Quotes about dreams 100 interesting aphorisms with meaning

It is always necessary to dream of something great, and never give up your dream. There are various beautiful phrases, proverbs and sayings about the dream, statements made by the wise people about the person’s dream, his desires, filled with a deep everyday meaning. Quotes on the theme of dream and reality, aphorisms about the dream of great people of all time show that in order to achieve your goals you need to make certain sacrifices - spend your time and energy.
  1. If a person does not understand your dreams, he is not your person.
    Dmitry Greenberg
  2. Dream of the great: only great dreams have the power to affect human souls.
    Marcus Aurelius
  3. I will always dream, and I will not stop until the bullet stops.
    Che Guevara
  4. The keys to happiness are dreams that come true.
    Nicholas Sparks
  5. A person who is not inclined to fight for what he wants is not worthy of what he wants.
    Frederick Begbeder
  6. Dream Desire Fight You will become the hundredth in this life as soon as you drop everything that makes you want to be the first.
    Woody Allen
  7. All our dreams can come true - only if we have the courage to follow them ...
    Walt Disney
  8. A dream come true is not always equal to happiness
    Max fry
  9. Dreams tend to sprout, breaking the thickest walls.
    Fanny Flagg.
  10. The only thing that destroys dreams is a compromise.
    Richard Bach
  11. The first sign that we began to kill our dream is when it is discovered that we are running out of time. The second sign is gaining experience. And finally, the third sign is peace.
    Paulo Coelho
  12. If you can dream, you can make your dreams come true.
    Walt Disney
  13. Strive up to the stars hidden in the depths of your soul. Pay more attention to dreams. Dreams create goals.
    Pamela Wall Starr
  14. Everything that exists in the world was once a dream.
    Karl Sendberg
  15. To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing. Go.
    Honore de Balzac
  16. And no one said that a dream should be reasonable.
    Terry Pratchett
  17. Sometimes there are times when you want to give up everything and give up your dream. At such moments, remember how much you will gain if you go further and how much you will lose if you give up. The price of success is usually less than the price of failure.
    Muhammad Ali
  18. Desire and wait - you will not go far on this. Get up and start following your dream.
    Jared Leto
  19. Dreams seem impossible at first. Then implausible. And then inevitable
    Christopher Reef
  20. Give the person everything that he wants, and at that very moment he will feel that this is not all.
    Kant A person in life has everything that he wants, and if he does not, it means that he does not want enough.
    Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
  21. Desire and wait - you will not go far on this. Get up and start following your dream.
    Jared Leto
  22. Do only what brings you closer to your dream.
    Osho Not all dreams come true. For example, in childhood, I dreamed of becoming a cook, but it did not work out.
    Bill Gates
  23. Fate gives us what we want when we have already learned how to do without it.
    Karol Izhikovsky
  24. Dreams are reality. The main thing is to really want and take a step forward.
    Elchin Safarli.
  25. If you do not make your dreams come true, reality will take away your dreams.
    Eric Pio
  26. At that moment when you laughed at someone else's dream - your dream began to laugh at you.
    Serge Goodman
  27. If you have a dream, protect it. People who cannot do anything will assure you that it won’t work out either. Set a goal - get it! And the point.
    Chris Gardner
  28. Getting to the dream means passing an endurance test. Over the years, children grow up, but no dreams. Their essence remains the same: to seek happiness. For every dream there is a Mastercard, human stupidity is priceless.
    S. Minaev
  29. Getting to the dream means passing an endurance test.
    Elchin Safarli
  30. You see things and say, “Why?” But I dream of things that never happened, and I say: “Why not?”
    George Bernand Shaw
  31. Replacing another salary for beer, we dream of saving up and finally healing beautifully ... When you want something badly, the whole Universe will help to make your wish come true.
    P. Coelho
  32. Dreams seem impossible at first, then implausible, and then inevitable.
    C. Reeve
  33. Only the world of dreams is eternal. A woman’s dream is to be a woman of dreams.
    E. Sevrus
  34. Only the world of dreams is eternal.
    V. Bryusov
  35. Even a blunt pig, which by its very nature is unable to look at the sky, even that dream sometimes dawns, of course, a pig.
    N. Mikhailovsky
  36. Dreams are the cornerstones of our character.
    G. Thoreau
  37. A plan differs from a dream only in the amount of paper used up.
    V. Grzhegorchik
  38. The dreams that are not doubted are most easily realized. When the most cherished dreams come true, you should expect that sooner or later fate will present you with an account.
    Stephanie Mayer
  39. Dreams that come true can be as frustrated as those that don't come true.
    B. Butler
  40. A dream is the most pleasant, the most true, the most interesting society: it makes the passage of time inconspicuous.
    P. Boast
  41. The dreams that are not doubted are most easily realized.
    A. Dumas – father
  42. Our wildest dreams come true! Maybe it's time to be fulfilled and timid?
    S. Lets
  43. Constancy is the everlasting dream of love. There is love stronger, and dreams are more wonderful than at the hearth.
    Bernard Show
  44. Why tell me that my happiness is nothing more than a dream? Even if it is a dream, let it let me enjoy it.
    Joseph Addison
  45. People, seeing the sun, forget about the moon. Seeing the moon, they forget about the sun. Seeing both luminaries in the sky, they think about the third.
    Abay Sadykov
  46. Society often forgives the criminal. But not a dreamer.
    Oscar Wilde
  47. A dream is a thought that has nothing to feed.
    J. Renard
  48. Slip your dream to the enemies, maybe they will die, embodying it
    Stanislav Jerzy Lets
  49. Everyone has a dream, but not everyone achieves it. Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.
    Edgar Keyes
  50. Only one thing makes a dream come true - fear of failure
    Paulo Coelho
  51. Everyone wants to get such a love that he does not deserve.
    Leszek Kumor
  52. Dreamers are alone.
    Erma Bombek
  53. Who dreams of retirement, dreams of rest before eternal rest.
    Vladislav Gzheshchik
  54. It’s a big mistake to dream about yourself more than you should, and to value yourself lower than you cost.
    I.V. Goethe
  55. The future is a comfortable haven for our dreams.
    Anatole France
  56. Do not complain that your dreams have not come true; only those who have never dreamed deserve pity.
    Maria Ebner Eschenbach
  57. The dreamer often correctly defines the future, but he does not want to wait for it. He wants to bring it closer with his own efforts. What nature needs for thousands of years, he wants to see perfect during his life.
    Gotthold Efraim Lessing
  58. Nature arranged it so that it was not only madmen, but also sages, to harbor illusions: otherwise, the latter would suffer too much from their own wisdom.
    Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  59. There are untalented dreamers, and then they are really dangerous people.
    Georg Christoph Aichtenberg
  60. A true poet dreams in reality, only it is not the subject of dreams that owns him, but he is the subject of dreams.
    Charles Lam
  61. It is dangerous to joke with a dream; a broken dream can make life misfortune; chasing a dream, you can miss the life or sacrifice it in a fit of insanity.
    Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev
  62. It is in dreams that new ideas are born ... To achieve the fulfillment of a dream is the greatest meaning of human life ...
    Alexey Semenovich Yakovlev
  63. If you built castles in the air, this does not mean that your work was wasted in vain: that is what real castles should look like. It remains only to bring a foundation under them.
    Henry David Thoreau
  64. Dreams are the cornerstones of our character.
    Henry David Thoreau
  65. Our fantasies are most like us. Each dream is drawn according to his nature.
    Victor Marie Hugo
  66. The living are fighting ... And only those are alive
    Whose heart is devoted to an exalted dream.
    Victor Marie Hugo
  67. The one who dreams is the forerunner of the one who thinks ... Thicken all your dreams and you will get reality.
    Victor Marie Hugo
  68. The dreams that are not doubted are most easily realized.
    Alexander Dumas (father)
  69. A dream is good and useful, unless you forget that it is a dream.
    Joseph Ernest Renan
  70. Dreams are not a departure from reality, but a means to approach it.
    William Somerset Maugham
  71. Only the world of dreams is eternal.
    Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov
  72. Dreams that come true are not dreams, but plans.
    Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov
  73. Elements of fantasy, dreams, in which the young body pours its needs, its ideas about what he would like, what should be, are an excellent moment for education.
    Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky
  74. The deepest way I love nature, the strength of the human spirit and the true human dream. And she is never noisy ... Never! The more you love her, the deeper you hide in your heart, the more you protect her.
    Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
  75. If one deprives a person of the ability to dream, then one of the most powerful motivating factors giving rise to culture, art, science and the desire to fight for a beautiful future will disappear.
    Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
  76. We need dreamers. It's time to get rid of the mocking attitude to this word. Many still do not know how to dream, and maybe that is why they can not become in level with time.
    Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
  77. It is necessary to dream as much as possible, as much as possible to dream in order to turn the future into the present.
    Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  78. There is a side to the dream that is better than reality; in reality there is a side better than a dream. Complete happiness would be a combination of both.
    Leo Tolstoy
  79. A dream is a thought that has nothing to feed.
    Jules Renard
  80. A dream is more powerful than reality. And could it be otherwise if she herself is the highest reality? She is the soul of existence.
    Anatole France
  81. Dreams give the world interest and meaning. Dreams, if they are consistent and reasonable, become even more beautiful when they create the real world in their image and likeness.
    Anatole France
  82. What a person dreams of almost never comes true.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
  83. Where the dreams of our entire generation lead us is the question that should not be decided by any one party, but by each of us.
    Frederick August von Hayek
  84. Our dream of heaven cannot be realized on earth. For those who ate from the tree of knowledge, paradise is lost. There is no turning back to a harmonious state of nature. If we turn back, we will have to go all the way - we will be forced to return to the animal state.
    Karl Raimund Popper
  85. Dreaming not only at night, but also awake.
    Ernst Simon Bloch
  86. A dream is a higher life, born of life itself, creative self-improvement and self-elevation of life.
    Semyon Ludwigovich Frank
  87. The work of art just does not give the dreaminess to blur, restrains, constrains, curbs it.
    Gustav Gustavovich Shpet
  88. Each person has his own dream. Everyone dreams of the world in a peculiar, individual way.
    Vladimir Frantsevich Ern
  89. Lyrical illusion of many faces.
    Emmanuel Mounier
  90. Dreams make up half of reality.
    Joseph Jouper
  91. Dreaming: a poetic way of not thinking.
    Adrian Decursel
  92. A dream is a castle that exists only until it was built.
    Vladislav Grzhegorchik
  93. Do not complain that your dreams have not come true; only those who have never dreamed deserve pity.
    Maria Ebner – Eschenbach
  94. Has at least one boyish dream ever come true? I doubt it. Take a look at Brander Matthews. He wanted to become a cowboy. And who is he today? Just a university professor. Will he ever be a cowboy? Extremely unlikely.
    Mark Twain
  95. Wretched dream, which can come true in its entirety.
    Alexander Kumor
  96. You see what is, and ask; “Why?” And I dream of something that never happened, and I say: “Why not?”
    George Bernard Shaw
  97. The smaller the head, the more dreams.
    Austin O’Malley
  98. In old age you yearn more for the dreams of your youth than for her happiness.
    Maria Ebner – Eschenbach
  99. When we can no longer dream, we die.
    Emma Goldman
  100. First they dream of fame, then they just hope for success, and in the end they are satisfied with the praises of their relatives.
    Etienne Rey
Sometimes there are times when the desire to throw everything and abandon dreams and unfulfilled desires. At such moments, you need to think about how much you will gain if you go further and how much you will lose if you give up. In short, the price of success is often less than the price of failure. Quotes about the dream and reality, which many enter into their statuses on social networks, urge not to give up their dreams.
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