Riddles about fruits 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

It's great when the fruit harvest pleases us with its abundance. After all, not only adults, but also children from an early age know that fruits and vegetables are not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, the vitamins contained in them are very useful for babies, fill children's bodies with strength and health. And if children do not quite readily eat pepper or beets, this cannot be said for apples, pears, and other fruits. Mysteries about fruits for children, as well as puzzles about vitamins, of course, you will not taste, but the guys like them.

Round green on a tree grow
As the barrel turns red, then they will be torn
Sweet and ripe will be collected in a basket
Everything looks beautiful, just like from the picture.

* * *

It goes with the cam,
red barrel
Touch it smoothly
take a bite - sweet.
(An Apple)

* * *

The fruit is like a tumbler,
Wears a yellow shirt.
Breaking the silence in the garden
From the tree fell ...

* * *

On the branches they hung
As they matured, they turned blue.
Look down down fearfully
They are waiting for them to be torn ...

* * *

Heated by the hot sun
He is dressed in skin, as in armor.
Will surprise us
Thick-skinned ...
(A pineapple)

* * *

Pear apple banana
Pineapple from hot countries.
These delicious foods
Together everyone is called ...

* * *

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

* * *

Cucumbers are like
Only grow in bundles
And for breakfast these fruits
Monkeys are served.

* * *

Kids know this fruit
They like to eat his monkeys.
He comes from hot countries
It grows in the tropics ...

* * *

Bright, sweet, poured,
The whole cover is golden.
Not from a candy factory -
From faraway Africa.

* * *

With orange skin
Like a ball
But the center is not empty
And juicy and tasty.

* * *

He is sweet, but thick-skinned,
And a little bit like a sickle.

* * *

Boxers know all about her
With it they develop their blow.
Though she’s awkward
But it looks like a fruit.

* * *

Krugloboka, yellow face,
It can compare with the sun.
And what a scent
Such a sweet pulp!
We are fans now
Queens of the field ...

* * *

He's almost like an orange
Thick skin, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Sour very, very.

* * *

Yellow citrus fruit
In solar countries is growing.
But it tastes sour
And his name is ...

* * *

As long as it was small
It didn’t fall,
But it has grown - it has fallen.
Isn't that funny?
(An Apple)

* * *

I am a ruddy Matryoshka
I won’t tear my girlfriends away
I'll wait when Matryoshka
It will fall into the grass itself.
(An Apple)

* * *

Round, rosy, I grow on a branch;
Adults and little children love me.
(An Apple)

* * *

Round green on a tree grow
As the barrel turns red, then they will be torn
Sweet and ripe will be collected in a basket
Everything looks beautiful, just like from the picture.

* * *

It goes with the cam,
red barrel
Touch it smoothly
take a bite - sweet.
(An Apple)

* * *

The fruit is like a tumbler,
Wears a yellow shirt.
Breaking the silence in the garden
From the tree fell ...

* * *

On the branches they hung
As they matured, they turned blue.
Look down down fearfully
They are waiting for them to be torn ...

* * *

Round, mature, tanned,
Caught a tooth
Everything could not split.
And got under the hammer,
Crunched once - and cracked the side.

* * *

The long-legged boasts -
Am I not a beauty
And she herself is a bone
Yes, a red blouse.

* * *

Autumn has come to our garden,
Red torch lit
Here are blackbirds, starlings scurry about,
And, fumbling, they peck him.

* * *

Round, rosy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little kids.
(An Apple)

* * *

What a fruit - a casket with a secret!
Seeds - glass in appearance,
all transparent, all pink
shake, how strange it does not ring.

* * *

Scarlet, sugar itself
The caftan is green, velvet.

* * *

Striped balls came to us from melon.

* * *

Mal as a mouse
Red as blood
Tasty like honey.

* * *

Yellow ball slightly bitter.
In summer, thirst quench.

* * *

- Yellow, round, where are you from?
- Right from the sunny south!
You can eat me, but only
First divide into slices.
Itself looks like the sun.
What will you call me?

* * *

He is a citrus growing in the south,
In a warm grove, not in the garden
But we love in our district
The fruit is orange and sweet.
We come to the store,
Buying ...

* * *

The little orange brother
Because it’s small.

* * *

He is orange and juicy
Loves the New Year.
Look under the Christmas tree - exactly
He is waiting for gifts!
This redhead lord -
Tasty sweet ...

* * *

Small stove with red coals.

* * *

Kids know this fruit
They like to eat his monkeys.
He comes from hot countries
It grows in the tropics ...

* * *

Cucumbers are like
Only grow in bundles
And for breakfast these fruits
Monkeys are served.

* * *

Like a drop
Hanging on a branch
Turns yellow, turns red
Her appearance

Riddles about fruit harvest for preschoolers have a positive effect on the development of the child. After all, a guessed riddle about fruits accompanied by the correct answers helps children learn the world, learns to think and think. And if you complete the riddles with colorful pictures, the effect will be even better.
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