Below you will find proverbs about homeland for grade 4. Each of them has its own meaning and in a word explains to children the theme of love for their native land. All proverbs about Russia are designed to educate children about the ministry of peoples and the protection of their city from the enemy.
- Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.
- Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.
- In your home, walls help.
- Everyone has a sweet side.
- Stupid is the bird to which its nest is not cute.
- Homes and walls help.
- The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.
- You live on the side, and your village is all on your mind.
- It’s warmer across the sea, but lighter here.
- And the speck of dust of their native land is gold.
- On the other side, the Motherland is doubly miles.
- No in the world is more beautiful than our homeland.
- There is no son without a fatherland.
- One person has a mother, one has his motherland.
- One man has his own mother, one also has his homeland.
- To betray the homeland is to disgrace the mother and father.
- Homeland - mother to all mothers.
- Motherland - mother, be able to stand up for her.
- Homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more expensive than gold.
- Beloved homeland - darling mother.
- Homeland begins with the family.
- They protect the homeland with their heads.
- You cannot find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.
- Native land and dreams in a dream.
- Native land and a handful of sweet.
- The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.
- Homeland - paradise for the heart.
- Native bush and hare of roads.
- There are no relatives, but on the darling side the heart aches.
- On the native side, the crow's pavas are redder.
- His milk - to the child, his life - to the Motherland.
- Own land and in sorrow is sweet.
- Its side is not cold.
- For its part, the dog is cute.
- That land is sweet where the mother gave birth.
- The hero who is behind the mountain.
- The people have one house - the Motherland.
- Dying, do not leave your native land.
- He lives well in the foreign land of Dem, but not at home.
- Well, where we do not.
- A thin bird that barks its nest.
- The kingdom will split, it will soon go bankrupt.
- A man without a homeland does not live.
- A man without a homeland, that a family without land.
- A man without a homeland, that a nightingale without a song.
- The alien land of joy will not add.
- The alien side is a dense forest.
- The alien side dries even without wind, and chills without winter.
- Alien - viburnum, homeland - raspberries.
- A stranger does not believe in tears.
After reading all the Russian sayings and proverbs about homeland grade 5, you can choose a few and memorize. All of them will be interesting to children. Each proverb about the homeland explains the need for society to protect the country. Choose 5 proverbs about your homeland and tell them to your friends.