Quotes about betrayal 80 interesting aphorisms with meaning

Quite hard to survive the betrayal, quotes show that it is especially bad if it is the betrayal of a loved one, girlfriend, friend. Indeed, in fact, the betrayal of loved ones is worse than a shot in the back. A statement, a quote about betrayal is a description of what people have experienced before. Aphorisms, phrases, words, proverbs and quotes about the betrayal of friends and relatives from famous people will help you choose the status in which your pain from such an act will be visible. And the statuses about the betrayal of a loved one, with meaning, are especially clinging to the soul.
  1. Nothing is more mature than betrayal.
    Boris Natanovich Strugatsky
  2. I happened to see many different betrayals. And I admit, it always surprised me how low a man could fall.
    Joe black
  3. Sometimes you think that everything is fine, and someone already digs your grave.
    Hannibal Lecter
  4. Mental burns do not quickly heal.
    Elchin Safarli
  5. Betrayal knows my name.
    Luca Crosszeria
  6. There is nothing to be done - then we surrender to love, then love betrays us.
    Frederick Begbeder
  7. If you are flattered, then get ready to strike.
    Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko
  8. Compare the traitor with no one and nothing. I think that even a typhoid louse would be offended by a comparison with a traitor.
    Maksim Gorky
  9. Yes, in the shinobi world, those who do not follow orders are considered garbage. But those who betray friends are worse than garbage ...
  10. When you do things that betray someone who you were, then it’s very difficult to see yourself in yourself.
    Ben Donnavan
  11. Do not look for people who do not lie - they do not exist. Look for those who are deceiving, but not betraying - you can deal with such.
    Terry Alexander Gibson
  12. The only thing women do not forgive is treason. If you immediately establish the rules of the game, whatever they are, women usually accept them. But they do not tolerate when the rules change during the game. In such cases, they become ruthless.
    Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  13. Betrayals are most often committed not by deliberate intention, but by weakness of character.
    Francois Larochefoucauld
  14. Betrayal, maybe someone likes, and traitors are hated by everyone.
    Miguel Saavedra
  15. Betrayal is a blow you cannot expect.
    Paulo Coelho
  16. There are no minor betrayals.
    Andre Morois
  17. No intelligent person has ever considered it possible to believe a traitor.
  18. Many benefits today betrayal promises, A feat has become devotion to man.
  19. You betrayed me. But I will continue to live, knowing that I am alive. But can you live on knowing that you are alive?
    Ron Lee
  20. We reap in life what we sow: whoever sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will betray him.
    Luigi Settembrini
  21. To send people to the war untrained is to betray them.
  22. Traitors are despised even by those to whom they have served.
  23. Traitors betray themselves first of all.
  24. Men betray out of hatred, women out of love.
    Moritz – Gottlieb Safir
  25. Cunning and betrayal show only a lack of dexterity.
    Francois Larochefoucauld
  26. Betrayal, albeit at first very cautious, in the end gives itself away.
    Titus Livy
  27. In love, the biggest crime, the biggest betrayal is to represent yourself with another, dream of something else.
    Francoise Sagan
  28. A change of belief is when a Republican becomes a Democrat, betrayal is when a Democrat becomes a Republican.
    Adlai stevenson
  29. The traitor will tell you everything you want to hear, and then betray.
    George Martin
  30. It must be remembered that those things that bring you a lot of money will sooner or later betray you.
    Gwyneth Paltrow
  31. To give out someone else's secret is betrayal, to give out your own is stupidity.
  32. What can be more humiliating for a betrayer than the realization that they have not been able to take advantage of his betrayal.
    Iskander Fazil
  33. Believing the oaths of a traitor is like believing the devil's piety.
    Elizabeth I
  34. Whoever knows how to deceive, He will deceive many times.
    Lope de Vega
  35. He who does not betray how much it hurts.
    Michael Jackson
  36. The more you trust a person, the greater the temptation to betray you.
    Olga Gromyko
  37. Do not be afraid of enemies, be afraid of friends. Betrayed by friends, not enemies!
    Johnny Depp
  38. There is nothing wrong with waiting for you to be betrayed. The whole horror is when you do not expect betrayal.
    Aizen Souusk
  39. Blows to the back are most often inflicted by those whom you protect with your chest.
    Elchin Safarli
  40. No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, fingertips speak; betrayal oozes from it through every season.
    Sigmund Freud
  41. You will be sold anyway, you just get your price.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lets
  42. Erase everything from memory, forget promises, spit out poison with a taste of betrayal. How many days and nights will it take this time for the wound to heal?
    Mark Levy
  43. I don’t like being shot in the back,
    I am also against point blank shots.
    Vladimir Vysotsky
  44. Whoever betrays his comrades is paid contempt!
    Otfried Preusler
  45. There are no minor betrayals.
    Andre Morois
  46. If a friend sold you, then you're worth something.
    Vladimir Havel
  47. No matter how fast you turn around, a stab in the back cannot be met face to face.
    Ken Kesey
  48. We cannot betray what we were not.
    Ethel Lilia Voynich
  49. A friend is one whose betrayal becomes the biggest surprise.
    Bernard Werber
  50. Man will always betray - a dog never!
    Peter Kvyatkovsky
  51. The one who is afraid will always betray, sooner or later.
    Andrey Vasiliev
  52. Remember: betrayal never goes unpunished.
    John Boyne
  53. Compromise and betrayal are two different things.
    Sergey Kurginyan
  54. If a person has betrayed someone because of you, you should not associate life with him, sooner or later he will betray you because of someone.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  55. A true friend will stab you in front.
    Oscar Wilde
  56. If you betrayed some for the sake of others, then others will not believe you already. And this person will not believe in himself.
    Evgeny Antonyuk
  57. You can forget the betrayal, but never a grudge.
    Anna Akhmatova
  58. He who does not betray how much it hurts.
    Michael Jackson
  59. Someone else's betrayal is not an excuse for their own.
    Sergey Lukyanenko
  60. Traitors are born, but become betrayers.
    Roxana Sargsyan
  61. To pity the guilty means to betray the innocent.
    Ayn Rand
  62. A person with such consistency and constancy as himself does not betray anyone.
    Igor Huberman
  63. A friend is one whose betrayal is most astonishing.
    Bernard Werber
  64. Indulging in memories, do not betray them.
    Vladimir Kolechitsky
  65. When betraying, remember: the time will come when no one will intercede for you.
    George Alexandrov
  66. I composed poems for a girl, she signed and gave them to another ...
    Harry mitchell
  67. An act is always more important than words. A person is able to scream for two hours - and help. Or two years to lick - and betray.
    Dmitry Emets
  68. There is nothing worse than a betrayal of a loved one. I know for myself. You instantly lose faith in everything. In love, trust, hope and the fact that someday you can still be happy.
    Stace Kramer
  69. Recognition is not a betrayal. What you said or did not say is not important, only feeling is important. If they make me stop loving you, there will be real betrayal.
    George Orwell
  70. 1984
  71. Nothing to chop broccoli? You can pull the knife from my back.
    Sean Spencer
  72. Anyone who thinks that betrayal is paid lives in a world of illusions.
    Dmitry Emets
  73. The biggest competition is in the market of corrupt skins.
    Valentin Domil
  74. You can not return to the traitors. It is impossible. Bite your elbows, chew the earth, but do not return to where you were once betrayed.
    Jean Renault
  75. The best revenge for traitors is to throw them out of your head like garbage, and live happily because there is nothing else left.
    Maria Nogaeva
  76. Friendship has changed so much that it allows betrayal, does not need meetings, correspondence, heated conversations, and even allows the presence of one friend.
    Mikhail Zhvanetsky
  77. The betrayal of the people closest to us kills us slowly, very slowly .. It seems to strip the skin of your whole being ... you can live without a soul, you can live without a hand ... but without skin? When is your body one solid wound?
    Lapis Lazuli Maria
  78. An act is always more important than words. A person is able to scream for two hours - and help ... or two years to lick - and betray.
    Al Pacino
  79. It is impossible to justify a betrayal that violates fidelity to friendship.
    Tatyana Egorovna Solovova
  80. If your friends convince you of the need to negotiate with your enemies, then the traitors have already agreed on everything ...
    Al capone
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