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Original congratulations in prose for the newlyweds
May peace and tranquility reign in your family, advice and love. Love each other, appreciate and respect. Let your family hearth bring you only light and warmth, warming your family and delighting all your friends and relatives. I raise this glass for the warmth of the family hearth, for family happiness.
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Our dear newlyweds! Today you have created a new family. A strong and durable family is a reliable ship in the stormy waters of the stormy ocean, where the husband is the captain of the ship and the wife is his navigator. I want to wish that your family ship does not drown in the ocean of everyday problems, so that it can get out of the most difficult and dangerous sea storm and land on a quiet peaceful harbor, where you will find sunny and cloudless happiness.
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I wish you good weather on your long voyage! Do not encounter underwater reefs and rocks on your way! And may the wind and good luck always accompany you! Happy sailing on your family ship!
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Newlyweds, we wish you to make your love stronger, your feelings vivid and unique. Let them be clean as the bride’s white veil, beautiful as her luxurious bouquet. Enjoy and sweet moments like a wedding cake! Happy wedding!
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Dear young ones! Today's holiday is a triumph of feelings. So let them be strong and infinite, like the universe. Let your life together be bright and bright, like a sunny day. Love may be luxurious and generous, like this world! May each of you find in each other what he is looking for!
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A family born today is like a diamond. We wish you to turn it into a gorgeous diamond with joint efforts, with love, wisdom and consent!
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Your love story is wonderful. Your meeting is not random. It was she who gave the opportunity to open each other, to love and wish to be together. Today we have witnessed the birth of a beautiful family, you have united your fates in a single union to live life together. So live happily, soul to soul! Take care of your feelings, be a united team on the way to your dreams!
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Dear newlyweds! There came a touching moment when Mendelssohn’s march sounded for you. Let the music flow in your hearts to the very gray. May your parents always be proud of you. Let only happiness be found in your children. Trust you, harmony, abundance!
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Our dear lovers! We wish you to keep your trembling feelings until the golden wedding. And by that time, let you have a house - a full golden bowl, strong as a bar of gold, health. May your golden character be preserved. And we also advise you to have an aquarium in your house, and in it - a goldfish that fulfills all your desires!
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Dear newlyweds! A good husband is the head of the family, and a wise wife is her heart. I wish you never to experience any headaches or heartaches. Be always necessary to each other!
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Charming couple! Let the love sparkling in your eyes grow stronger over the years and multiply in your children and grandchildren. May Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia, wisdom, become your guardian angels.May God give you a happy family life!
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Friends! Our groom was able to open such an asterisk - smart, beautiful, caring. So let him always maintain her brilliance. A star-bride protects and illuminates your life path. Warm family hearth to you!
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Congratulations, newlyweds! Today, two dreams have come true, two hearts are beating in unison, we celebrate the birth of your family. Treasure love, a happy family life, warm relationships, keep quivering and tender feelings for many years.
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Congratulations on the birth of the most beautiful family! Let it be so strong that it can withstand any life's trials and difficulties. Only together, holding hand, are you strong and can overcome everything, achieve the greatest heights in life!
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On this special day, and most importantly, that it’s yours, I would like to wish you eternal and strong love, a warm family hearth, a friendly and strong family, to keep the thrill of first meetings in your hearts and to walk this long and difficult life path by hand with friend. Advice to you and love!
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With all my heart I want to congratulate you, my dears, on this significant day. I wish you mutual understanding, insanely strong love, good luck and success. Support each other, always walk alongside in life. Let a thin childish voice sound in your house. Be together all your life!
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Lovely, beautiful, happy and the best, I congratulate you on your wedding day and with all my heart I want to wish you a good atmosphere in your home, a peaceful sky above your head, great prosperity and eternal happiness in your family, bright hope and undoubted good luck on your joint path.
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You can wish a lot, but now we will confine ourselves to the most important thing: health to you, love and prosperity. And also understanding in everything and always, the ability to support each other in any situation. Dear newlyweds! Today a new life begins for you, so let it be long, bright and happy!
Beautiful happy wedding day greetings in prose
I congratulate you and from the bottom of my heart I wish you joint happiness and prosperity, eternal prosperity and peace, permanent harmony and prosperity, unquenchable hopes and dreams. Let your family grow stronger every day and soon replenish with wonderful kids.
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Congratulations! Today, your relationship has moved to another level, and you have become a family. Let everything develop smoothly, evenly and happily in your life. So that love, understanding and prosperity do not leave your home. I wish you a quick replenishment of the family and a lot of good emotions.
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Congratulations on the wedding and with all my heart I want to wish soul to soul, not knowing disappointments and adversities. I wish to lay a solid foundation for my family, I wish not to doubt each other and always remain faithful spouses. And may you not only have advice and love, but also prosperity and happiness!
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Let luck accompany you in marriage, let love surround your hearth, happiness illuminate the road of life, we wish peace in the house and other benefits. Let harmony and mutual understanding reign in the family.
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Dear newly made spouses! Take wise advice to life. Husband! Address your wife as your boss: read and be a little afraid. Wife! Do not be too strict on your husband: remember his good taste, as you are the only one of all the girls whom he chose. In addition, feed each other not only with food, but also with sweet compliments, encourage affection, make each other happy!
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I congratulate you on your significant day! It is a great joy for all those present that two such wonderful people decided to combine two lives, two fates into one. May the happiness that you experience today fill your hearts and bring you great joy on your holiday. Long and happy years, family well-being, understanding and warm relationships.
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Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day - your wedding day. We wish that your family was always strong and friendly, and that great happiness was immense, so that it would be enough for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
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Everyone knows that the path to a man is through the stomach to the heart.And the path of a real man to a woman - like the flight of an eagle in the sky, leaves no traces. I don’t know how the newlyweds found a way to each other’s hearts ... But I want to advise the bride to become a wonderful hostess, and the groom - so that he remains the same brave eagle as he is now!
Be happy, newlyweds!
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Dear bride and groom! Today you begin to write a book of married life. The first part is a sweet poetic honeymoon, the second is the prose of all future life. It is clear that the first flies instantly, and the second is read for a long time and at times is not easy. I advise the second volume of the book to be divided so that each part is made honey and romantic. Let not only the first spousal month, all life will be sweet and pleasant, like wine in wedding glasses!
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Today is a wonderful and unforgettable day for you, our newlyweds. Now you are spouse. Cherish such titles and each other! Know: it is happiness to go through life, holding the hand of a loved one in your hand. Take care of this happiness, pass it on to your children and grandchildren. Live in abundance, love and prosper!
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Happy family, dear couple!
One legend says that the word “family” has arisen since Adam asked seven famous questions to Eve on the eve of the wedding:
“Who will give birth to my children, my Goddess?” Quietly Eve answered - I.
- Who will help me educate them? And again I heard - I.
- Who will prepare the food for us?
- Who does the laundry?
- Who will sew the dress?
- Who caresses me?
- Who will decorate our housing? To the questions raised, Eve answered the seven famous "I".
Let your family be harmonious and strong. Let the famous "We" reign in her. Happy union to you!
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This is undoubtedly the most ambitious event that will leave in your memory only the best memories. So rejoice, young people, that you have found each other and there are more for one happy family in this world. And we have a good reason to congratulate you and wish you strong and passionate love, mutual respect, trust and understanding.
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Our dear young couple! You held hands tightly to get to know the holiday of life together! Let him bring only joy to your home. May beautiful children be born to you. Let family and friends always support. Love each other firmly and faithfully! Bitterly!
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You are a harmonious and great couple! Not surprisingly, two such wonderful people found each other. Outwardly similar, different in character. This complements and brings its own highlight. As we noticed, you are not bored. Before us is the funniest and happiest bride and groom. And ahead of you is a honeymoon. So we wish you young people to always be good and joyful together. Let every month of your life together be the same honey as the first! Goodness, happiness and love! Happy wedding!
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Dear newlyweds! You have a memorable day today - you have become a single family. Accept my congratulations on the wedding in your own words. I want to wish you great family happiness.
Rare wedding greetings in prose
Let your family life be paper, pewter, wooden, crystal, calico, silver, bronze ... In general, any, up to gold. Let her be filled with tenderness, happiness and love. Let nothing be dearer and more valuable to you in the world than your union. Take care and respect each other. Happy wedding!
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Congratulations, you are not only a wonderful couple, but now a happy family. I sincerely wish unquenchable and tender feelings, permanent good and joy in your home, mutual support and understanding in everything! May you live happily ever after.
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You now have a family, my dears, and a completely different life - happy, beautiful, but also with great responsibility! I congratulate you and wish you to be happy that you are together, that you need each other! Let the rules of love, patience and compliance, as well as understanding and support, become the main rule in your family for all years! Let the feeling that blooms violently today, and grow over time into a large tree that bears good and good fruits! Do not get tired of talking to each other about love and deeds confirm your words!
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As you know, love works miracles, and the family is the most beautiful of its miracles. I want to heartily congratulate you on this wonderful day! I want to wish you that your life together resembles a never ending holiday.So that happiness, love and mutual understanding become an integral part of your life. Congratulations!
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Congratulations on the happiest day of your life. Today is the birthday of a new family. We wish it to grow stronger every day and grow over the years. Let your family be based on mutual understanding, support, tenderness and boundless love. And all the obstacles that are inevitable on the path of life will make you only wiser and more united.
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Happy birthday to your marriage, your beautiful family. I wish you swan fidelity, youthful dreams, tender feelings, eternal love and bright happiness. May there be no difficult times for your family, may there be nothing impossible for your love, may the star of good luck always burn for you. I wish to hear each other and understand, respect personal interests and be a reliable support in aspirations.
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Dear newlyweds! I sincerely wish you the greatest, simplest earthly happiness! Let your every day begin and end with a smile of joy and thanksgiving of fate for your dear, attentive, loving and beloved soul mate! May there be no disagreement and omissions between you, but only the desire to always come to the rescue, hug, support and love each other very much and faithfully! May your days be long and sunny, and then the family will triple and happiness will become a hundred times more!
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Congratulations on the day of the conclusion of the union and sincerely wish this union to be strong, lasting, long and indestructible. Guys, be happy - and not just in words, but for real. Live fun, interesting and safe. Surprise and delight each other, take care and fill the hearth of your beautiful family with love.
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Congratulations to the young. I wish you a strong union, and in it - great happiness and eternal love, comfort, welfare and prosperity, passion and tenderness, concern for each other and harmony. Live richly, love sincerely, take care of your family and give birth to wonderful children!
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Congratulations, young ones! Let this day mark the beginning of your happy family life, in which there will be no quarrels and insults, in which harmony and understanding will always reign. I sincerely wish you strong and faithful love and, of course, good health, and you will certainly achieve everything desired, important and dear in your life. Support each other, value, protect and inspire. Bitterly!
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When two amazing destinies, two characters, two halves of hearts are combined, the result is a unique combination, which is called a family. I congratulate you and wish you not to lose those sparks that once lit your hearts!
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Dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on a significant event - the wedding day! We wish you strong family ties, mutual understanding, a reverent and sensitive attitude to each other. May love always be your companion. Bright life path, prosperity, prosperity, tenderness, attention and a sea of warmth and understanding. Unlimited happiness to you! May you live happily ever after!
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Today I congratulate you on the most wonderful holiday - the day of your wedding. I wish you to live in prosperity and harmony for ages, having managed to overcome any difficulties of life. May every day be sunny and kind for your family, may joy come to your home, may your hearts never tire of loving each other and dreaming with inspiration.
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Dear newlyweds! I congratulate you on this joyful and long-awaited day - the day of your wedding. I wish you a lifetime to preserve this love and carry it through all the years and trials. Let your family life not be overshadowed by bitterness, resentment, or other misfortunes. I wish each new shared day to be a revelation for you. Wake up every morning with the thought of how happy you are. Love each other, take care and wait, no matter what.
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I wish you, newlyweds, well-being in family life. May your union be strong and beautiful for many, many years, which you will divide in two. I wish you happiness, wonderful children, material wealth in the house and, most importantly, trust and understanding. Advice to you, yes love!
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I heartily congratulate you on your wedding day.Love each other, inspire each other, take care of each other and always keep your family in the status of a strong and friendly cell of society. May you live happily ever after!