- They drove a stake into the stockade, podkoloshmatili.
- Kondrat has a short jacket.
- A cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood, put on a cuckoo hood, a cuckoo in a hood is ridiculous.
- Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.
- The queen presented the caravel to the cavalier.
- Courier courier overtakes in the quarry.
- Coconut brewed coconut juice in high-speed cookers.
- Buy a pile of rush. Buy Kipu Peak. Buy a pile of peak.
- Mow, scythe, while dew, dew down - and we go home.
- Our Polkan from Baikal lacquered. Lacal Polkan, lacquered, but Baikal did not chalk.
- There is no ring near the well.
- A fox runs six by six: lick, fox a sand!
- The key was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.
- We ate, ate the ruff of the ate. They barely ate ate ate.
- On the river bank we came upon a burbot.
- But I’m not sick.
- Ah you lions, have you not howled at the Neva?
- Al lal, white diamond, green emerald.
- The red glow of the Himalayas fell to the fields of Nepal.
- Arkhip Osip. Osip is hoarse.
- The women on the grandmother are greedy.
- Baran Buyan climbed into the weeds.
- A loaf, a loaf, a bagel baker baked early.
- Two chicken run naked on the street.
- Horses flooded in the field.
- The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.
- In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig cedar kernels into buckets.
Having torn leggings from an otter in the tundra, I will wipe out the otter of the cedar core.
I will wipe my otter off with a muzzle.
Cores in buckets, otters in the tundra !. - Thirty-three striped piglets, Thirty-three tails hanging.
- Rakes - to row, brooms - to revenge, oars - to carry, runners - to crawl.
- Instead of a shirt, don’t wear trousers,
Instead of watermelon, do not ask for swede.
The number is always distinguished from the letter
And do you distinguish between ash and beech? - Good beavers go to the burs.
- Got a bean bean.
- Creepy bug living on a bitch.
- Evil goat, goat is not angry!
- Malanya-talkers milk chatted, blurted out, but did not blurted out.
- Klim threw a bow at Luka.
- Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.
- Comes with a goat oblique goat.
- Go to the army, so take the bird.
- Get up, Arkhip, the cock is hoarse.
- Polycarpus has three crucian carp and three carp in the pond.
- I bought a granny beads Maruse.
- Chicken chester - motley, duck with sock is flat.
- Shot by quail and black grouse.
- Four black little crazy little devils drew in black ink, the drawing is extremely clear.
- From the clatter of hooves dust flies across the field.
- Three birdies fly, three huts are empty.
- Our daughter is speechy, her speech is clear.
- Near the stake, three needles curl.
- Fell on five ridges.
Tongue twisters to improve diction in primary school children will help you learn to talk in a way that will be clear in the conversation, and you won’t have to guess what the child had in mind when pronouncing complex sounds.