Riddles about plants 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

Plants grow everywhere - in gardens and orchards, in flowerbeds and in biological gardens, in forests, fields, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Riddles about plants with answers reveal to the children a striking and diverse plant world: trees, bushes, flowers and herbs. Riddles about plants for children in simple language tell about different types of plants. The guys are great at solving such puzzles, they are easy to remember.

Round, not a month
Green, not oak,
With a tail, not a mouse.

* * *

I'm not upsetting anyone
I make everyone cry.

* * *

Calves are smooth
Tied to the garden
Lying in rows
Green yourself.

* * *

Scarlet, sugar itself
The caftan is green, velvet.

* * *

Born in a greenhouse,
In the garden grew
The leg is short
The head is big.

* * *

Golden sieve
Black houses are full.
How many little black houses
So many little white residents.

* * *

Round dance and in a row
In hats fellows are standing.
Whoever passes
Every bow is given to them.

* * *

Cheers in the spring, chills in the summer,
It feeds in autumn and warms in winter.

* * *

I’ll leave the warm earth
I’ll ascend upside down
In him then, like me,
There will be a whole family.

* * *

They beat me with sticks
They crush me with stones
Burning me with fire
They cut me with a knife.
And for that they destroy me,
That everyone loves me.

* * *

Outside is red
Inside is white
On the head a crest -
The green forest.

* * *

Sisters are standing in the field
Yellow eyes look in the sun
Each sister has -
White cilia.

* * *

Winter and summer
One color.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

* * *

Wide, not the sea
Gold, not money
Today on earth
And tomorrow on the table.
(Wheat field)

* * *

Red, sweet, fragrant,
It grows low, close to the ground.
(Wild strawberry)

* * *

Grandfather sits in a hundred fur coats,
Those who undress him shed tears.

* * *

The ball was white.
The wind blew -
The ball flew away.

* * *

Sisters are standing in the meadows -
Golden eye
White cilia.

* * *

Doll in a puppet theater,
Root crop in the garden on the garden.

* * *

In the grass thick, green, he looks smart,
But with arable land, like a weed, he is driven out mercilessly.
The head is blue and has a long stalk.
Well, who does not know him! It…

* * *

In a white sundress
We stood in a clearing.
Tits flew -
We sat on the plait.
(Birch trees)

* * *

The smelling face
And the tail is prickly.
(The Rose)

* * *

Little Ivan -
Bone caftan.

* * *

Worth Filat,
Sharovat, curly,
Neither a hundred patches.
Who undresses him
That sheds tears.

* * *

What is born in bread
Isn't it good for food?

* * *

Like a snow globe is white
In spring, it bloomed
A delicate smell exuded.
And when the time has come
At once she became
All of the berries are black.
(About bird cherry)

* * *

Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet ...

* * *

White peas on a green stalk.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *

The green house is a bit tight:
Narrow long, smooth.
In the house sitting next to
Round guys.
In the autumn, trouble came -
The house cracked smooth,
Who jumped where
Round guys.

* * *

Black, little baby
Gather a little
They cook in the water
Whoever eats will praise.

* * *

Standing above the water
Shakes his beard.

* * *

A little blue bell hangs
He never calls.

* * *

Eh, bells, blue,
With a tongue, but no ringing.

* * *

The house grew in the field -
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded
Shutters boarded up.
And there is a new house
On a pillar of gold.

* * *

Worth Olya
In the middle of the field
The tent was covered
I supported myself with a spear.

* * *

They didn’t dig, they didn’t drill, but they got water.

* * *

A golden lantern burned in the grass
Then it faded, went out and turned into fluff.

* * *

There is a town.
How many little black houses
so many little white residents.

* * *

Not sewn, not cut,
And all in scars,
Without counting clothes
And all without fasteners.

* * *

Among the melon
Green balls.
Kids flew in -
From the balls one bark.

Mysteries about plants with answers develop memory, thinking, and imagination. Well, if in a biology lesson at hand there will be visual aids for the class - pictures, herbarium. The riddle about plants will only emphasize the characteristic features of plants presented in visual material.
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