Snow riddles 40 best puzzles in Russian

It often happens that a lesson is given the task of preparing proverbs with the word snow or riddles about snow. Here you will find the best of them. There is also a proverb to the word snow with and without answers, since they all have the same clue. There is also a mystery about a snowflake that, like a grain of sand, falls from the sky. A riddle to the word snow will entertain children and adults.
It often happens that a lesson is given the task of preparing proverbs with the word snow or riddles about snow. Below you will find the best of them. There is also a proverb to the word snow with and without answers, since they all have the same clue. There is also a mystery about a snowflake that, like a grain of sand, falls from the sky. A riddle to the word snow will entertain children and adults.
  1. Asterisk circled
    In the air a little bit
    Sat and melted
    On my palm.
  2. Everything is like end-to-end stars,
    and take it - so watery!
  3. The tablecloth is white all over the world.
  4. A white blanket lay on the ground,
    Summer has come - it has all come down.
  5. The bunny is fluffy, but there is no tail.
  6. White Tikhon where runs -
  7. Sits down at all,
    not afraid of anyone.
  8. In the yard stands a mountain
    and in the hut with water.
  9. Flew Polkan:
    white caftan - without buttons.
  10. All winter quietly lies in the fields,
    And in the spring he will run away with noise.
  11. Lazily lay, lay
    And in the spring I ran into the river.
  12. Born silent and living in silence
    And how will he die, since the beluga will roar.
  13. Heats in winter, melts in spring, dies in summer,
    And in the autumn comes to life and covers the whole earth.
  14. I come - everyone is noisily happy
    I'm leaving - everyone is happy again.
  15. He warms in winter, smolders in spring,
    Dies in the summer, comes to life in the fall.
  16. He lay, lay, and in the spring ran into the river.
  17. He’s busy all the time,
    he cannot go in vain.
    He goes and paints everything white
    what he sees on the way.
  18. A white blanket lay on the ground,
    Summer has come - it has all come down.
  19. The wind blew and frost
    He brought us snow from the north.
    Only since then
    On my glass ...
  20. White flakes are flying
    Quietly fall, circling.
    Everything became white all around.
    How are the tracks swept?
  21. Winter has excellent fur:
    It is soft white ...
  22. In the fall -
    I'm born
    In the spring -
    I'm dying
    In winter -
    I warm the earth.
  23. He flew all night from heaven
    And in the morning didn’t disappear
    Outside the window everything turned white
    Finally, winter has come.
  24. Bel, yes not sugar.
    There are no legs, but it’s coming.
  25. Curled, curled a white swarm,
    He sat on the ground - became a mountain.
  26. The land was covered in swaths -
    Outside, white and white.
    These white fluffs
    Not suitable for perinki.
  27. He walked for a long time, he walked quietly,
    Sometimes dashing circled.
    I put the earth in white
    And instantly pacified.
  28. White as chalk
    He flew from the sky.
    I lay in winter
    He escaped to the ground.
  29. He’s busy all the time,
    He cannot go in vain.
    He goes and paints white
    Everything that sees on the way.
  30. He flies in a white flock
    and sparkles on the fly.
    He is a cool star melting
    in the palm and mouth.
  31. Skiers need him to ride,
    We need to sculpt a white fortress,
    To the trees to dress
    In winter - everything is silvering around.
  32. White blanket
    Not done by hand.
    Not weaving and not cutting -
    From heaven to earth fell.
  33. To the trees, to the bushes
    Flowers are falling from the sky.
    White, fluffy,
    Just not scented.
  34. He sits down at all, is not afraid of anyone.
  35. From me in winter, like in summer,
    Everything bloomed in white.
  36. White flock of midges
    Curls, spinning in the morning.
    Does not squeak or bite -
    It just flies so-so.
  37. Without wings, without legs -
    sits on a tree.
  • Without wings, without legs, white flies fly.
  • White, like chalk, flew from the sky.
    He lay in winter, fled to the ground.
  1. A fluffy veil covered the whole field.
These were riddles about the first snow, snowfall and snowflakes. They will entertain the whole class and tell them about the ice and the process of its formation. If this volume is small for children, tell them how snow covers the earth in winter or how much rain fell from the sky.
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