Patter tongue twisters 50 of speech therapy tongue twisters in Russian

Below you will find tongue twisters with "P" for burrs. These are the most complex speech therapy phrases that are aimed at correcting speech in children and adults. All these tongue twisters for the letter "P" are designed to develop diction and get rid of burr. Use a phrase like “Walked Egor through the yard”, adding other words to it. Such a saying or tongue twister on "P" will help an adult to achieve a clear pronunciation of a given sound.
Below you will find tongue twisters with "P" for burrs. These are the most complex speech therapy phrases that are aimed at correcting speech in children and adults. All these tongue twisters for the letter "P" are designed to develop diction and get rid of burr. Use a phrase like “Walked Egor through the yard”, adding other words to it. Such a saying or tongue twister on "P" will help an adult to achieve a clear pronunciation of a given sound.
  1. Drove the Greek across the river, Sees Greek - in the river cancer. He put his hand into the river, Cancer by the hand of the Greek - DAC!
  2. Clara Carla about corals
    Day and night, everyone muttered.
    Karl Clara on dollars
    and fuckin ink
    what shed on dollars
    Clara sitting on the railing
    Dreaming of the Kuril Islands.
    If I had dollars,
    Not stained in ink
    I would redeem corals,
    From a pawnshop, I would be able.
    Well, since there are no dollars,
    Lay you clarinet
    What stole from me
    Thursday, the eighth day.
  3. Karasyonku times crucian
    Gave a coloring book.
    And Karas said:
    “Color, Carp, a fairy tale!”
    On the coloring Karasyonka -
    Three funny pigs:
    Repainted piglets in pigs!
  4. The crow crowed.
  5. There’s a shake on the tracks
    Cats and fleas are shaking
    Cats have spoons
    Have flea boots.
  6. Stranded, we lazily caught a burbot,
    You changed the burbot to me on a tench.
    Didn’t you kindly pray for love
    And into the mists of the estuary lured me?
  7. Stranded we burbot lazily caught. You changed the burbot to me on a tench. Didn’t you kindly beg me for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary.
  8. Pointed horns
    Goat Earrings
    And the Earring said:
    I am a little afraid.
  9. Open, Barbara, the gates, if not the enemy behind the gates, but the enemy and the enemy from the Barbarian gates - a turn.
  1. Beaver is kind to beavers.
  2. Baker Peter baked a pie.
  3. In front of the crust box.
  4. Three crows at the gate.
  5. Good beavers go to the burs.
  6. On Mount Ararat
    Vomiting Barbara grapes.
  7. On the mountain, on the hill
    Egor bitterly roars.
  8. Kondrat has a short jacket.
  9. The radish and turnip have a strong root.
  10. Three woodcutters in three yards chopped wood.
  11. Cool mountain
    There's a hole in the mountain
    A mole hole is in the hole.
  12. In the yard is grass
    There is firewood on the grass.
    Do not chop wood on the grass of the yard!
  13. The ram is delighted -
    A ram has a drum
    And the ram drums in the drum,
    Drum ram in the drum.
  14. Sour milk curd.
  15. Arkhip Osip, Osip hoarse.
    Osip Osip, Arkhip hoarse.
  16. Our purchases are cereals and grains.
  17. By courtyard, courtyard -
    In good health.
  18. Brought Prov Egor
    In the courtyard of firewood uphill.
  19. Chopping woodcutters
    Cheeses oaks on log houses.
  20. Be friends with a friend, but do not be rude to another.
  21. A rash of sand in a little black skull.
    Container bars, bastards!
    Barbara's chickens are old!
  22. In a hurry, spanking is not for future use, In a hurry is mopping for future use.
  23. Three ravens at the gate.
    Three magpies are on the doorstep.
  24. Thirty-three wagons in a row
    Chattering, chattering.
  25. Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.
  26. Rita has daisies, and Boris has barberries.
  27. A pea pie is good in the path.
  28. Although the pike and the east, let it not eat a ruff from the tail.
  29. I walk around the cellar
    I’m talking about the cellar.
  30. Have ram horns
  31. In the stove - three chocks,
    Three geese, three ducks.
  32. There’s a slide in the yard
    Under the mountain is a mink.
    In this mink
    A mole guards the crust.
  33. Beavers go to the cheese burs.
  34. Our Abrosim is not asking.
    And there is - do not give up.
  35. Our chebotar
    To all the blacksmiths the blacksmith.
    To no one of our work
    Do not overdo it.
  36. Don’t pepper, Peter,
    Piglet with pepper
    And then you can cross
    Piglet with pepper.
  37. Tell us about your purchases.
    What about purchases?
    About purchases, about purchases,
    About my little purchases!
  38. Tell each other
    And my friend is my friend
    And the girlfriend - to the hog,
    And the hog - to the whole city.
  39. The beaver has a hat of good
    And the beavers have a richer outfit.
  40. Cunning magpie catch the hassle
    And forty forty - forty troubles.
  41. In the yard firewood is cut with axes.
    One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.
The longest tongue twister of your choice in the world in Russian will help to develop diction. It is great for speech development. After reading all the tongue twisters with the letter "P", you can select a few and memorize.
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