Riddles about the house 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

Sometimes it is difficult to find good riddles about the house with the answers. In this article, the best of them are presented. In a word, each riddle about a window for children describes a room and objects that are in it.
Sometimes it is difficult to find good riddles about the house with the answers. In this article, the best of them are presented. In a word, each riddle about a window for children describes a room and objects that are in it.
  1. Brother and sister see, not converge. (Floor and ceiling).
  2. In a small barn
    A hundred fires are lying. (Matches).
  3. Hanging pear
    You can not eat. (Lamp).
  4. That's the house -
    Some windows.
    And the tenants
    Afraid of cats. (Bird cage).
  5. They always go, but they don’t leave the place. (Clock).
  6. Grandfather, a bearded man, girdled with a bast, jumps on the floor. (Broom).
  7. There is a back, not a lie; four legs, and does not walk, but always stands and tells everyone to sit. (Chair).
  8. Riddles about objects in the house.
    Four brothers live under one roof. (Table).
  9. In winter, he eats everything, and in the summer he sleeps. The body is warm, but there is no blood. You’ll sit down, but you won’t take it from a place. (Bake).
  10. In winter, it is not warmer, and in summer it is colder. (Bake).
  11. And it shines and shines
    It does not flatter anyone
    And he will tell the truth to anyone -
    Everything, as it is, will show him. (Mirror).
  12. The mare is white, the whole forest is overfished. (Bake).
  13. The humpbacked horse traveled the entire hut. (Broom).
  14. Krivulechka curve feeds the whole world. (Spoon).
  15. Kum and kum are found, but do not converge closely. (Floor and ceiling).
  16. Chicken on chicken, and crest on the street. (House, hut).
  17. He hides a lot in himself, but he himself is in sight. (Cupboard).
  18. On four legs, not a beast; she has feathers and feathers, not a bird; there is a soul, but not always. (Bed, bed).
  19. Full of fluff, lying under the ear. (Pillow).
  20. Tears up rings, but does not order sleepyheads. (Alarm clock).
  21. Not in the hut and not in the yard. (A door).
  22. They are not angry, but they turn over the mustache, do not remain silent, and they will not say the words, they are coming, and they will not budge. (Clock).
  23. I didn’t look out the window -
    There was one Antoshka.
    I looked out the window -
    There is a second Antoshka.
    What is that window
    Where did Antoshka look? (Mirror).
  24. The peasant is small, the legs are runny, he girded briefly, he will walk through the hut - the dust will go. (Broom).
  25. A new dish, and all in the holes. (Sieve).
  26. There are legs, but no hands; there is a side, but no ribs; there is a back, but no head. (Armchair).
  27. He will tell you the whole truth. (Mirror).
  28. One handles everyone, and the other sees off. (A door).
  29. Under the roof - four legs. And on the roof - soup and spoons. What it is? (Table).
  30. They are standing nearby, looking at the street, but they never see themselves. (Window).
  31. It is twisted, tied, planted on a stake, and dancing around the yard. (Broom).
  32. One hundred guests, one hundred bed. Each guest has his own. (Logs in the walls of the hut, laid by moss).
  33. There is a lady, whoever goes to take a look. (Mirror).
  34. Tail in the yard, nose in the hole. Whoever turns his nose will enter the house. (Castle).
  35. A black dog curled up. He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house. (Castle).
  36. Four sisters under the same city. (Table).
  37. What by day, what by night - only eyes. (Window).
  38. What kind of road, who walks along it, is lame. (Stairs).
  39. What can’t you get out of the hut? (Bake).
  40. I want to be useful:
    If necessary - I will dedicate. (Candle).
These were riddles about the balcony, bedroom, apartment, hall and other furniture. All of them narrate about a house or a brownie living at home. Also, the riddle about the door for children with answers tells about the house, which excites childhood memories in every person. The riddle about a house for children can entertain the whole family.
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