Riddles about vegetables 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

In the article you will find riddles about vegetables with answers for adults and children, as well as for preschoolers 5 years old. Each little riddle is very relevant for kids. Tell them about grapes, apples and other autumn fruits. All these children's puzzles about vegetables are not complicated and will be useful in school.
In this article you will find riddles about vegetables with answers for adults and children, as well as for preschoolers 5 years old. Each little riddle is very relevant for kids. Tell them about grapes, apples and other autumn fruits. All these children's puzzles about vegetables are not complicated and will be useful in school.
  1. Scarlet, sugar itself
    The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon).
  2. Seventy clothes
    and all without fasteners. (Cabbage).
  3. Red girl
    Sitting in the dungeon
    A scythe on the street. (Carrot).
  4. Mal as a mouse
    Red as blood
    Tasty like honey. (Cherry).
  5. I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg
    Weaving bodies for me and baskets for me.
    He who loves me is glad to bow.
    And the name was given to me by my native countryman. (Strawberries).
  6. The hay is bitter
    And in the frost - sweet
    What kind of berry? (Viburnum).
  7. Two sisters are green in summer,
    By autumn, one blushes, the other blackens. (Red and black currants).
  8. Low, prickly, sweet, not fragrant.
    You pick the berries - you rip off your whole hand. (Gooseberry).
  9. Blue tunic, white lining,
    In the middle - sweet. (Plum).
  10. Nekazista, lumpy,
    And she will come to the table,
    The guys will say fun:
    “Well, friable, tasty!” (Potato).
  11. Grandfather is sitting, wearing a fur coat,
    Those who undress him shed tears. (Bow).
  12. Although I'm called sugar
    But I'm not wet from the rain
    Large, round, sweet in taste,
    Did you find out who I am? …(Beet).
  13. Round, not a month
    Yellow, not oil
    Sweet, not sugar
    With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip).
  14. The cheeks are pink, the nose is white,
    I’ve been sitting all day in the dark.
    And the shirt is green
    All in the sun she is. (Radish).
  15. Small and bitter, onion brother. (Garlic).
  16. The golden head is great, heavy.
    Golden head - lay down to rest.
    The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin).
  17. Like in our garden
    Riddles have grown
    Juicy and large
    These are so round.
    Turn green in summer
    Blush by autumn. (Tomatoes).
  18. Head on a leg, peas in the head. (Peas).
  19. Our piglets grew up in the garden
    To the sun sideways, crochet tails.
    These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us. (Cucumbers).
  20. Needless to fist, red barrel,
    Touch - smoothly, bite off - sweet. (An Apple)
  21. Was green little
    Then I became scarlet
    I turned black in the sun
    And now I'm ripe. (Cherry).
  22. There are a lot of thin stems in the hemp
    Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
    We rake the stems, collect the lights. (Strawberries).
  23. I will get round, rosy from a tree,
    I’ll put it on the plate, “Eat, mommy,” I’ll say. (An Apple).
  24. And the bush is green and thick in the garden.
    Dig a little bit: under the bush ... (Potato).
  25. She hides from the sun
    Under a bush in a deep mink
    Brown is not a bear,
    In a mink - but not a mouse. (Potato).
  26. Buried in the ground in May
    And they didn’t take out a hundred days,
    And they began to dig in the fall
    Not one was found, but ten. (Potato).
  27. Nekazista, lumpy,
    And she will come to the table,
    The guys will say fun:
    “Well, friable, tasty!” (Potato).
  28. It grows in the ground
    Known - in the whole world.
    Often on the table
    Flaunts in a uniform. (Potato).
  29. Red eye
    bogatyr taras
    went underground
    10 brothers found
    look look
    what are the heroes. (Potato).
  30. Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. (Potato).
  31. What they dug from the earth
    Fried, boiled?
    What we baked in ashes
    Eat yes praised? (Potato).
  32. How I put on a hundred shirts,
    Crunched on the teeth. (Potato).
  33. Goat says that goats
    They love to smell roses.
    Only for some reason with a crunch
    She sniffs ... (Potato).
  34. What kind of creak? What kind of crunch?
    What is this bush?
    How to be without a crunch,
    If I ... (Potato).
  35. There are many clothes
    And still freezes. (Potato).
  36. The whole summer tried
    Dressed, dressed ...
    And how autumn came
    She gave us the clothes.
    A hundred clothes
    We put it in a barrel. (Potato).
  37. Dressed up Alyona
    In my green sarafan,
    Curled frills thickly.
    Do you recognize her? ... (Potato).
  38. The lady sat in the garden
    Dressed in noisy silk.
    We are preparing tubs for her
    And coarse salt half a bag. (Potato).
  39. Not sewn, not cut,
    And all in scars;
    Without counting clothes
    And all without fasteners. (Cabbage).
  40. Make everyone cry
    Although he is not a brawler, but simply ... (Bow).
You just read short puzzles about vegetables and fruits for children. All of them are suitable for children of the younger group of kindergarten. Riddles about fruits and vegetables will entertain them. It is acceptable to use fruit in the class for clarity. Be sure to give a lesson on the topic "Riddles about vegetables and fruits."

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