Quotes about death 80 interesting aphorisms with meaning

Jokes about death are very bad, someone who is really afraid of an early death should stop using jokes about death, phrases, aphorisms and sayings. Scary quotes work well for people who lead a rampant lifestyle. Rumor has it that if you often use quotes about death, you can turn gray.
Jokes about death are very bad, someone who is really afraid of an early death should stop using jokes about death, phrases, aphorisms and sayings. Scary quotes work well for people who lead a rampant lifestyle. Rumor has it that if you often use quotes about death, you can turn gray.
  1. But everything - fatigue, old age, and death - does not come by itself, but through concrete, special people. (Valery Popov).
  2. And if you imagine that there is another life behind this, and ours is still quiet and soothing. A place of rest for aliens from there? (Elias Canetti).
  3. And the stone is immortal in vain
    even though he’s not sad about anything. (Alexey Tsvetkov).
  4. And these old people are strange, not natural people: they will not be born, they will only die and, however, all will not be translated. (Vasily Klyuchevsky).
  5. And you live as if inside
    not this death swelling lump,
    not bone marrow and not subcutaneous fat,
    as if there
    some heat of the flower,
    flower heat, melted ice cream. (Dmitry Vodennikov).
  6. Absolute freedom can only be in death, when you are completely deprived of the bonds of the world. (Jean-Marc Barr).
  7. An actor is a cemetery of unplayed roles. (Georgy Millar).
  8. Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages ​​die, but not mathematical ideas. Immortality may be a silly word, but it seems that the mathematician has the best chance of immortality, whatever that means. (Godfrey Harold Hardy).
  9. As Christ did not rise from the dead, I will drink, eat and have fun. (Apostle Paul).
  10. Without a sinful beginning, man could not have lived, and without a saint he would have lived happily ever after. Immortality is an unpromising idea. (Albert Camus).
  11. Without science, life is like death. (Jean Baptiste Moliere).
  12. - No panic. The dead do not sit at the monitors.
    - This, by the way, is not a fact. Maybe this is the only thing they can do. (Victor Pelevin "Helmet of Terror").
  13. Without death, life is not life: and what is it? vessel,
    Where is a drop of honey in the midst of wormwood ... (Konstantin Batyushkov).
  14. Without the shadow of mortal - there is no passion. (Polyksen Soloviev).
  15. Inaction is premature death. (Pierre Bouast).
  16. White honey gives you dreams
    Black is a mortal wound.
    Without it, they are fresh to me
    Paradise and Nirvana. (Elena Schwartz).
  17. Immortality does not sleep at the runway
    the universe is protected from us, mortals ... (Alexander Kabanov).
  18. Immortality is the state of a dead man who does not believe that he is dead. (Henry Lewis Mencken).
  19. God protects us all - until the expiration date. (Maxim Sabaitis).
  20. The rich do not want to die either.
    (Russian proverb).
  21. Wealth, power, wife and children
    Need you in this world.
    On that - both poor and rich
    Leave alone, without the escort. (Nizami).
  22. The gods made it so that anyone can take our lives from us, but no one can save us from death. (Seneca).
  23. Sickness is the natural state of a Christian, for he must always live as a patient: without wealth, without sensual pleasures, without passions, without ambition, without self-interest, in constant expectation of death. (Blaise Pascal).
  24. Most people are not God knows what a treasure. Death, all of a sudden. Immortality is too ambitious a concept to associate with it the fate of mere mortals. (Sommerset Maugham).
  25. Most people have nothing to fill even a fast-flowing human life, and they would have nothing to do with eternity. (Anatole France).
  26. I'm not afraid of death. Oh no!
    I'm afraid to disappear completely. (Mikhail Lermontov).
  27. Fear of death as an inevitable tribute to nature is weakness.To die is as natural as to be born. (Francis Bacon).
  28. One should not be afraid of death, but an empty life. (Bertold BRECHT)
  29. It happens that you do not want to live, but this does not mean that you want not to live. (Stanislav Jerzy Lets).
  30. To be something one inevitably means not to be everything else, and a vague sense of this truth led people to the idea that not to be is more than to be something that in a certain sense means to be everything. (Jorge Luis Borges).
  31. In the twentieth century, we realized that we are actors in bad comedy and that this comedy has neither the author, mortal things, nor the audience, and in the city there is only one other theater - the cemetery. (John Fowles "Daniel Martin").
  32. The soul is so empty that it's almost light
    and death is near, like a profile on a medal. (Valery Nugatov).
  33. In the cradle is a baby
    the dead man in the grave
    that's all that is known
    about our fate. (Omar Khayyam).
  34. Ultimately, does it matter what my friends die from? From an overdose, cirrhosis, car accident or a fight in a restaurant? There are worse things than death. That's why they are friends, so as not to think anything bad about them. (Sergey Minaev).
  35. After all, what is life? Journey. What is death? Purpose. What is a man? Passenger. What is a woman? Luggage. (David FRIDMAN Mendel Maranz).
  36. After all, what is death? Death, dear comrades, this is the most interesting adventure that we will experience in life, this is status. (Arkady Strugatsky).
  37. In a world full of uncertainties, we find solace in that eternal truth that, in the end, death will come to each of us. (Tom Sharp).
  38. Please blame my life for my death. (Gennady Malkin).
  39. I ask you not to blame anyone for my death
    Do not judge anyone, do not punish
    And I especially ask you to excuse me
    Those who will clean my corpse. (Nonna Slepakova).
  40. In some heads the thought comes to die. ("Russian radio").
  41. In nature, estimated
    Missing point
    We are immortal
    And that's for sure. (Andrey Voznesensky).
  42. At fifty, you must have a hat and two ties, white and black: you often have to get married and bury. (Vasily Klyuchevsky).
  43. There are good sides to death ... It's just that they are hard to notice. (From the movie Van Helsing).
  44. In the mind of minute power
    In oblivion of sad death. (Osip Mandeltam).
  45. Do not write me in the lists of the risen, -
    I am not an expert on these utopias.
    Do not write me in the lists of the risen -
    legs driven by the winds
    get wet like leaves. (Victor Sosnora).
  46. In fact, there is no death, but there are only labor pains accompanying the birth of a renewed and more perfect world. (Victor Pelevin "The Origin of Species").
  47. The burden of luxury is yours to me
    Oh pointless eternity! (Eugene Baratynsky).
  48. During the hours of a hangover, the body is close to death and therefore is in a hurry to realize the instinct of procreation. (From the television series "Gangster Petersburg").
  49. In this life, it is not difficult to die.
    Making life is much more difficult. (Vladimir Mayakovsky).
  50. It's not new to die in this life
    But living, of course, is not newer. (Sergey Yesenin).
  51. Your time is limited, do not waste it, living a different life. Do not fall for the creed that exists in the thinking of other people, jokes. Do not let the eyes of others drown out your own inner voice, film. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Jokes about death with meaning. One way or another they already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary. (Stephen Jobs).
  52. After all, life is an ordinary orgy. The length of time that the soul connects to the body. We rejoice, we are ugly from the fullness of sensations, and then - important, in white slippers - we part with touch, smell, vision, hearing, taste and gravity. (Jiri Grošek).
  53. The great Ibn-Ezra said: "If the grease wants to become an undertaker, people will stop dying, and if the grease will sell lamps, then the sun will stop setting." (Boris Akunin “Pelagia and the Red Rooster”).
  54. The greatest essence of death is that you are able to let go of your past. (From the movie "Southern Cross").
  55. Greatness is delicate in death.(Bella Akhmadulina, Bulgakov).
  56. The crown of the dead is to see the sun at the time of its burial. (Nifont, Bishop of Novgorod).
  57. Belief in immortality was born out of the thirst for insatiable people, recklessly taking advantage of the time that nature had given them. The wise will find this time sufficient to go around the whole range of attainable pleasures, and when the time comes for death - the busy to leave the table, making room for other guests. For a wise man, one human life is enough, and a fool will not know what to do with eternity. (Epicurus).
  58. Belief in posthumous life is a heavy tax on people who do not know how to survive and die, cease to live before they have time to die. (Vasily Klyuchevsky).
  59. Eternally, the end of which is my own end. (Ludwig Feuerbach).
  60. Eternity is tiring. Especially in the end. (Woody Allen).
  61. Perhaps the fear of death is nothing more than a memory of the fear of birth. (Yuri Olesha).
  62. Indeed, a person’s life lasts one instant, so live and do what you want. It is foolish to live in this dream-like world, face troubles every day and do only what you don't like. (Yukio Mishima)
  63. Imagine that before you are many people in fetters, and they are all condemned to death, and every day they kill someone in front of the others, and they understand that they are destined to do the same, and look at each other, full of sorrow and hopelessness , and are waiting in line. Here is a picture of human existence. (Blaise Pascal).
  64. Resurrection is possible only after complete self-destruction. (Chuck Palahniuk "Fight Club").
  65. Indeed, we live, postponing for later everything that can be postponed; perhaps, deep down, we are sure that they are immortal and, sooner or later, have time to do everything and learn everything. (Jorge Luis Borges).
  66. The doctor did not become a doctor until he filled the cemetery with his patients. (Mikhail Weller "The Adventures of Major Zvyagin").
  67. Times don't choose
    They live and die. (Alexander Kushner).
  68. Time is the best pathologist. (Gennady Malkin).
  69. Everything in the world ends in a nightmare, salvation is one thing - to know, but not to believe! (Alexander Melikhov “An affair with prostatitis”).
  70. Everything should be sudden as death. This is the beauty of life. (Victor Pelevin "Batman Apollo").
  71. Everything goes to one place: everything came from dust and everything will return to dust. (Ecclesiastes, 3.20).
  72. Everything has an end - and motion, and stillness. The last of all stills is death, but who knows if it has its end? (Yukio Mishima).
  73. Without exception, all people strive for happiness ... This is the motive of all the actions of all people, even those who intend to hang themselves. (Blaise Pascal).
  74. All people want to live long, but no one wants to be old. (Jonathan Swift).
  75. You can survive everything except your own death. (Emil Krotkiy).
  76. We will all die, and some will die. (Mechislav Shargan).
  77. All our pleasant experiences include a faint but creepy aftertaste of the last breakfast of a death sentence ... (John Fowles "Aristos").
  78. Everything is beautiful compared to nothingness. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton).
  79. All that is born is doomed to destruction. (Sallust).
  80. Everything that has no end has no meaning. (Yuri Lotman).
The quotes about death are listed above. Be careful with your life, appreciate it. Read quotes about death with meaning and change your worldview.
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