If you need a short status about love, choose it here. All these quotes about love make sense for the social network. Choose the most original inscriptions and make them florid type. Visitors to your page will like these statuses in VK about love. They are suitable for both girls and boys, because they describe the relationship between opposite sexes. It can be either a love drama or a sad plot. It is recommended to arrange them in pictures.
- The extinguished bonfire of love, you need to light from the coal ...
- It’s a strange feeling - you don’t seem to like it yet, but thoughts are only about one person ...
- My heart is locked, and the key lies only in one place - in your soul.
- Appreciate not the one who gave you 101 roses as a “symbol of the feelings of the 21st century”. And the one who gave you 1 heart, but as a symbol of true love.
- The man who gave the woman wings will never wear horns!
- People say when you are in love, everything seems beautiful, but I say when you truly love, you cannot find anything more beautiful than your love.
- Love is not when a person makes this world for you, but when you create it together.
- Cherish the love. Take care with all your heart. And do not waste a second on a trifle of insults. Call now, just call to say about your endless love.
- Sometimes one second is enough for a loved one to become nothing.
- Seek love while you have time. Look for a time when you have already found your love.
- Why is it so scary to just go up and ask? Make this damn first step ?! But no, we spin around, think, think and lose our love, what if it is real? Mutual? But we are afraid, afraid to be rejected, afraid to fail. And all these imaginary fucking damn spoil our lives.
- Those who are most bored or afflicted usually do this silently.
- In the relationship between a man and a woman there should not be someone else's opinion and advice from others. From the side it is not more visible, from the side it is more caustic and envious.
- He loves not the man who swears love, but the one who silently makes you happy.
- I wish everyone to meet such eyes, looking in which you will see happiness ...
- I missed. Highly. But honestly, I don’t even know - for you or for myself next to you ...
- It happens that you look at a person, and in your head a running line the thought: “how I love you” ...
- It can be easier to write than to call - the heart goes into heels while listening to the beeps.
- Everyone is looking for someone with whom he is comfortable and comfortable ... And then it doesn’t matter: what kind of person’s hair color, height ... It’s important - what place do you occupy in this person’s life.
- LOVE cannot be bought, sold, or exchanged for anything else. One hundred parts cannot be multiplied, cannot be killed and destroyed. You cannot be deceived, you cannot forget, you cannot ask. LOVE - a gift, God's light! Someone is given, someone is not!
- Everyone has a man who will never know how much he wants to bury his shoulder right now ...
- I am constantly afraid of losing the people I love. And only sometimes I ask myself: “is there at least someone who is also afraid to lose me?”
- A man leaves quickly, but often returns. A woman thinks for a long time before leaving, but leaves forever ...
- Sooner or later, everyone in life has such a person, after which you change.And it doesn’t matter at all whether it was unlimited happiness or crazy pain. You just understand that you will never be the same again.
- There is no sweeter music in the world than the sound of your favorite voice.
- To give oneself does not mean to sell. And to sleep close by does not mean to sleep. Not to take revenge does not mean to forget everything. Not to be near does not mean not to love ...
- Where can I get such a song about love and fate, so that no one would guess that this song is about you ...
- True love is when he is angry with you, but he says: “I love you and will not give it to anyone!”
- I told her that we were breaking up. She sat quietly and cried. Together with tears, tons of powder and foundation were washed away. Only then did I realize how beautiful she was ...
- How many people you can go to bed with ... How few people you want to wake up with ...
- Anyone will make you suffer. Just find someone who will be worth your suffering.
- Girls! Be so beautiful that YOUR - proud, ALIEN - wanted, and the former - bite your elbows!
- Inexperienced love says: "I love you because I need you," experienced: "I need you because I love you."
- Love is a disease in which new symptoms each time.
- Life is like a piano. White keys are love and happiness, black keys are sorrow and sadness. To hear the real music of life, we must touch both those and those.
- Love is the only thing you can give, and yet you will have it.
- One-sided love is suffering treated by another love.
- Love is both a shield and a sword. She can both protect and deeply injure.
- True love alone can stand the test of reality.
- We say I DO NOT love, and in our hearts tears flow.
- Statuses about love with meaning - To love means to see a miracle invisible to others.
- Parting for love is the same as a wind for a bonfire: it extinguishes a small love, and ignites a large one even more.
- We love those who do not love us, and destroy those who love us.
- To love is to live the life of the one you love.
- Love is a mirror of the soul. When you love and are loved, then your souls are mutually reflected in each other.
- When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to apologize to all those who were unrequitedly in love with you.
- Love is like a fire - it warms, but if you handle it carelessly, you can get very burned.
- True love is like a masterpiece: it is one, but there are a lot of fakes.
- Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to step up and pluck it on the edge of the abyss.
- We always believe that our first love is the last, and our last love is the first.
- The love of even a strong person kneels ...
- Only a person with a pure heart can love sincerely.
- In a love triangle, one corner is always dull.
- The world can be changed with love. If you do something that you love, then you will certainly succeed.
- He loves not the man who constantly repeats his love ... And the one who silently makes you happy !!!
- Love is like everything in the world and is like nothing.
- A woman deceived in love does not know mercy for the offender.
- Love is the wisdom of fools and the madness of the wise.
- Love is the only game that does not stop due to darkness.
- Better to love and lose love than never to love at all.
- The longest, purest and most devoted love is love for one's reflection.
- In love, there are three punctuation marks: exclamation point, ellipsis, and period.
- It is not difficult to kill love in yourself; it is difficult to kill memories.
- Love, as you know, deprives the ability to be objective not only of people, but also of angels.
- Love is like a cat. She scratches us to the point of blood, even if we just wanted to play with her.
- A man who cleverly speaks of love is not very in love.
- I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.
- If love does not make you cry, love.
- Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love.
- Quotes about love - Love - fire: does not shine - everything is dark, but shines - so it’s not surprising to burn.
- Women love only those they do not know.
- There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman whom you do not love.
- Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.
- If we judged love by its consequences, then we would have hated it more than hatred.
- Love is a game. The first to say “love”, he lost ...
- You always need to know what pain you inflict on the one you love. To think a hundred times before doing this.
- Self-love is a romance that lasts a lifetime.
- No man can become stranger than the one you loved in the past.
- Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit!
- Love, like the red color of a traffic light, does not know either mercy or pity.
These were quotes about love, short beautiful tears to a guy and a girl. Do sochra and posts of this record. Each status about love with the meaning of beloved people can be perceived in their own way.