Spring tongue twisters 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian

Spring is the long-awaited season. Tongue-twisters, or as they are also called pure-tongue-tellers, about spring for children in the younger, middle, senior group of kindergarten at the same time teach preschoolers and schoolchildren the signs of spring and the correct pronunciation of words with difficult sounds for them. Pronouncing tongue twisters for children 5, 7 years and older is not only useful for diction, but also quite fun.
  1. Starling flies - winter is over.
  2. I saw a starling - spring at the porch.
  3. Starling flies - spring messenger.
  4. In spring, spring flowers under the sun climb out of the grass.
  5. Flowers bloom in spring, cats sing in spring.
  6. A multicolored spring dress is stitched with sunbeams.
  7. Motley jay
    Sing me about spring.
    He asks for a braid.
    Sing me a song, jay, sing!
  8. Song, pour,
    Dream, curl up!
    Laugh in the spring
    Bask in the sun!
  9. Valya wetted her boots on a thawing area.
    Valenoks at Valenka dry in the mound.
  10. In our courtyard courtyard the weather got wet.
  11. Sitting snowdrift in the forest on a stump.
    And thought sadly about spring -
    Spring will come, and in spring
    A snowdrift becomes water.
  12. The streams gurgled and rumbled
    The bumblebees buzzed over the streams.
  13. Beetles buzzed, streams murmured,
    Beetles ran away, streams murmured.
  14. The icicle was scared of heights
    An icicle of fright began to cry
    And therefore, slush came again.
  15. The icicle from the sun cried
    The gray drake fluttered sleepily.
  16. Spring, spring is red!
    Come spring, with joy
    With good joy
    With great mercy:
    With flax high
    With a deep root
    With heavy rains
    With plenty of bread.
  17. Valin felt boots, fell into a thaw area.
  18. Snowstorms dropped to the accompaniment of a drop.
  19. Juice from birch stack, stack from birch juice.
  20. I love dreams, where is the ringing of spring.
  21. Take vegetables - there will be cabbage soup.
  22. Starlings and tits are funny birds.
  23. The rook angrily roared at the rook.
  24. Gallchits roam on rook,
    Rooks look at the pebbles.
  25. Shouting to the streams: “whose streams are you?”
    And from the mountains, murmuring, streams sound.
  26. Frightened by the thunder of Rum, he roared louder than thunder.
  27. Starling flies - spring messenger.
  28. Flowers bloom in spring, cats sing in spring.
  29. Harrow harrowed an unarrowed field.
  30. Valya wetted her boots on a thawing area.
    Valenoks at Valenka dry in the mound.
  31. Jackdaw sat on the fence,
    Rook started a conversation with her.
  32. An avalanche of snow crawled from half
    She crawled from half a gentle mountain.
    Another half of an avalanche
    Lies on a gentle mountain for the time being.
  33. Our spring is red red!
  34. Vavil sank through the sail.
  35. An avalanche of snow crawled from half
    She crawled from half a gentle mountain.
    Another half of an avalanche
    Lies on a gentle mountain for the time being.
  36. So the snowstorms ended.
    Stools flew in.
    Elephants sing on the branches
    - Hello, the first day of spring!
  37. Sucking an icicle is a disaster!
    We are strictly forbidden.
    But why ona then
    Is an icicle called?
  38. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
  39. Thunder thunders, threatens, rumbles, the thunder wants to scare us.
  40. Zoe has mimosa and Zina has roses.
    Zoe took a mimosa from Zina,
    Zina bought roses from Zoe.
  41. In the field - everything, everything, everything.
    In the field - sowing, sowing, sowing.
  42. I love dreams, where is the ring of spring
    Where the lapping of the waves and the brilliance of the spinner
    But I do not like such dreams
    In which I fall from a pine tree.
  43. A frosty day, though clear
    Ash yearns for spring.
  44. Spring, spring is red!
    Come spring, with joy
    With good joy
    With great mercy:
    With flax high
    With a deep root
    With heavy rains
    With plenty of bread.
  45. There was a commotion in the garden
    Thistle bloomed there.
    So that your garden does not stall
    Weed thistle.
  46. Bursting kidneys:
    Grow, grow leaves.
  47. It pours and pours from the edge of the roof,
    And ice is melting on the river.
  48. At noon the sun bakes
    The snow on the bumps is melting, melting.
  49. The first flowers blossomed on a hummock.
  50. Wild animals molt
    Winter coats are changing.
Patter for children of 7, 8 years old on any topic, and especially about the seasons, of course, should be much easier than tongue twisters for grade 6. But they serve the same purpose - the development of diction. Tongue twisters for preparatory groups with cognates can also serve to teach this concept before going to grade 1.
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