Mysteries about numbers 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

Mathematics is very important in people's lives. The people have many proverbs and sayings, in the text of which there are references to numbers and numbers. There are verses about numbers from 1 to 10, Short mathematical puzzles about numbers from 1 to 10 with answers that are great helpers for parents who want to teach their children how to count. Mysteries with numbers for grade 1 is a game, and communication, and training.
  1. Living in a difficult book
    Cunning little brothers.
    Ten of them, but these brothers
    Count everything in the world.
  2. It looks like the letter O, round itself.
    It can be paired with any number.
    Has no beginning or end
    It bears the proud name of zero.
  3. The numbers got up like a squad
    In a friendly numerical range.
    First-order role
    The figure will play for us ...
  4. This figure is so similar
    The letter of the alphabet O.
    But without the numbers of others
    She doesn’t mean anything.
  5. How old is the chicken in the egg
    How many wings does a kitten have
    How many numbers are in the alphabet,
    How many mountains the tiger swallows
    How much mouse weighs tons
    How many ravens in a school of fish
    How many rabbits did the moth eat, Z
    only a figure sings ...
  6. He looks like a bun
    He is pot-bellied and round-sided.
    Cat looks like him,
    If curled up in a ball.
  7. It looks like a stalk
    It is worthy, like a nobleman.
    Straight, flat always
    After zero, she goes.
  8. Wand, but with a curl,
    Like a poker - the same in appearance.
    This number is the first in everything,
    And in the long run ahead of the others!
  9. You won’t just score a goal
    At the gate there is a count.
    And do not fight him in battle,
    This is a figure ...
  10. A swan swims in a notebook
    So something is wrong.
    If you are completely Dunno
    Get this number.
  11. The sun is shining, the pond is blooming,
    A swan is floating on it
    Closer he swam barely -
    It turned out a figure ...
  12. If you get this figure at school,
    Then your parents will scold you at home.
    It's easy to compare with a swan
    All the kids know about this number?
  13. The figure looks like a hook
    What's on a truck crane.
    And like a daddy,
    If upside down.
  14. Flexes the neck flexibly
    And beautiful and slim,
    Deftly raises the tail,
    What is the number? Numeral…
  15. How many times do you need to knock on a door?
    How much will a deuce plus one?
    Hurry to guess it,
    This number with the letter Z is one to one.
  16. Guess this number!
    She’s a big one.
    You add one to two
    And get the number ...
  17. I’ll circle the letter Z
    I’ll bring the numbers to visit.
    You look carefully -
    The result is a figure ...
  18. This figure is unusual
    Chubby, you know.
    And it looks like the letter Z,
    What is the number? Guess!
  19. We decided to make a film about the numbers,
    Cameras began to turn on.
    Where does the letter H go from the air?
    Do not be afraid! The figure is me! ...
  20. As one song says:
    Twice two - this will be the figure.
    Before the five anniversary, golden,
    She stands ... Well, who will respond quickly?
  21. This figure is so similar
    On a beautiful sail!
    Swelling wider
    Tsiferka ..
  22. I was with my grandmother,
    In her entire apartment
    Three huge tables,
    Everyone's legs - ...
  23. Someone at night an old chair
    He turned back down.
    And now in our apartment
    He became a number ...
  24. At school, you must not be lazy:
    Draw, write, study,
    To answer in the lessons
    And they’ll put it in the diary ...
  25. A student is everywhere
    Find this figure in the diary.
    I’ll not forget another hint -
    In front of her is a six on the way.
  26. The figure looks like a hook
    What's on a truck crane.
    And like a daddy,
    If upside down.
  27. I made a parade
    I build numbers like a soldier!
    And there is a clear order -
    After five steps ...
  28. And with this figure only sheer superstitions,
    And so offensive: well, why is she all this?
    And the place in the bill inspires us only confidence:
    Between the five and the seven it is.
  29. The figure, like a hippo,
    Her tummy is round
    The neck is deftly bent
    For the five steps.
  30. Here is the number, take a look,
    She has a trick -
    You turn her over
    And get the number
  31. She looks like an ax
    But he doesn’t firewood in the yard.
    Like a scythe, but not really,
    It’s just a figure ...
  32. How many colors are there in a bright rainbow?
    How many wonders of the world are there on earth?
    How many hills does Moscow have?
    This figure is so suitable for us to answer!
  33. What a heron, everyone knows
    Behind the six steps.
    Yes, she is known to all
    This heron is a figure ...
  34. Two circles stood next to me -
    What kind of wonderful glasses?
    Turn upside down
    They are the same!
  35. Two rings on top of each other
    Two good fellows.
    We will ask them in a number series
    And get the figure ...
  36. Two circles connected
    What kind of figure is this?
    Two times four -
    And she is already on the air.
  37. This figure is so cunning
    You turn her over
    And miracles will begin -
    You will see the number six!
  38. Oh what a comma
    On the sheet is a big one!
    You can even measure it,
    It’s just a figure ...
  39. Here's the puzzle, guess!
    Add six to the six.
    It turns out she -
    Circle and curl shape.
  40. Zero, get one
    For his own sister.
    Only so when you are together
    They will call you ...
Play with children, solving numbers in riddles, teach them to count and recognize. And if the lesson project is supplemented by pictures that complement the riddles about the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, then it will be even more fun for kids to study obscure and not so alluring hooks and squiggles.
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