Sometimes it is difficult to find good riddles about the house with the answers. In this article, the best of them are presented. In a word, each riddle about a window for children describes a room and objects that are in it.
- Brother and sister see, not converge. (Floor and ceiling).
- In a small barn
A hundred fires are lying. (Matches). - Hanging pear
You can not eat. (Lamp). - That's the house -
Some windows.
And the tenants
Afraid of cats. (Bird cage). - They always go, but they don’t leave the place. (Clock).
- Grandfather, a bearded man, girdled with a bast, jumps on the floor. (Broom).
- There is a back, not a lie; four legs, and does not walk, but always stands and tells everyone to sit. (Chair).
- Riddles about objects in the house.
Four brothers live under one roof. (Table). - In winter, he eats everything, and in the summer he sleeps. The body is warm, but there is no blood. You’ll sit down, but you won’t take it from a place. (Bake).
- In winter, it is not warmer, and in summer it is colder. (Bake).
- And it shines and shines
It does not flatter anyone
And he will tell the truth to anyone -
Everything, as it is, will show him. (Mirror). - The mare is white, the whole forest is overfished. (Bake).
- The humpbacked horse traveled the entire hut. (Broom).
- Krivulechka curve feeds the whole world. (Spoon).
- Kum and kum are found, but do not converge closely. (Floor and ceiling).
- Chicken on chicken, and crest on the street. (House, hut).
- He hides a lot in himself, but he himself is in sight. (Cupboard).
- On four legs, not a beast; she has feathers and feathers, not a bird; there is a soul, but not always. (Bed, bed).
- Full of fluff, lying under the ear. (Pillow).
- Tears up rings, but does not order sleepyheads. (Alarm clock).
- Not in the hut and not in the yard. (A door).
- They are not angry, but they turn over the mustache, do not remain silent, and they will not say the words, they are coming, and they will not budge. (Clock).
- I didn’t look out the window -
There was one Antoshka.
I looked out the window -
There is a second Antoshka.
What is that window
Where did Antoshka look? (Mirror). - The peasant is small, the legs are runny, he girded briefly, he will walk through the hut - the dust will go. (Broom).
- A new dish, and all in the holes. (Sieve).
- There are legs, but no hands; there is a side, but no ribs; there is a back, but no head. (Armchair).
- He will tell you the whole truth. (Mirror).
- One handles everyone, and the other sees off. (A door).
- Under the roof - four legs. And on the roof - soup and spoons. What it is? (Table).
- They are standing nearby, looking at the street, but they never see themselves. (Window).
- It is twisted, tied, planted on a stake, and dancing around the yard. (Broom).
- One hundred guests, one hundred bed. Each guest has his own. (Logs in the walls of the hut, laid by moss).
- There is a lady, whoever goes to take a look. (Mirror).
- Tail in the yard, nose in the hole. Whoever turns his nose will enter the house. (Castle).
- A black dog curled up. He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house. (Castle).
- Four sisters under the same city. (Table).
- What by day, what by night - only eyes. (Window).
- What kind of road, who walks along it, is lame. (Stairs).
- What can’t you get out of the hut? (Bake).
- I want to be useful:
If necessary - I will dedicate. (Candle).
These were riddles about the balcony, bedroom, apartment, hall and other furniture. All of them narrate about a house or a brownie living at home. Also, the riddle about the door for children with answers tells about the house, which excites childhood memories in every person. The riddle about a house for children can entertain the whole family.