How to use darsonval for hair on your own: does it make sense to buy a miracle comb and reviews of effectiveness

Regular and quality hair care prevents loss, eliminates dandruff, dull appearance of strands. It is possible to carry out nursing and medical procedures both with cosmetics and with the help of special devices. One of these devices is considered darsonval. Instructions for the use of darsonval for hair say that it accelerates the metabolism in the scalp, stimulates the growth of curls and strengthens them.
Darsonval Massage for Hair

The founder of the physiotherapeutic method was Jacques-Arsene D’Arsonval - a brilliant French physiologist. He conducted many experiments, studying the effect of variable current pulses on the human body.

Operating principle

The problem of hair loss worries many men and women. Bad ecology, lack of vitamins, constant stresses - all this affects the condition of hair follicles to varying degrees. And what girl doesn’t want to shine with a lush shock of loose hair or show thick braids?

A physiotherapeutic device comes to the rescue - darsonval from hair loss. The principle of its action is to affect the body with electrical impulses. Weak electrical discharges are sent to the scalp through a vacuum nozzle-electrode made of glass, as a result of which active blood circulation begins in the treated area. Tissues are saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

These processes lead to the strengthening of the bulbs, the normalization of metabolism, and the acceleration of hair growth. In addition, darsonval has antiseptic properties; its use is relevant in the fight against fungal infections on the scalp. The device is presented in two forms.

  1. Compact. The electrode is inserted directly into the plastic housing. The device is intended for processing certain parts of the body, recommended for home use. Equipped with a comb-shaped nozzle.
  2. Stationary. The electrodes are connected using an extension cord to the block. The device processes large areas of skin, it is purchased for clinics and beauty salons.
Reviews of doctors and their characteristics of the device are often positive. Many modern specialists use the healing properties of the device in their practice. To achieve the maximum effect during darsonvalization, other means are also used in the fight for the health of hair. Treatment is combined with proper nutrition, sports, manual head massage and folk recipes.

Indications for use

Darsonval is one of the best devices in the fight against severe hair loss. For women and men with dermatological problems of the scalp, it will also be useful. General indications for the use of darsonval hair comb are as follows:

After a course of treatment with darsonval, the following results can be seen:

  • decrease in scalp fat content;
  • increase the density and density of hair;
  • improving the structure of hair along the entire length;
  • cure for dandruff, dermatitis, other dermatological diseases;
  • activation of the growth of sleeping hair follicles.
The method of application of darsonval is not limited only to problems associated with the condition of the hair. It is used in the treatment of facial skin (acne, acne, acne), prevents the appearance of wrinkles, helps to heal psoriasis. In addition, the positive effect of its use is noticeable in osteochondrosis, varicose veins, diseases of the respiratory system.

Darsonval for hair

Possible harm and contraindications

How to use it? The drug affects the body in a complex, low-frequency currents. There are a number of limitations to its use. In no case can contraindications be ignored so as not to harm yourself. Be sure to consult a specialist for the following diseases:

  • hirsutism;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • hypertrichosis
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • blood diseases and bleeding;
  • severe hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • rosacea in acute form;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • oncological pathologies.

Also, the device is not used while intoxicated.

With caution, the device should be used during pregnancy and lactation. Carrying out procedures in childhood is also controversial. Some doctors say that you can use the device to treat a child, but the current should be weak. And other experts argue that children under six years of age darsonval is strictly prohibited.

Selection recommendations

How much is the result visible and how often to use it? Stores offer a huge selection of different darsonval models. The result of treatment is directly proportional to the quality of the device. When considering which dranseval is better to choose, pay attention to six parameters.

  1. Certificate. Check for documents confirming that the device has passed all tests, its compliance with state standards.
  2. Application area. Identify the area of ​​treatment. Each device has different nozzles, many of which you may not need if you plan to use darsonval only for the scalp.
  3. Power. Choose a device with a smooth controller. Unlike stepped, it makes it possible to adjust more accurate power. In addition, the handle allows you to change the characteristics directly during the procedure.
  4. The characteristics of the apparatus. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on three parameters: current strength, frequency and voltage. The stronger the problem of hair loss, the more powerful the device is needed.
  5. Availability of instructions. Be sure to check the availability of the operating instructions complete with darsonval, as each model has its own properties.
  6. Reliability. Make a purchase in trusted stores from trusted manufacturers. The device must be covered by the warranty, including the replacement of defective parts.

On average, the price of darsonval for hair growth ranges from 1,500-3,000 rubles (data for November 2017), depending on its functionality, number of nozzles and power.

One procedure in the salon costs about 400 rubles, therefore, a whole course (15 sessions) will cost you about 6,000 rubles. More than one such course may be required per year. What conclusion can be made? Definitely, darsonvalization at home is more profitable than salon procedures.

Massage for hair

Instructions for use darsonval for hair

Features Darsonval hair treatment at home is not difficult. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15-20 minutes, so as not to injure the hair follicles. How to apply darsonval for hair, the next instruction will tell.


  1. Rinse hair, scalp thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner.
  2. Comb dry hair well with a massage comb.
  3. Degrease the electrode with chlorhexidine or salicylic acid.
  4. Install the nozzle on the device.
  5. Remove metal jewelry. Sit back from electrical appliances.
  6. Now proceed to the treatment procedure. Adjust the device so that when massaging the skin there is a feeling of slight tingling.
  7. Comb from forehead to the occipital part of the head. Do not stay long in one place, go through all the zones. Massage in the opposite direction only if the hair is short.
  8. Pay attention to your feelings. If you experience pain or unpleasant itching, stop the session. During the procedure you should feel only warmth and pleasant tingling.
  9. After disconnecting the nozzle from the mains, treat the electrode with alcohol, wipe dry.
  10. Apply a firming mask to the hair roots, gently rub it into the scalp. Leave on for a few minutes, so alopecia will go away faster.
Spend the first procedure no more than ten minutes. In the future, you can slightly increase the massage time. The apparent benefit of darsonval for hair is noticeable after the fifth or seventh procedure. For prevention, darsonval can be used once a week.

Reviews: “After a month, the problem receded”

Most users leave positive reviews about the darsonval hair device. The exception is those who are faced with individual intolerance to the device or have not figured out the rules of use.

My hair is not growing well. I tried darsonval for hair. At first, the head itched terribly. The clinic said that if there are no contraindications, then you can continue. A course of 12 treatments has ended. I am now celebrating the changes. Not painted since the time I started using darsonval. From the roots I see that the hair has grown noticeably.


The hairdresser had long advised darsonval to strengthen hair, but I did not listen. I remembered this when the hair began to fall out. I bought the Iskra-3 device in a medical equipment store and started using it according to the instructions. A month later, the problem receded. Now I use cosmetics less. Hair is in excellent condition without it.


Darsonval helped me a lot. I dyed my hair unsuccessfully (abruptly changed black to light color). After that, whole strands began to fall out, and the ends became very split. On the advice of a doctor, she purchased a darsonval device and immediately began to use it. After the first course in 15 days, the hair began to fall out less, and after the second course the loss completely stopped. After 4 months, my industry locks to the waist. I believe that the negative reviews about the device that can be found on the Internet are written mainly by those who have not figured out its action and use it incorrectly.


A year ago, the trichologist diagnosed me: diffuse alopecia. Of course, I was upset, but on the recommendation of the same doctor I bought darsonval. I spend the procedure for 10 minutes every day for 6 months. In the first week, hair loss only intensified, but the doctor reassured, saying that it was a natural exacerbation. After 1.5 months, I found a lot of tiny hair on my head, which means that the device is working. I hope in a few months I will be able to take beautiful photos of my luxurious hair.


I have been using the device for almost a year now, it helps a lot !!! I bought for my daughter - they treated acne. I myself use darsonval for skin and hair care. Works great, very satisfied. The hair became noticeably stronger, the manifestations of seborrhea decreased, and the skin looks fresher. "


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