Riddles about water 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

Sometimes it can be so hard to find suitable water puzzles for Grade 2. In this article, all proverbs and short puzzles with answers are presented. They are suitable for schoolchildren and children 7 years old. Ask them a task, independently invent a word and make children's puzzles about it. Ask the students what is the best riddle about short water class 2 they like best, write it down. Each riddle about water 2 class the surrounding world will appeal to students.
Sometimes it can be so hard to find suitable water puzzles for Grade 2. In this article, all proverbs and short puzzles with answers are presented. They are suitable for schoolchildren and children 7 years old. Ask them a task, independently invent a word and make children's puzzles about it. Ask the students what is the best riddle about short water class 2 they like best, write it down. Each riddle about water 2 class the surrounding world will appeal to students.
  1. If our hands are in wax
    If blots sat on your nose,
    Who then is our first friend,
    Will remove dirt from the face and hands?
    What mother can't do without
    Neither cook nor wash,
    Without which, we will say bluntly
    Does a man die?
    To rain from the sky
    So that the ears of bread grow
    To sail ships -
    We cannot live without ... (Water).
  2. I am a cloud and a fog
    And the stream and the ocean
    And I fly and run
    And I can be glass! (Water).
  3. Why not roll up the hill,
    In a sieve not to carry away,
    Do not hold in your hands? (Water).
  4. Very good-natured
    I am soft, obedient,
    But when I want
    Even a stone to a source. (Water).
  5. Why not roll up the hill,
    In a sieve not to carry away
    And do not hold in your hands? (Water).
  6. I am a cloud and a fog
    And the stream and the ocean
    And I fly and run
    And I can be glass! (Water)
  7. Why not roll up the hill,
    In a sieve not to carry away
    And do not hold in your hands? (Water).
  8. In the seas and rivers lives
    But often flies through the sky.
    And bore her fly
    Falls to the ground again. (Water).
  9. There isn’t her stronger in the world
    In the world there is no rioter.
    In her hands do not hold
    And the horse does not overtake. (Water).
  10. A little trembling in the breeze
    Tape in the open.
    The narrow tip is in the spring,
    And wide - at sea. (River).
  11. No legs, but she’s not standing still,
    There is a bed, but does not sleep,
    Not a boiler, but seething
    Not a thunderstorm, but thunders.
    There is no mouth, but she is never silent. (River).
  12. Autumn rain was walking around the city,
    The mirror lost its rain.
    The mirror is on the pavement,
    The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle).
  13. In calm weather - we are nowhere to be found
    And the wind will blow - we run through the water. (Waves).
  14. On the sea goes, goes,
    And it will reach the coast -
    Here it will disappear. (Wave)
  15. Flowing, flowing - will not flow
    Runs, runs - does not run out. (River).
  16. There is water all around, and drinking is a disaster. (Sea).
  17. I'm running like a ladder
    Pebble ringing
    From afar by song
    Recognize me. (Brook).
  18. Who runs along the mountain slopes
    Chattering with myself
    And in the thick grass green
    Hiding a blue tail? (Creek).
  19. He is without arms, he is without legs
    Could break out of the ground.
    He is in the summer in the heat of us,
    Icy watering. (Brook).
  20. The bull is running
    Golden horn
    Runs, murmurs. (Brook).
  21. In a blue shirt
    Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Brook).
  22. Between the mountains
    Between dol
    A white horse is running. (Brook).
  23. Under sedge, on the sand,
    Drop the belt.
    He lies - but not to lift,
    He is running - but not to be caught. (Brook).
  24. Young mountain ash stare at him
    Colored their trying on scarves.
    Young birches look at him
    His hair in front of him.
    And the month and the stars -
    Everything is reflected in it ...
    What is this mirror called? (Pond, lake).
  25. In the middle of the field lies a mirror:
    The glass is blue, the frame is green. (Lake).
  26. Screaming day and night
    And the voice does not get tired. (Waterfall).
  27. Everyone goes around this place:
    Here the earth is like a dough
    Here sedge, bumps, mosses -
    There is no leg support. (Swamp).
  28. Lots of me - the world would be gone
    Not enough of me - the world would disappear (Water).
  29. Down flies in the rain, and up - ferry. (Water).
  30. Without her, we are nowhere.
    Because there is always a tap ... (Water).
  31. What can’t you take away in a sieve? ... (Water).
  32. He has neither arms nor legs,
    And he knows how to break the mountain. (Water).
  33. No arms, no legs
    And it destroys the mountain. (Water).
  34. the sea I am always salty
    And in the river I’m fresh.
    Only in the hot desert
    I have no place at all. (Water).
  35. If our hands are in wax
    If blots sat on your nose,
    Who then is our first friend,
    Will remove dirt from the face and hands?
    What mother can't do without
    Neither cook nor wash,
    Without which, we will say bluntly
    Does a man die?
    To rain from the sky
    So that the ears of bread grow
    To sail ships -
    We cannot live without ... (Water).
  36. Down dropping in droplets
    And upstairs - invisible. (Water).
  37. He flies in a white flock
    And sparkles on the fly.
    He is a cool star melting in the palm and mouth. (Snow).
  38. Frost on the water fell
    And the world around has changed.
    Where everything used to flow
    Everything turned into glass. (Ice).
  39. This water is hard as a stone.
    The sun will bake, it will flow. (Ice).
  40. What kind of asterisks are through
    On the coat and on the scarf
    All through, cut,
    And take it - water in your hand? (Snowflake).
You just read Russian riddles about water for the 2nd class. Each mystery about water class 2 describes the world. Among them there are also puzzles about air, fire and earth.
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