Quotes for VK 80 interesting aphorisms with meaning

Here you will find quotes about the life and love of famous people. The words of great people about love, about life, about friendship can be used as a VKontakte status. Great words will make you think about the important. The most beautiful aphorisms and quotes about life and love can be saved for a special occasion. Short quotes in contact will especially please girls.
Here you will find quotes about the life and love of famous people. The words of great people about love, about life, about friendship can be used as a VKontakte status. Great words will make you think about the important. The most beautiful aphorisms and quotes about life and love can be saved for a special occasion. Short quotes in contact will especially please girls.
  1. Respecting every person as himself, and treating him as we wish to be treated with us, is nothing higher than this (Confucius).
  2. It’s very dangerous to meet a woman who understands you completely. It usually ends in marriage. (O. Wilde).
  3. We must recognize the obvious: only those who want to understand understand. (B. Werber).
  4. Genius consists in the ability to distinguish the difficult from the impossible (Napoleon Bonaparte).
  5. Do not pay attention to minor flaws; remember: you also have large ones. (B. Franklin).
  6. Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy - this is the one who often uses the word "tomorrow". (R. Kiyosaki).
  7. One who cannot have 2 (3 days for himself personally should be called a slave. (F. Nietzsche).
  8. A lucky person is one who is able to lay a solid foundation of stones that others throw at him. (D. Brinkley).
  9. Try to get what you love, otherwise you have to love what you got. (B. Shaw).
  10. If it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain. If it’s easy for you, then you fly into the abyss. (G. Ford).
  11. Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately must go to the shoemakers (A. Einstein).
  12. Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. (G. Ford).
  13. If the problem can be resolved, do not worry about it. If the problem is unsolvable, it makes no sense to worry about it. (D. Lama).
  14. We do not have the right to consume happiness without producing it. (B. Shaw).
  15. No matter how slowly you move, the main thing is that you do not stop. (B. Lee).
  16. If a gem falls into the dirt, it remains a gem. If dust rises to the sky, it remains dust. (M. Saadi).
  17. Personally, I love strawberries with cream, but for some reason the fish prefers worms. That’s why, when I go fishing, I’m thinking not about what I love, but about what the fish love. (D. Carnegie).
  18. If you chop wood yourself, you will warm them twice. (G. Ford).
  19. The secret to achieving something is to start. (M. Twain).
  20. I did not suffer defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work. (T. Edison).
  21. In the end, you will remember not the words of enemies, but the silence of friends. (M. King).
  22. Forgiveness is a property of the strong. The weak never forgive. (Mahatma Gandhi).
  23. Man is like a brick; burning, it becomes hard. (D. Shaw).
  24. A man is least like himself when he speaks on his own behalf. Give him a mask and he will tell the whole truth. (O. Wilde)
  25. Our passions are like a phoenix. When one passion burns out, another is born from the ashes. (Goethe).
  26. If you are doing something beautiful and sublime, and nobody notices this, don’t be upset: sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time. (Lennon).
  27. The promise of a decent person becomes an obligation. (Author unknown).
  28. Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. (W. Churchill).
  29. I can’t come to terms with the thought that life goes so fast, and I don’t really live. (E. Hemingway).
  30. Even the most extraordinary person must fulfill his ordinary duties. (Maria von Ebner-Eshenbach).
  31. A fool can be recognized by two signs: he talks a lot about things that are useless to him, and speaks out about what he is not asked. (Plato).
  32. If you buy what you do not need, then you will soon sell what you need. (B. Franklin).
  33. Metal is recognized by ringing, and a person by word. (Balthasar Gracian y Morales).
  34. Very often, the best medicine is to do without it. (Hippocrates).
  35. Do not be afraid of big expenses, fear of small incomes. (D Rockefeller).
  36. You can buy a house, but not a hearth;
    You can buy a bed, but not a dream;
    you can buy a watch, but not time;
    You can buy a book, but not knowledge;
    one can buy a position, but not respect;
    You can pay for the doctor, but not for health;
    you can buy a soul, but not life;
    You can buy sex, but not love (Paulo Coelho).
  37. While we put off life, it passes. (Seneca).
  38. ... it's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself. (L.N. Tolstoy).
  39. Life is a wonderful adventure worthy of suffering and failure for the sake of success. (R. Aldington).
  40. As a fable, so life is valued not for length, but for content. (Seneca).
  41. Only he is worthy of life and freedom, who every day goes to battle for them. (Goethe).
  42. Believe life, because it teaches better than any books. (Goethe).
  43. Life is a hospital where every patient dreams of moving to another bed. (S. Baudelaire).
  44. Life is not to live, but to feel that you are living. (V.O. Klyuchevsky).
  45. The most precious thing in man is life. It is given to him once, and it is necessary to live it so that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly, so as not to burn shame for the petty and petty past, and that, dying, he can say: all life and all powers were given to the most beautiful in the world - the struggle for the liberation of mankind. (N.A. Ostrovsky).
  46. Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered. (P.A. Pavlenko).
  47. A life! Not so good, but not as bad as many people think. (Guy de Maupassant).
  48. It’s not true that life is gloomy, it’s not true that it contains only ulcers and groans, grief and tears! It is not only vulgar, but also heroic, not only dirty, but also light, charming, beautiful. It has everything that a person wants to find, and in it there is the power to create what is not in it! This power is not enough today, it will develop tomorrow! Life is beautiful, life is a majestic, indomitable movement toward universal happiness and joy. (M. Gorky).
  49. In the end, only one life is given to man. (Author unknown).
  50. why not live it properly? (D. London).
  51. The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the internal law that you recognize. (Marcus Aurelius).
  52. Broken can only be considered a life that has stopped in its development. (O. Wilde).
  53. Life is a theater, and the people in it are actors. (DB Show).
  54. When they complain about life, it almost always means that the impossible was demanded of it (J. Renard).
  55. I love life as it is in its reality, in its perpetual motion, in its harmony and in its terrible contradictions. (F.E Dzerzhinsky).
  56. Life is given once, and I want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I want to play a prominent, independent, noble role, I want to make history so that the same generations do not have the right to say about each of us: it was insignificance, or even worse ... (A.P. Chekhov).
  57. To live without benefit is untimely death. (V. Goethe).
  58. Life can be hated only because of apathy and laziness. (Seneca).
  59. Life is a moment. It cannot be lived first in a draft, and then rewritten in white. (A.P. Chekhov).
  60. Life is an alternation of all kinds of combinations, they need to be studied, monitored to stay in a favorable position everywhere (O. Balzac).
  61. Life is what happens to us while we make plans for the future. (T. La Mans).
  62. Life is a tragedy when you see it close-up, and a comedy when you look at it from afar (Ch. Chaplin).
  63. Life is what we value and cherish the least. (Jean de Labruyere).
  64. Life is too serious a thing to speak about it seriously. (O. Wilde).
  65. Only with a profit lived life of duty. (L. da Vinci).
  66. Life is a bad thing. Everyone dies from it. (S.E. Lets).
  67. Life is a trap, and we are mice; others manage to pluck the bait and get out of the trap, but most of it dies in it, and unless the sniff is sniffed. Stupid comedy, damn it. (V.G.Belinsky).
  68. If they built a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be set aside under the waiting room. (J. Renard).
  69. Happiness is a bad topic for writers. It is too pretty by itself ... It does not require comment. (R. Walser).
  70. Human happiness does not consist in dying well, but in living well (M. Montaigne).
  71. The exceptional happiness of man is to be with his constant beloved deed. (V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko).
  72. The hope of happiness, even if it is deceiving, never hurts a person, because it makes life easier (Lope de Vega).
  73. The greatest happiness is not to consider yourself special, but to be like all people. (M.M. Prishvin).
  74. One of the most amazing misconceptions is the misconception that a person’s happiness is to do nothing. (L.N. Tolstoy).
  75. It often happens that a person considers happiness far from himself, and it has already come to him with inaudible steps (D. Boccaccio).
  76. We are tormented not so much by a thirst for happiness, as by the desire to be considered lucky. (Laroshfuko).
  77. Happiness is like health: when it is there, you don’t notice it. (M.A. Bulgakov).
  78. The happiness of a married person depends on those whom he is not married to (O. Wilde).
  79. Happiness is pleasure without repentance. (Leo Tolstoy).
  80. The beginnings will bring one difficult life, and the other happiness. (Virgil).
You read quotes about the life and love of famous people. These great words are filled with deep meaning. You can use quotes as a status in VK. For romantics, love statuses are suitable. Some citations have a particularly great meaning. Keep quotes and aphorisms and use when the occasion turns up.
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