Beautiful quotes 80 relevant ideas with meaning

Here you will find quotes from great people with meaning. All of them are wise aphorisms and beautiful sayings. Choose a few of them to memorize. It is also recommended that smart quotes be issued by adding photos to them. Such a favor will be appreciated by all guests present. All short sayings were written by famous people, therefore it is said beautifully from their lips.
Below you will find quotes from great people with meaning. All of them are wise aphorisms and beautiful sayings. Choose a few of them to memorize. It is also recommended that smart quotes be issued by adding photos to them. Such a favor will be appreciated by all guests present. All short sayings were written by famous people, therefore it is said beautifully from their lips.
  1. There is no activity without purpose, without interest there is no purpose, and without activity there is no life. The source of interests, goals and activities is the substance of public life. (V. G. Belinsky).
  2. Evangelism and everywhere depends on the observance of two: conditions: 1) the correct establishment of the ultimate goal of any kind of activity and 2) the search for appropriate means leading to the ultimate goal. (Aristotle).
  3. Fighting is the joy of life. (L.N. Andreev).
  4. To be below oneself is ignorance, and to be above oneself is nothing but wisdom. (Socrates).
  5. In life, one must strive to overtake not others, but oneself. (M. Babcock).
  6. At the beginning of all philosophy lies surprise, its development is research, its end is ignorance. (Michel Montaigne).
  7. The basis of philosophy is the assumption that the world is part of man, and not man part of the world. (Nikolai Berdyaev).
  8. It is important to believe that talent is given to us for a reason - and that at any cost it needs to be used for something. (Marie Curie).
  9. Perhaps in this world you are only a man, but for someone you are the whole world. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez).
  10. All children are artists. The problem is to remain an artist when you grow up. (Pablo Picasso).
  11. A fuller and more interesting life is when a person struggles with what is stopping him from living. (M. Gorky).
  12. You will never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. (Christopher Columbus).
  13. Chasing the unattainable, we accomplish the impossible. (Robert Ardry).
  14. For two years, a person learns to speak, and then for the rest of his life - to remain silent. (Aristotle).
  15. The two most important days in your life: the day you were born, and the day you realized why. (Mark Twain).
  16. To achieve this goal, efficiency is necessary no less than knowledge. (P. Beaumarchais).
  17. For me, to live is to work. (I.K. Aivazovsky).
  18. In order to do great things, you need to live as if you don’t have to die. (L. Wovenarg).
  19. Roads that lead nowhere lead farthest. (J. Wolfrom).
  20. The only way to do something very well is to love what you do. (Steve Jobs).
  21. If the inner voice tells you that you cannot draw - draw as much as possible, then this voice will subside. (Vincent Van Gogh).
  22. If you think you are capable of something, you are right; if you think that you will not succeed, you are right too. (Henry Ford).
  23. If there is no wind, grab the oars. (Latin saying).
  24. Living means burning yourself with the fire of struggle, quest, and anxiety. (E. Verharn).
  25. They often say that motivation is not enough for a short time. But the same thing happens with a refreshing shower, which is why it is recommended to take it daily. (Zig Ziglar).
  26. Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change themselves. (Lev Tolstoy).
  27. Tumbling along a straight road ahead of a runner who has gone astray. (F. Bacon).
  28. When the listener does not understand the speaker, and the speaker does not know what he means, this is philosophy. (Voltaire).
  29. He who fears others is a slave, although he does not notice it. (Antisthene).
  30. Ktone goes forward; he goes back: there is no standing position. (V. G. Belinsky).
  31. Either you control your day, or the day rules you. (Jim Rohn).
  32. Either write something worthwhile or do something worth writing about. (Benjamin Franklin).
  33. The best revenge is a huge success. (Frank Sinatra).
  34. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next opportune moment is today. (Chinese proverb).
  35. Better enjoyment, the highest joy in life - to feel needed and loved ones! (M. Gorky).
  36. The best years of your life are when you decide that your problems belong to you. You do not blame them mother, ecology or president. You realize that you are in control of your own destiny. ”(Albert Ellis).
  37. A wise person requires everything only from himself, but an insignificant person requires everything from others. (Lev Tolstoy).
  38. We become what we think. (Earl Nightingale).
  39. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore, the main business of cultivation is to work on thoughts. ”(L. N. Tolstoy).
  40. Eternal questions are usually answered temporarily. (Leszek Kumor).
  41. Find your way, find out your place - this is all for a person, it means for him to become himself. (V. G. Belinsky).
  42. The beginning of all philosophy is surprise. (Rephrased Plato).
  43. Start doing everything you can do - and even what you can even dream of. In courage, genius, strength and magic. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe).
  44. Do not cry, do not laugh, but understand. (Benedict Spinoza).
  45. It is impossible to multiply calmly and be happy, while at least one unfortunate person still lives on earth. The purpose of life is the prosperity and happiness of all mankind. (I. Bolyay).
  46. Some words, the origin of which had been forgotten, had turned from servants into masters, and now concepts were being selected for them, a suitable content was being sought - in order to add these impoverished but proud aristocrats to somewhere. (Karol Izhikovsky).
  47. Never point out errors if you don’t know how to fix them. ”(Bernard Shaw).
  48. Always multiply in love with something inaccessible to you. A person grows taller from what stretches up. (M. Gorky).
  49. Explaining the world, we change it. (Arkady Davidovich).
  50. One completed productive task is worth fifty half-completed tasks. (Malcolm Forbes).
  51. Definiteness of the goal is the starting point of all achievements. (William Clement Stone).
  52. It takes very little to destroy a person: one only has to convince him that the business he is engaged in is not necessary for anyone. ”(F.M.Dostoevsky).
  53. The right to stupidity is one of the guarantees of the free development of an individual. ”(Mark Twain).
  54. Benefiting the world is the only way to become happy. (Hans Christian Andersen).
  55. The very name of philosophy causes enough hatred. (Seneca).
  56. Freedom is worthless if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. (Mahatma Gandhi).
  57. Weak people all their life try to be no worse than others. Strong by all means you need to become better than anyone. (Boris Akunin).
  58. The owl of Minerva flies out only at dusk. (Hegel).
  59. Means of action merge with its results. (O. Balzac).
  60. That which does not kill me makes me stronger. ”(Friedrich Nietzsche).
  61. Only when we reach the goal, we decide that the path was right. (P. Valerie).
  62. One who flaunts erudition or scholarship has neither one nor the other. ”(Ernest Hemingway).
  63. Anyone who understands that the meaning of human life is restlessness and anxiety will no longer be a layman. (A. Block).
  64. Each person individually and all together have, one might say, a well-known goal, striving for which they choose one and avoid the other. (Aristotle).
  65. I have six faithful servants. I owe them everything. Their names: Who? Why? When? What? Where? and How? ”(Rudyard Kipling).
  66. Philosophy deals with two types of problems: solvable, which are all trivial, and nontrivial, which are all unsolvable. (Stefan Kanfer).
  67. Philosophy does not produce invaluable results, but the study of philosophy gives invaluable results. (Tadeusz Kotarbinsky).
  68. The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. (Henry Ward Beecher).
  69. Philosophy: inaudible answers to insoluble questions. (Henry Brooks Adams).
  70. Philosophers are like stars that give little light because they are too high. (Francis Bacon).
  71. To seize through the edge does not mean to achieve the goal. (O. Balzac).
  72. The value of a grain is determined by its productivity, the value of a person by the benefit that it can bring to its neighbor. (Garibaldi).
  73. Man is born not to eke out a sad existence in inaction, but to work on a great and grandiose cause. (L. Alberti).
  74. Through the realization of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character, making him a beacon for others. (G. Hegel).
  75. What is money? A person is successful if he wakes up in the morning, returns to bed in the evening, and during the break does what he likes. (Bob Dylan).
  76. To reach the goal, you must first go. (O. Balzac).
  77. I was amazed at the importance of taking action. It is not enough just to know, you need to use knowledge. Not enough to want something to do. (Leonardo da Vinci).
  78. I am not a victim of circumstances, I am the result of my decisions. (Stephen Covey).
  79. I did not fail the test. I just found a hundred ways to spell it incorrectly. (Benjamin Franklin).
  80. Clarity is the politeness of philosophy. (Luc de Wovenarg).
These were beautiful quotes. Pick photos to them, signing info about them. All suggested beautiful phrases are suitable for this.
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