-Petal Diet

“Today in the world there are at least fifteen thousand diets. And the system of “6 petals” is not better than them, ”comments dietitian Lyudmila Denisenko. “But sticking to it, believing that the system is“ no worse than the rest, ”is a mistake.”

Who is Anna Johansson?

In the description of the method of losing weight, it is always noted that it was invented by a dietitian from Sweden. But is there really such a doctor? No data confirming the existence of a practicing Swedish nutritionist with that name is found in either specialized publications or the all-knowing Wikipedia.

Perhaps the beautiful prefix “developed by the Swedish dietitian” was invented only to create an element of an attractive “packaging” for the next mono-diet, along with the need to make a flower with your own hands and tear off the petals from it.

By the same principle, by the way, other well-known diets, for example, Kim Protasov, were promoted, which was actually invented not by a dietitian, but by the Israeli journalist Ganna Hovhannisyan.

Girl eating an apple

Monodiet - not a panacea

All mono-diets are based on the principles of separate nutrition, in which protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods are not consumed together. However, in fact, it is almost impossible to find foods in pure protein or fat. Pure protein can only be called egg white, while carbohydrates and fats are already present in cottage cheese, chicken and fish.

In addition, scientific confirmation of the appropriateness of the separation of products by type does not exist. On the contrary, there is a need for a varied diet, not only to provide the body with a whole range of necessary elements. But the lack of skill in our digestive system to digest separately only fiber or protein alone.

Notebook and pencil

The liver doesn't work like that!

“One of the biggest misconceptions of the 6-petal diet is to define the role of the liver as a storehouse of many substances that the body“ holds ”in reserve and“ waits ”for a varied diet in order to start digesting all this, commented nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko.- Our liver does not hold in reserve any nutrients except glycogen. The latter is needed to maintain the body’s energy during the period of intensive work, but it also lasts for a limited time, literally thirty to forty minutes. ”

The statement of the author of the diet that receiving only one product, the body is saturated with it and ceases to perceive it as a source of energy, does not correspond to human physiology. Any product is digested and absorbed by our body, but the energy value of different products and the combinations of nutrients in them are different. Therefore, any mono-diet is dangerous with a critical shortage of essential minerals, vitamins, valuable fats and other elements.

Girl in the kitchen

Protein-carbohydrate alternation

On the question of what foods can be consumed during the diet, retreats are unacceptable. The menu requires strict adherence to alternation: fish protein day, vegetable carbohydrate day, then protein again and carbohydrate again. This is attributed to the advantages of a diet, since, at first glance, it is easy to follow.

Such a diet was really developed by doctors, but not for any person seeking to lose weight. The chain of protein-carbohydrate alternation in nutrition is called a zigzag. It was invented for professional bodybuilder athletes who, due to the nature of “service”, are forced to sit on low-carb diets for a long time. To quickly bring the body into shape before the competition, to give abundant food to the muscles, they use such a diet, which is extremely rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

And if there are no "mountains of muscles"? Where should the energy received from proteins and pure carbohydrates go? “There is a risk that as a result of the diet you will not lose weight, but rather, gain weight,” says nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko.

Young woman makes a salad

Doubtful Results

On the Internet you can find positive reviews of those who have lost weight on this diet. People claim that within two weeks they dropped to ten kilograms. You can readily believe this, but it is only important to figure out how much your body has lost these ten kilograms.

  • Limited diet. The disadvantages of a single-product diet, which include the 6-petal nutrition system, are critical dietary restrictions and the lack of a complex of substances necessary for our body in it. Even in the description of the diet it is indicated that it should be followed no longer than six days. And if you sit on it for a couple of weeks, you can get a serious malfunction in the body, including hormonal disorders, decreased immunity, deterioration of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Digestive upset. Every day, mono-diets are stress for the intestines, which are used to digesting various, but typical, foods that are familiar to him. The most difficult component to break down is protein; consuming just one protein product in one day can cause constipation. But the next day you supply the body with an abundance of vegetables or fruits. With a tendency to flatulence, weak stools, you will definitely get both. More serious digestive failures are likely, which will have to be corrected with medications.
  • Loss is not only fat. Any diet is aimed at splitting adipose tissue, only our body is not able to quickly part with it. Within one day, the body can break down no more than one hundred and fifty grams of fat cells, that is, within six days you lose no more than nine hundred grams of fat. And what about the rest? Why does the plumb line reach five kilograms per week and up to ten in two weeks? Together with fat, you part with a liquid that is abundantly excreted from the body when only protein products are consumed. That is why when you eat a lot of meat, thirst is acute. As a result of indigestion, the intestines will be cleansed of feces. This is not bad, but not for long, because when you return to a normal diet, these masses re-form, and their weight is about two kilograms.But what is especially dangerous, on rigid diets there is a "shrinkage" of muscle tissues and internal organs. It is with the muscles that your body partes more readily than with fat, since the latter organism considers it a reserve for a rainy day. Loss of muscle tissue is reflected in weight loss, but its replenishment is a much more time-consuming process than dubious weight loss.
  • Weight will return. The power system does not teach anything. She does not form eating habits and preferences, does not note which foods should not be used after leaving the diet. She offers a short-term action algorithm for the week, which brings the body only stress, but does not provide any prospects. With this approach, the weight will definitely return, but the quality of the body may turn out to be different. After all, after stressful situations, the body seeks to stock up a “fat depot” in case of a sudden “hunger strike”. And instead of the lost muscle tissue, fat is formed when the initial weight is returned.

Fruit salad

The doubtful results of the 6-petal diet require a balanced approach to it. Despite the outward simplicity and popularity, it does not cover modern, effective principles of proper diet: a variety of foods, a balanced diet, lack of starvation, a gradual weight loss of not more than four kilograms per month.

The reviews and results of the 6-petal diet leave more questions than answers. Is it worth it to be guided by a nutrition system that poses too many health risks and does not guarantee safe weight loss in the long term? A sharp weight loss will not bring the body benefits, on the contrary, it can exacerbate chronic diseases or cause new ones.

A diet in a beautiful “shell” is not a magic wand and does not know how to fulfill wishes. Refuse it in favor of proper nutrition, conscious eating habits, moderate physical activity, and your weight will certainly return to normal.

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