We have collected the best in literature statements, quotes and aphorisms of the great Russian and foreign writers who talk about the benefits of books, encouraging you to immediately go to the library. Such quotes about reading and phrases of famous personalities can positively affect children's development, as well as expand their horizons in adults. Quotes about books can be told to your daughter or son, instilling a love of literature. Quotes about books and reading can also be used as educational material in the classroom or just in meetings with friends.
- Sleep is good, and books are even better. (George Martin).
- We read fantasy to bring back lost colors, to taste the spices and hear the song of sirens. There is something ancient and true in fantasy, touching the deep strings in our souls. Fantasy refers to a child hidden deep in us who dreams that he will hunt in the forests of night, feast at the foot of the mountains, and find love that will last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La. (George Martin).
- I'd rather read some kind of schedule or directory than not read anything at all. (Somerset Maugham).
- The book has always been for me an adviser, a comforter, eloquent and calm, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits, storing them for the most important cases. (Georges Sand).
- A paper second-hand book dealer, a relic of dusty attics, a brave toxicomaniac, hooked on the most dangerous drug in the world! O valorous guardian of moldy folios, divine literary autistic, savior of the mind from oblivion, I pray you, do not be healed! (Frederick Begbeder).
- To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure. (Charles Louis de Montesquieu).
- Without reading, there is no real education, there can be no taste, no word, no many-sided breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to the whole university. By reading, a person is going through centuries. (Alexander Herzen).
- Love the book, it makes your life easier, it will help you to understand the motley and violent confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect a person and yourself, it inspires the mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity. (Maksim Gorky).
- It is not so important to teach children to read, it is much more important to teach children to think about what they read! (George Carlin).
- “Say what you read, and I will say who you are” is true. But I know you better if you say that you are re-reading. (Francois Moriac).
- The book is like a refrigerator - you open it and rejoice that it is full. And you need to consume the contents of the book accordingly - at night, in your pajamas, all alone! (Alessandro Baricco).
- How nice to spend the evening! Frankly, I don’t know the pleasures of reading. How much faster get tired of any other activity! When I get my own home, I will feel miserable if I do not have a good library. (Jane Austen ).
- A book that is well written always seems too short to me. (Jane Austen).
- If you love a writer, do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with his letters and diaries, with every line that came out from under his pen, this will allow you to better, more deeply understand him, the person and friend whom you already recognized and loved from his books. (Hermann Hess).
- The moments of reading are the longest moments in the world. Each of them can be compared with a short eternity ... (Goran Petrovich).
- Although everyone is given the opportunity to learn to read, only a few notice how powerful the talisman they received. (Hermann Hesse).
- Did you happen to find in your book your own thought, but not previously thought out by you, some vague image, now as if speaking to you from afar and surprisingly fully expressing your subtlest sensations? (Gustave Flaubert).
- Books are like mirrors: they only reflect what is in your soul. (Carlos Ruiz Safon.)
- If someone near you is immersed in reading a book, then consider that he is not near you - he is somewhere else; he has nothing to do with you - he communicates with other people. (Karel Capek).
- True, it is strange that if you read the book several times, it becomes much thicker? As if with each reading, something remains between the pages. Feelings, thoughts, sounds, smells ... And when you flip through the book again many years later, you find yourself there - a little younger, a little different than now, as if the book had kept you between the pages, like a dried flower - both familiar and foreign ... (Cornelia Funke).
- Everything that I know about my life, it seems to me, I read from books.
- (Jean-Paul Sartre).
- Buying books would be a good idea if you could also buy time to read them. (Arthur Schopenhauer).
- To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure. (Charles Louis Montesquieu).
- Books are a good way to talk to someone with whom conversation is impossible. (Frederick Begbeder).
- He who reads a lot and walks a lot, he sees a lot and knows a lot. (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra).
- Books are only one of the containers where we store what we are afraid to forget. There is no secret in them, no magic. The magic is only in what they say, in how they sew the scraps of the universe into a single whole. (Ray Bradbury).
- A gold shelf is one that is set up exclusively for your favorite books. I have long dreamed about this - to have a gold shelf. This is the shelf on which only your favorite books are placed. In dreams, I draw exactly a shelf - not a cabinet, but just one shelf, one, so to speak, floor of a cabinet. (Yuri Olesha).
- The school should teach not what to read, but how. Especially today, when the 21st century offered the book such a seductive set of alternatives that reading can degenerate into an aristocratic hobby such as horseback riding or ballroom dancing (Alexander Genis).
- By reading, a person is going through centuries. (A. Herzen).
- Unfortunately, we have one life. And for all life, the average developed person uses 5 percent of the resources and capabilities of his brain. Genius - 10 percent. Using one hundred percent is the task! Getting new knowledge, skills, information until the brain is filled to the last cell, to the last atom! When I lived most of my life working, taking care of my family, doing social activities, I suddenly realized that I had missed a huge number of opportunities! He loved to read from childhood, but he read only a hundred and two hundred books. How I dreamed of catching up! And then luck suddenly smiled at me. I found this Mobius strip and a way to benefit from it. I board the train - and I read, I read, I read ... (Oleg Sinitsyn)
- The main thing is that real literature can only be where it is not made by executive and trustworthy officials, but by madmen, hermits, heretics, dreamers, rebels, skeptics. (Evgeny Zamyatin).
- Paradise is the place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No ... eight days a week. (Alan Bradley).
- If there were no books in the world, I would have long been in despair. (Arthur Schopenhauer).
- Most of us cannot go everywhere, speak with everyone, visit all the cities of the world. We have neither time, nor money, nor so many friends. Everything that you are looking for exists in the world, but a simple man can only see one hundredth with his own eyes, and he learns the remaining ninety-nine percent through a book (Ray Bradbury).
- Of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and noteworthy are books. Thoughts of past times live in books; distinctly and distinctly the voices of people are heard, the dust of which has long shattered like a dream. Everything that mankind has done has changed its mind, everything that it has achieved - all this has been preserved, as it were, by magic, on the pages of books. (Thomas Carlyle).
- Just read it and let the words caress your ears like music. (Roald Dahl).
- Books are a strange collaboration between an author and a reader: you believe me that I will tell a good story, and I believe that you will bring it into a good life in your head. (John Green).
- Books are mirrors: if a fool looks in there, one cannot expect a genius to come out. (Joanne Rowling).
- All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. (Victor Hugo).
- The library is a herbarium of feelings and passions, a vessel where the dried samples of all civilizations are stored. (Paul Claudel).
- Reading is a very interesting activity, but not boring! Each book is like a whole world, and when you read, you can imagine yourself in the place of any of the heroes, figure out how they look, and indeed learn about so many things ... (Oleg Roy).
- If you don’t know what to do, go to the library. (Joanne Rowling ).
- A man with a good book in his hands can never be alone. (Carlo Goldoni).
- There are works that I don’t want to talk about out loud: these are books so special, rare and yours that declaring your preferences seems like a betrayal. (John Green).
- Teaching a child to a book, you not only teach him to read, but also make his future life brighter, more interesting and richer. (Oleg Roy).
- It is not good to become an adult without reading all the children's books. (Aldous Huxley).
- If someone near you is immersed in reading a book, then consider that he is not near you - he is somewhere else; he has nothing to do with you - he communicates with other people. (Karel Capek).
- There is no shortage of excellent writers in the world, but a lack of reliable readers. Therefore, I propose that all unemployed be given another check for benefits in exchange for a list of books read. (Kurt Vonnegut).
- Literature is the most enjoyable way to ignore life. (Fernando Pessoa).
- For a man who, having come to me for the first time, discovers my impressive library and finds nothing better than to ask “And did you read all this?” I prepared several answers. One of my friends usually throws "And even more, even more." I have two answers. First: “No. There are only books that I should read next week. Those that I have already read are kept at the university. ” Second answer: “I have not read any of these books. Otherwise, why should I keep them at my place? ”(Jean-Claude Quarrier, Umberto Eco).
- It is pleasant to assume that the library does not have to consist of books that we have read or will ever read. These are books that we can read. Or could read. Even if we never open them. (Jean-Claude Quarry).
- Do fast-reading enthusiasts really taste what they read? (Jean-Claude Quarry).
- Good friends, good books, and a sleeping conscience - this is an ideal life. (Mark Twain).
- A deeper meaning lives in the tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is taught by life. (Friedrich Schiller).
- Reading is extremely helpful, and books are a good company, if you take the most suitable. (Louise May Alcott).
- Whatever you do, whatever you do, you will always need a smart and loyal assistant - a book. (Samuel Marshak).
- Take my books from me and I will despair. (Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights).
- A book cannot be replaced with anything.Despite the latest discoveries, new types of information storage, we will not rush to part with the book. (Dmitry Likhachev).
- A book is not subject to time, if the time that moves forward takes it into itself (Thomas Mann).
- The reader should notice the details and admire them. The cold light of generalization is good, but only after all the little things are carefully collected in sunlight. To start with a ready generalization is to start the task from the wrong end, to move away from the book without even beginning to understand it. What could be more boring and unfair to the author than, say, taking on “Madame Bovary,” knowing in advance that the bourgeoisie is exposed in this book. We must always remember that in every work of art a new world is recreated, and our main task is to get to know this world in more detail, first opening to us and not directly connected with those worlds that we knew before. This world needs to be studied in detail - then and only then start thinking about its connections with other worlds, other areas of knowledge. (Vladimir Nabokov).
- I think that we should only read books that bite and sting us. If the book we read does not shock us, like a blow to the skull, why even read it? Say it can make us happy? My God, yes we would be as happy if we had no books at all; books that make us happy, we could easily write ourselves. In fact, we need books that are striking, like the worst of misfortunes, the death of someone we love more than ourselves, the consciousness that we are expelled into the woods, away from people, like suicide. The book should be an ax, capable of chopping a frozen lake within us. I believe in it. (Franz Kafka).
- Accuracy and brevity are the first virtues of prose. It requires thoughts and thoughts - without them, brilliant expressions do not serve anything. Poems are another matter (however, it would not hurt our poets to have a sum of ideas much more significant than they usually have. Our literature will not move forward with memories of our youth). (A.S. Pushkin).
- Nothing could be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book. (Nikolay Gogol).
- Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of witnesses. (Fazil Iskander).
- Reading is a waking dream. This is a wonderful experience living alien lives, very intense living, safe, but of high quality. I can read from three years old, or rather, I was three years old when adults noticed that I can read. The few things that I remember from that early childhood are dreams in which a wonderful grandfather on some island taught me to read, and I apparently learned - there were no other options. (Max Fry).
- They think in vain that reading is an escape from life, on the contrary, it is a meeting with the quintessence of reality, and, oddly enough, the concentrate is not as scary as a thin solution of everyday life. (Amelie Notomb).
- Peace, a fireplace, books, silence ... Before this was seen as one philistinism. Now these are dreams of a lost paradise. (Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe").
- It would be much better not to read Akhmatova, but to drink tea with her. It would be better to sit by the fireplace with Dickens than to swallow his books. But there is no such possibility, and books remain - like hands outstretched from eternity for a handshake. (Andrey Tkachev “We are eternal! Even if we don’t want it”).
- One must live one's life — that is, one must read in order to gain the ability to perceive one's own life with all five senses. (Francoise Sagan).
- It is not a matter of the number of pages read, but of the amount of thoughts they have caused. (Paulo Freire).
- A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it. (Alexander Blok).
- How do you manage to live here without books? ... Take my books from me - and I will despair. (Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights).
- Most of all you would like - what modesty! - immortality to read. (Elias Canetti).
- But although true knowledge is insignificant, the number of books is great. (Herman Melville "Moby Dick, or White Whale").
- Real life is also history, but much more complex. She also has a beginning, middle and end. A man lives by the same rules ... Only there are many more. Each has a plot and plot. Everyone needs to go their own way. Someone goes far and returns empty-handed. And the other remains in place and becomes richer than all. Some tales have morality, others are devoid of any meaning. There are fairy tales funny and sad. The world is a library, and there is not a single similar book in it. (Chris Wooding "Poison").
- What kind of person you will become will be determined by two factors: the people you communicate with and the books you read. (Robin Sharma).
- Reading books is not a way to escape from life; books provide a key to understanding it. The key to reality. (Sebastian Folks).
- The first book that hit the heart is like first love. (O. D. Forsh).
- He who reads books is never bored. (Irwin Welch).
Such quotes about books will make you want to read a couple of pages from every connoisseur of literature. And beautiful and witty quotes about reading will become an incentive for those who prefer not to take books in their hands. Also, the words of great people can be used as a greeting, presenting an interesting publication to a loved one as a gift.