Poems about kindness: 50 beautiful poems with meaning ✍

The verses of famous poets for children and adults tell about good deeds, mercy and good deeds. Children's short poems about the good of different poets in a special way open up the topic: “Politeness” and “Kindness”. The poem shows in the best way what it is to do good and be a good person.

Popular verses about kindness

Where does it get it from?
And as in a running bustle,
Does it forgive so much and easily?
And why always worries
When does someone really, really hurt?
Kindness is always there.
There are so many that it’s enough for everyone.
I realized that kindness is like blood:
The more you give, the more will be.
Kindness has a friend - love.
Give more kindness, people!

* * *

Kindness, kindness
Kindness is not a little to you,
There is love in kindness
And, of course, there is pity!
May all the people of the world
Love each other very much,
Let them not stand between them
Cold, evil blizzards!
You give kindness
From the heart and spontaneously,
And let this act
Doesn't seem strange!

* * *

Give people kindness
Caring and love
And understanding and dream -
Give again and again!
Let there be no thought of reward
And never will be
Reciprocating heart warm light
People will give you.
And your life will change
It’ll become luckier
When the flood on you
A wave of love will come!
Give people kindness ...

* * *

The meaning of the word kindness is lost
After all, now with a view to all actions.
"Yes, friend, I will help you in full ...
And you will make concessions to me. ”
To take another kindness
Eh, you have to be rich to me.
For human help, at least one
Give at least two of you.
Oh yes, I'm really scared of her.
Indeed, in our time, kindness,
From everybody comes lightning fast
And she sparks, only occasionally.
Obsessively so everyone sticks it,
Without thinking, you need her.
But knowing now what’s mine,
They will charge you completely.

* * *

If your friend is in a verbal argument
Could hurt you
It's bitter, but it's not sorrow
Forgive him later.
In life, anything can happen.
And since your friendship is strong
Because of a stupid trifle
You do not let her break in vain.
If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,
And the longing for her is hot
This is also not grief
Do not rush, do not cut the shoulder.
Let not you be the cause
That spat and harsh words,
Get up a quarrel, be a man!
This is still your love!
In life, anything can happen.
And if your love is strong
Because of a stupid trifle
You shouldn't let her break.
And so as not to reproach
That he hurt someone
Better to be kind in the world
Evil in the world and so pretty.
But in one thing, do not back down:
Go to the gap, to the separation,
Only meanness do not forgive
And betrayal do not forgive
No one: neither beloved nor friend!

* * *

Coming out of the gate in the morning
You see, in everyone’s life,
Enough troubles and worries ...
Are we frowning faces
Or whose angry speech
You can share a smile
And ignite the spark.

* * *

No matter how life flies
Do not spare your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To keep my heart burning
And not smoldering in the darkness
Do a good deed-
So we live on earth.

* * *

And how we need kind words!
More than once we have seen this for ourselves,
Or maybe not words - are matters important?
Actions are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us,
At the bottom of the soul to the time stored
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.

* * *

In the house, busy with good deeds,
Quiet walks kindness
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour
Good evening,
Good night
It was good yesterday
And where do you ask
There is so much kindness in the house.

* * *

Kindness is needed by all people
Let there be more good.
They speak for good reason at a meeting
Good afternoon and good evening.
And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wish "Good morning."
Kindness - it is from the age of
The decoration of man ...

* * *

Don't stand aside indifferent
When, someone has trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always
And if someone helps someone
Your kindness, your smile
You are happy that the day was not spent in vain,
That you live for years not in vain.

* * *

Kindness cannot be bought in the market.
You can’t borrow the sincerity of a song.
Not from books envy comes to people.
And without books we comprehend a lie.
Apparently, sometimes education
Touch the soul
Not enough strength.
My grandfather without a diploma and without a title
He was just a kind person.
So, kindness was at the beginning? ..
Let her come to every house
Whatever we later study,
Whoever in life later.

* * *

Let's talk about kindness
about the values ​​of lasting, eternal,
about life that is so short and fleeting
that we are not the same for a long time.
We have forgotten how to believe and dream,
we stopped understanding each other,
we were overwhelmed with hatred of a blizzard -
we have forgotten how to sympathize.
Mired in disputes, squabbles, wars, vanity,
forgetting that happiness exists
that the world is huge and beautiful
there is enough room for everyone in it.
Let's talk about kindness!

* * *

And if someone helps
Your kindness, your smile
Are you happy that day
Wasn’t lived in vain,
What years have you been living for good reason!

The best poems about good

My little son is a little miracle!
I lighten my heart, not breathing -
From Heaven, from the Wind, from nowhere
Young soul is born!
May your peace be pure and bright
In our stuffy household dust!
Let the wind carry you around the world
Not splashing mud of the Earth.

* * *

It was in January,
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain
And near this Christmas tree
Wicked wolves roamed.
One day
At night
When the forest is so quiet
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Hare and a hare.
Who wants to hunt in the New Year
Get caught in the clutches of a wolf!
Rabbits rushed forward
And jumped on the Christmas tree.
They pressed their ears
Hang like toys.
Ten little rabbits
Hang on the tree and are silent -
They deceived the wolf.
It was in January -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

* * *

You do only one good in life ...
So that from a good thought it multiplied ...
Gardens will bloom from the heat in the area ...
After all, everyone loves people and flowers ...
Then people will remember with warmth in their souls ...
A trace of good will leave in your baby ...
After all, good is a treasure, a treasure that cannot be taken away ...
It, as a reward, can only be accepted ...
If the heart beats, everything inside boils ...
So your heart hurts about others ...
The good blossomed, began, and ascended ...
So it’s not in vain that everything has passed in life ...
Good will multiply, multiply ...
Everyone in life wants it to come ...
Without good, as can be seen, and its warmth ...
Does not sing with happiness, the soul does not live.

* * *

The child at the door asks the light to turn on,
Pursue his infant fears.
Let this white magician - a tungsten thread -
Delivered from creatures lurking in the darkness.
His universe, like a room, is dark,
He says something, but you can’t catch the point:
There is no logic in words - only mysticism,
That same dream of mind that gives birth to monsters.
And no matter how hard I work, but I won’t make out
Those who play mysterious hide and seek with him.
I intently enter the darkness of the room,
My universe is in a logical order.
Now it's harder to become a member of the game
And without a smile, heed the mystical stories -
Much more dear to us are intelligent worlds.
Fantasy is alive - but reason rules it.
I will light the lamp and go out onto the balcony.
The child behind him will calm down, calming down.
And I will look into the darkness where Orion shines
And the verses of his three-star belt will precede.
And the worlds move, and midnight on the clock
And eternity has flowed into my millennium,
And whether it is necessary to regret children's miracles,
When in my gardens constellations are like inflorescences!
And you can go numb, look into the darkness of the worlds
And reading poetry is mystical, sleepless.
They have no name. Above them instead of words
Three stars burn like the belt of Orion.

* * *

Good must be with fists,
With a tail and sharp horns
With hooves and a beard.
Barbed wool is covered,
Breathing fire, biya hoof,
It will come for you too!
You hear - here it walks,
Venom drains from fangs to the ground
The tail angrily whips on the sides.
Good, howling ominously
With horns of clouds touching
Creeps closer to us!
Well, my reader is moody
Carrier of the spirit of humanism,
I wish you Good - and may
When you meet him, my verse you will remember
And then deaf midnight
A terrible cry will cut through: “To the rescue!”
And then - champing and crunching ...

* * *

Good and evil are arguing
How light and darkness always fight
Such is their agreement
After all, God and the devil exist
Like parallel worlds
They accompany us all
And every gift
On interruption we are offered
Fierce struggle
For our souls going on
We all have our own destiny
And every way it goes
And along the path of his fate
Temptations await us
And not without an internal struggle
Vices people win
But the devil is very cunning
It just doesn't give up right away
Skilled he is always an actor
Manages to confuse everyone again
Then one salvation temple
What does God give us
And he cleanses everyone there
Sins to the lost
The newly reborn soul
Continues its way through life
And the devil is slowly again
She is tempted as before.

* * *

I hear a voice from Beautiful Far,
Morning voice in silver dew.
I hear a voice - and an alluring road
Dizzy, as in childhood, a carousel.
Beautiful Far! Don't be cruel to me
Do not be cruel to me, do not be cruel!
From the pure source to the Beautiful Far Away
To the Beautiful Far I begin the journey.
I hear a voice from Beautiful Far,
He calls me to wonderful lands.
I hear a voice - the voice asks strictly:
“And today, what have I done for tomorrow?”
Beautiful Far! Don't be cruel to me
Do not be cruel to me, do not be cruel!
From the pure source to the Beautiful Far Away
To the Beautiful Far I begin the journey.
I swear I'll be cleaner and kinder
And in trouble I will never leave my friend.
I hear a voice - and I hurry to a call rather
On a road that has no trace.
Beautiful Far! Don't be cruel to me
Do not be cruel to me, do not be cruel!
From the pure source The beautiful is far away
The beautiful is far away - I'm starting the way! ..

* * *

Kindness cannot be bought in the market.
You can’t borrow the sincerity of a song.
Not from books envy comes to people.
And without books we comprehend a lie.
Apparently, sometimes education
Touch the soul
Not enough strength.
My grandfather without a diploma and without a title
He was just a kind person.
So, kindness was at the beginning? ..
Let her come to every house
Whatever we later study,
Whoever in life later.

* * *

If your friend is in a verbal argument
Could hurt you
It's bitter, but it's not sorrow
Forgive him later.
In life, anything can happen.
And since your friendship is strong
Because of a stupid trifle
You do not let her break in vain.
If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,
And the longing for her is hot
This is also not grief
Do not rush, do not cut the shoulder.
Let not you be the cause
That spat and harsh words,
Get up a quarrel, be a man!
This is still your love!
In life, anything can happen.
And if your love is strong
Because of a stupid trifle
You shouldn't let her break.
And so as not to reproach
That he hurt someone
Better to be kind in the world
Evil in the world and so pretty.
But in one thing, do not back down:
Go to the gap, to the separation,
Only meanness do not forgive
And betrayal do not forgive
No one: neither beloved nor friend!

* * *

I want to say friends, I boldly
Living in the world, I happened to understand
For joy, others lack a little,
But much needs to be given back.
But people don’t want a trifle,
Always see big dreams
And therefore they don’t understand
That little things are full of feelings.
And if the little thing stops
Wanting a reaction to see them,
You can be very upset
Not having seen that in their faces.
And there is no conclusion at the lines of light,
And they will not show the formula of problems,
Only if they read it all
And realize the taste of little joy.

* * *

Kindness certainly saves the whole world
Helps everyone in the world grow
To make people harmony, find peace
You warm your heart in goodness
Mercy suddenly burned in your heart
And it certainly spread
All know him if in your heart
It even lit up for a moment
A lot of effort and diligence needs to be invested
So that Good is saved and Patience
Only Truth is to keep in the heart
Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance

* * *

The most important thing in life is kindness,
And there’s nothing nicer than her,
And if that trait is in you,
That your life will give people light!
And the highest value of life is love!
She is always the beginning of all beginnings,
Let the sun shine again
High spirit that is above all praise!

* * *

Become kinder to everyone, don't slander
Forget misfortune, forgive sins.
Let yourself be happy, kind
Wash your soul from lies - husks.
Open your heart for good deeds,
Get wisdom from smart people.
And go around all the stupid ones
Do not betray relatives and friends.
Sow good you everywhere and everywhere
May good deeds sprout.
Believe in God, rejoice at the miracle
And share a piece of heat.

Beautiful verses about kindness

Do not hide the tenderness in your pockets
And do not be shy of kindness
Don't be afraid to seem strange
Amid the stupid bustle.
Leave the house with a smile
Breathing life deeply
Walk through the familiar street
And try not to rush.
Grow gardens in your soul,
Protect them from evil
From those gardens give flowers
To strangers and friends ...

* * *

Warm words don’t need a reason
And you don’t have to wait for many years.
Give them in the heat and in the cold,
In the morning, in the evening and at lunch.
They are needed like fresh air
Like the blue of the sky, like the salt of the earth.
It’s so easy to give warmth
They have a sea of ​​affection and love.

* * *

May this day begin with kindness
And with someone's amazing smile
Someone will bring flowers to someone
Or send a note on a postcard.
And someone will make strong tea,
By adding a couple of lemon slices,
And he will say: “Don’t be bored anymore ...
When you feel so sad, I feel bad too. ”
And someone will kiss gently on the forehead,
Holds tightly fragile palms
And dissolving the cold evil chills
In dreams, and in tenderness, and in happiness, little by little,
Let this day begin with warm eyes
And blooming with joy in my heart
Let someone smile at you now

* * *

Good people are like the warm sun
Which, parting the clouds, comes out of the darkness ...
When the whole world laughs at your failure
They kindly warm in the midst of winter.
Good people are usually not immediately noticeable ...
Do not get into your eyes like girls who have grown bangs.
But at a difficult moment, they are not indifferent ...
They always have a kind look with a sad look ...
Good people are naive and sentimental.
In them hearts love drowns out the grunts of the mind ...
They immediately forget the wrongdoer.
It is difficult for them to believe in insincerity of feelings and deception.
Good friends make mistakes often,
Not seeing that they are not friends, using them ...
Acute feel both pain and harmony of happiness ...
And they know that there are many unfortunates, but there are no bad ones.
You can’t constantly bask in their rays of the sun,
After all, one must, when meeting good, become kinder!
Good people always smile with their hearts
And they see in moody passers-by - good people ...

* * *

Good, good are often betrayed.
They are sometimes naive, like children.
With their problems they go to them,
What they can, these people will help you.
For them, doing good is a rush of soul,
And they don’t know how to live otherwise.
Though their deeds are very good,
But sometimes they regret them.
And often they are paid for good with evil,
Thus, they offend me very much.
But these people still sweat
The warmth of the soul continues to share.
“Do not do good, you will not receive evil” -
I have heard more than once.
The proverb was by no means cheerful
And good far from us, not everyone.
They can justify anyone
Forgive him and give hope
And kindness to teach lessons
Envious, impudent and ignorant.
Someone will call them fools,
And someone will admire them.
But know that you are very lucky
If you meet such people.

* * *

Well, who said that an important reason is needed,
To give warmth and kindness
To dispel the long night cold
And revive the winged dream?
But by the way, I know - there are such people,
Which is no reason at all.
They carry good on a generous dish
Do not forbid your heart.
Even if you’re not personally acquainted,
Even if you don’t recognize,
Who exactly, breaking all the laws,
Brought you a bouquet of kindness
But life will suddenly become brighter and warmer
Not a day, but many good years!
And because in the world there is no more valuable
Than the light just presented to you!
No matter how life flies
Do not spare your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To keep my heart burning
And not smoldering in the darkness
Do a good deed -
So we live on earth.

* * *

In the house, busy with good deeds,
Quietly walks kindness.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour
Good evening,
Good night
It was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
There's so much kindness in the house
What from this kindness
Flowers take root,
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
This is mom, mom, mom!

* * *

Kindness is needed by all people
Let there be more good.
They speak for good reason at a meeting
Good afternoon and good evening.
And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wish "Good morning."
Kindness - it is from the age of
The decoration of man ...

* * *

It’s not easy to be kind
Kindness does not depend on growth.
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.
If kindness shines like the sun
Adults and children are happy.

* * *

"Good morning!" -
Tell someone
And it will be him
Very good morning
And the day will be good
And good meetings,
And kind of course
The evening will fall.
How important and necessary
So that right in the morning
They wished you well.

* * *

What is kindness?
Wash the bowl with the cat,
Water a flower
(He's terribly lonely)
Repair a sister’s toy
Skip ahead the old woman
Sadness to treat love with words
Helping a tired mom
A girl unfamiliar
Bring the briefcase to home.
From warmth and kindness
Flowers are blooming,
She warms everyone
Like a ray from a window.

* * *

You do good
And do not claim rewards
And it will be for you
Everyone met is glad
After all, weasel is pleasant
And the cat and the lioness
Good to you
Return a hundredfold!

Interesting poems about kindness

Don't hide the tenderness in your pockets
And do not be shy of kindness
Don't be afraid to seem strange
Amid the stupid bustle.
Leave the house with a smile
Breathing life deeply
Walk through the familiar street
And try not to rush.
Grow gardens in your soul,
Protect them from evil
From those gardens give flowers
To strangers and friends ...

* * *

Of course, life is not the same:
Other customs and habits,
And even the word "kindness"
Suddenly enclosed in quotation marks.

* * *

And with a friend and with an enemy you must be good!
Who is kind by nature, you will not find malice in that.
You’ll offend a friend - you’ll make an enemy,
You embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.

* * *

Sometimes there are failures
No happy on the way
To solve problems in life,
You need to go the road of good.

* * *

I'm not tired of living yet! To be surprised and believe in a miracle.
Smile to the tricks of lies and friends to find everywhere.
I’m not tired of giving warmth to far from holy people.
Understanding: good and evil - were forever and always will be!
But, I tried to add a little good, without getting tired.
And fortune was generous, and misfortune passed evil.
Though twists of fate are complicated, I meet the day with a ringing song.
I'm still not tired of being (albeit at heart) a mischievous girl!

* * *

Give the welcome that is so necessary.
Anyone will be immensely pleased with him ...
Do not forget that our life is mutual
And everything will return to you a hundred times!

* * *

In this huge world in which I and you live,
Not enough heat, not enough human Kindness
Let them not give us grades in the school for the generosity of the Soul,
You take it once and do Good just like that,
And then in the frosty breath it will smell in the spring,
And then on Earth there will be more than one smile! ..

* * *

The good of the soul is a rare gift,
That God commanded to share,
To return the fee
To you in the form of the same investment.

* * *

And how we need kind words!
More than once we have seen this for ourselves,
Or maybe not words - are matters important?
Actions are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us,
At the bottom of the soul to the time stored
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them ...

* * *

Let's get a little kinder
Let's not get mad at others.
Living with a good heart is more fun.
Appreciate friends, love family.
We are all dependent on each other
Is life bad, or is good.
Rain outside the window, whether the blizzard is spinning.
With good, the soul is always bright.

* * *

Kindness comes in quietly, without a stick.
And does not require fame in return.
Kindness is too valuable.
Cheap people don’t have it.
May the days, centuries pass
Millennia will sweep
Kindness and mercy
Values ​​remain.
Kindness lives in peace
Even in bad times.
Show kindness -
It will be easier to live in the world!
Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with kindness about kindness:
All in blue and starry beauty
Land of goodness. She gives us bread
Living water and a tree in bloom.
Under this forever restless sky
Let's fight for kindness!

* * *

Faces and dates are erased
But still until the last day
I remember those that once
At least something warmed me.
Warmed with their raincoat
Or a quiet, humorous word,
Or tea on the table shaky,
Ile is simply a kind face.
Like a holiday, like happiness, like a miracle
There is kindness on earth.
And I won’t forget about her,
Although I forget about evil.

In the article we examined verses, and in particular a verse about the good of different writers, each of which interprets them in his own way.

Let us and we become a little kinder and try to write our own verse about kindness or a verse about good.

A verse about good does good and makes us happier.

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