Poems about space: 50 beautiful poems with meaning ✍

Poems about stars and planets, astronauts and rockets are a great way for the first time to introduce children to the inextricable theme of space. Each verse about stars and the universe surrounding us is a reality and a fantasy, dreams and accomplished achievements. About the majestic cosmos, many authors composed their poem. Rimma Aldonina and Tim Sobakin, Heinrich Sapgir and Natalia Khrushcheva wrote poems for children and adults about Yuri Gagarin and the brave astronauts who followed him.

Popular poems about space

It’s so cool in space!
It’s so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Slowly swim!

It’s so cool in space!
Sharp rockets
At great speed
Rushing here and there!

So wonderful in space!
So magical in space!
In real space
I visited once!

In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

*  *  *

In order all the planets
Any of us will call:
One - Mercury
Two are Venus
Three is Earth
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

*  *  *

There is no space air in space
And there are nine different planets circling.
And the Sun is a star in the very center of the system,
And all of us are bound by attraction.

The sun shines with a volcano
Boils like a boiling cauldron
Prominences take off in a fountain
Life and warmth gives everyone relentlessly.

Sun-star enormous ball
Light radiates as if it were a fire.
Well, the planets reflect that light,
Sun-luminaries they adore!

Many planets fly around the sun.
Maybe people live on them?
Come on, we'll board the rocket with you
Rush from the Sun in the darkness of blue!

Maybe Mercury will please us?
And he will bring us friends a whole class!

*  *  *

We are in the solar system,
Entering the Milky Way Galaxy.
And in our ABC of this topic
We in the letter "G" touched a little.

And in fairness we’ll say
That the sun with the whole family
(Planets, comets, asteroids, by the way)
Also goes its circular path.

It carries its entire system
Around the Core of the Milky Way,
On turnaround, wasting time
Hundreds of years two million, and

Do not forget to rotate
Around its own axis.
Around the sun the planets rush
Whirling, as in a waltz, for one, two, three ...

Planets - To the sun as if children:
Compared to him, they are so small
That the mass of them put together is somewhere
Zero integers with something from the whole star.

There are different planets in the system,
Among them are giants and babies.
And the sun gets along with them all,
After all, everything is good in its own way.

Here is Mars, Mercury, Earth, Venus -
Planets of the group they are terrestrial:
They are very small,
All are covered with solid bark.

And here are the giants: Saturn, Jupiter,
Neptune, Uranus - and they are far away
They took a cloister from the sun,
Where could live more simply.

To all the planets of heat and light,
Without ceasing, gives a star
And blowing by the solar wind
Rotating easily around you.

*  *  *

The cry of the first satellites
It was touching thin.
So among the starry young groats
Planet hatch
Like a chicken
From the blue shell.
How high Russia has ascended!
Fierce space at night
I know how insanely hard
Protective leave the shell
And to the usual devil to step
Encountering the abyss, heat and cold,
How to open a stranger
A vulnerable and quivering soul.
At the turn of the space age
United, temporality crash,
Rebellious Consciousness
And cosmos a boundless soul!
A stars irresistible shine
Again blinds the eyes of earthly children.
Farther and more dangerous distance
And people are getting closer and closer to us.

*  *  *

Spreading its fiery tail
A comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Miraculous news
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds
I was at the Sun at a party.
I saw the Earth far
And the new Earth satellites.
I was carried away from the Earth
Ships flew after me!

*  *  *

Somewhere in space
Blue meteorite.

You are walking,
And he is flying.
You lie,
And he is flying.
You fell asleep,
But everything flies
In space

You grow up little by little
Become an astronomer
And one evening
You will go to friends.

Suddenly the speaker
He speaks:
"A meteorite fell in the taiga."
The whole world is thrilled
The world is noisy:
- A meteorite fell in the taiga!

The next morning
Tell your friends
Saying goodbye to the capital:
“I will not come to you today,
I fly out at noon myself
On one of the expeditions. ”

... you today
Eight years,
In front of you
All the white light
But somewhere
In the Universe
Your blue meteorite -
The gift is precious.

As he rushes
Hurry up to learn.

*  *  *

We got into a circle and dance nicely
With Capricorn Aquarius,
Fish fins waving
Aries in a hurry in a circle.
And Taurus will be with him
He's beating dashingly.
There will be dancing until you drop
A round dance will be kind.
The twins are dancing
Cancer backs up after them:
“What kind of strange dance is this?
A circle or a belt? ”- Zodiac!
Leo and Virgo became friends
Spinning in a round dance
Bringing Libra
Amazing beauty.
Scorpio dances squatting
And Sagittarius waves its claw.
This glorious round dance
The sun will go around in a year.
There are twelve of them in a round dance,
Is it more like heaven?
“How many all the constellations?” - ask!
“Exactly eighty-eight!”

*  *  *

The night in the sky is dark blue
Did you make a rosy pancake?
From the space basket
Did the orange roll in?

Or a golden saucer
Shining in the sky? ..
To dream at times
So amusing under the moon!

*  *  *

I would like to fly to the moon
To plunge into the unsolved world.
And like a beautiful dream
Touch the brightest star.
Fly to distant orbits
Unknown to all of us measurements,
Where the mysterious cosmos stores
Many secrets of the vast universe.
To visit the planets of others
About which science does not know.
And the unearthly creatures to see -
What fly on strange plates.
Ask how he lives there,
Is there autumn, winter or summer,
For what purpose they always fly to us -
On a planet forgotten by God ...
Everyone always dreams of something,
And they strive to achieve something.
Only space, alas, never
He probably won't want to open ...

*  *  *

You know dad is miracles
The eclipse will come.
The sun will disappear - beauty.
Where will it go?

The night, quiet moon
Will come to visit us during the day?
Will she close the sun?
And will we fall asleep again?

Dad explained to me for a long time
About the sun and moon
Of course I nodded to him
But I don’t understand.

And dad drew everything:
Here is the Sun, here is the Earth
And here is the moon, its oval
Then I understood everything.

The moon will not come to visit during the day,
We will see her shadow.
She will float in the sun
And the day will darken.

Like someone in heaven
Sailing on a ship.
The moon is like a sail in the winds
Hello will be sent to the Earth.

Suddenly, suddenly felt sad
Some kid.
I don’t fall asleep without moon tales,
Even if the house is quiet.

She can’t shine for us,
Only reflects the light.
To help the sun is given
And that is her secret.

So it’s not dark at night
Beautiful moon
Looks at every window
With her, darkness is not afraid of us.

Night comes to us with the moon
The moon gives us dreams.
A fairy tale is a daughter
Mysterious moon.

*  *  *

What a magnificent wonder!
Almost taking up half the world
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers over the Earth.

And I want to think:
- where from
Has a bright miracle come to us?
And I want to cry when
It will fly away without a trace.

And they tell us:
- This is ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
No matter the miracle comes
A Miracle is always beautiful!

*  *  *

Flying in space
Steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small
Everything is visible in them
Like on the palm of your hand:
Steppe space
Tidal bore,
and you and me!

The best poems about the stars

From the earth
To look at the stars
The air is disturbing
He is trembling
It rained
That hail slammed
Then a bunch of clouds will run up.

And an astronomer at the telescope
Night after night
The weather is waiting.
In vain the day has passed
Another stomped ...
Yes, so is life
You look, it will pass!

But in the space age
They found a smart solution,
Like a telescope for the atmosphere
Send away from Earth.

Now they know how to fly.
Around the cosmic haze,
Their solar panels
Shine like two wings.

*  *  *

Beyond the edges of earth passes
Along the milky wide river,
At the far universal moorings
Lighthouses burn over the abyss.

We shout invitingly with you
The lights of those distant worlds.
And someone’s eyes are inseparably
The interstellar cover is pierced.

Someone may not sleep,
Someone's gaze is watching the sun.
And to the yellow star like a bird
Vibrations of thoughts fly ...

*  *  *

In the sky black, velvety
Bright stars shine.
Night shimmer silver
Decorates your outfit.

The mysterious light, far
Calling and beckoning
To high aspirations
Calling me to heaven

*  *  *

It was dusk and in the dark sky
The star lit up. Whole milky way
I can see it in the palm of my hand
I dream of clinging to that star.

Now, if the lunar path
We have shortened a long way
I would calm down a bit
That I’ll meet her someday.

And reflected in the moonlight
She burns in my window
As if agreeing with me
Laughing, winks at me.

*  *  *

Above the Earth late at night,
Just hold out your hand
You grab the stars:
Nearby they seem.
You can take a peacock feather
Touch the hands on the Clock,
Ride the Dolphin
To swing on the scales.
Above the Earth late at night,
If you look into the sky
You will see like clusters
There the constellations hang.
Above the Earth late at night,
Only reach out your hand
You grab the stars:
Nearby they seem.

*  *  *

Here is Ursa Major
Star porridge interferes
Big bucket
In a big boiler.

And nearby glows dimly
Ursa Minor.
Little ladle
Collects crumbs.

*  *  *

All night brilliant constellations
Do not slow down the dance
Around one star standing
As if in the center of the sky.

The axis of the earth bent towards her,
We called her Polar.
Where is the north, we recognize it
And she is grateful for this.

*  *  *

Not afraid of winter and cold
Belted tight
Equipped for hunting
Speaker Orion.

Two stars from the Premier League
In Orion, it's Rigel
In the lower right corner
Like a bow on a shoe.

And on the left epaulet -
Betelgeuse shines brightly.
Three stars obliquely
Decorate the belt.

This belt is like a clue.
He is a heavenly pointer.
If you go left,
You will find Miracle Sirius.

And from the right end -
Way to the constellation Taurus.
He points straight
In the red eye of Aldebaran.

*  *  *

What are the stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And add,
What moreover, always
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!

*  *  *

Stars, stars, for a long time
Chained you forever
Human eyes are greedy.
And sitting in animal skin
Near the red bonfire
Inseparably in the blue dome
He could look until the morning.
And looked in silence for a long time
Man in the vast night -
That with fear
That with delight
That with an obscure dream.
And then with a dream together
The tale ripened on the lips:
About the mysterious constellations
About the unknown worlds.
Since then, they live in heaven
Like in the night land of miracles -
Sagittarius and Swan,
Leo, Pegasus and Hercules.

*  *  *

There are stars in the sky, but very strange.
They walk through the sky among others
Other, real, twinkling stars.
And are they the stars? - We are concerned about the question.
A wandering star wanderer through the sky -
Not a star at all, but a planet!
Planets, unlike stars, are cold -
They don’t shine, they only reflect light, alas!
And this light is bright, but in different shades.
They differ in something, probably.
Different surfaces - that’s the secret.
Explore the planet - look for the answer.

*  *  *

Let someone get a puppy
Kitten Cockatoo Parrot
Guinea pig or hamster ...
I’ll personally make myself a star!

A star is not that different beast,
Mom will allow her to get:
No wool, no dirt from it,
The infection can not bring.

Tame will be my star
All other stars are more beautiful and clearer.
I’ll give a harmonious name to her,
In the evenings we will go for a walk with her.

One warm night I'll go
Behind her across the field to the pond,
Then we take a swim in the pond:
I will sail, and next to it is a star.

I'll crush her bread crumbs in the grass,
She will drink water from the pond.
And before going to bed I’ll call a star,
I gently stroke her rays.

I wave my hand to her goodbye.
It blinks, melts above.
I’ll tell the guys about it,
All will immediately envy me,

They will ask: “Give your star!”
But never will I part with her
With beautiful
My star
Which I will get myself!

*  *  *

I’ll write a poem about space.
About him, what will I tell?
I don't know him at all
And almost not friends.

If only about a girlfriend,
What is looking at me through the window
Just lie on the pillow
When the room is dark.

A star to me this mom
Gave a long time ago
And mom and I love her,
Though she is so far away.

"Oh look, look, mom,
She blinked again! ”
“Sleep son,” said mom
And smiled softly.

I make a wish
And I’ll sleep peacefully
An asterisk will fulfill it,
Will not refuse me again.

Although the desire is simple:
Mom to love me, -
Baby star me
Never failed!

Beautiful poems about astronauts

Stubbornly and with difficulty
About the stars a secret dream
Today we are walking through space
Only fifty miles.

Path trampled into space a little
Fifteen hundred earthlings from different countries.
It’s not just easy to do,
Not a few lives were lost there.

Only half a century since April
When a simple Soviet guy is ours.
From the grandeur of the fate of the hop
For the first time space boarded.

And the guy’s name was Gagarin Yura
He was sent by the Russian land.
The talent of Sergei Korolev
He became a space ship sailor.

Centuries will pass and people on planets
They will begin to walk, as is now the case with guests.
But they will never forget about it,
About the first step to star addresses.

*  *  *

A special day has come to us -
Cosmonauts have a holiday!
Knows about it well
Quiet and prankish!

And everyone repeats, to whom not laziness,
Always the same:
Since I was born that day,
Must become an astronaut!

No, I don’t want an astronaut.
Rather, an astronomer.
I will study all the planets
Without leaving home.

But maybe still a doctor? -
There will be no problems in the family,
I will always substitute my shoulder
To relatives and friends.

And become a traveler
All the boys dream
So that countries can discover lands
Write books about this.

The astronauts anniversary
And I'm ten today ...
And what a soul my dear
There is still time to weigh!

*  *  *

I remember the sun sparkled that day:
What an amazing April it was!
And in my heart joy shone with pride:
Gagarin flew from space!

Everyone recognized him by a smile -
There was no such smile!
The whole world applauded! Everyone rejoiced:
Gagarin circled our globe!

Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Space exploration ships ...
And he began - a Russian, nice guy,
Gagarin - the first astronaut of the Earth!

*  *  *

In childhood, many dreamed
Fly into starry space.
So that from this starry distance
Inspect our land.

To see her open spaces
Rivers, mountains and fields
Look at smart appliances
Prove - I do not live in vain.

Fly on starry mobile
Inspect the forests, the sea.
Did Copernicus lie to us,
What rotates the earth?

The astronauts are flying
Come back.
All the "hero" get
Shining stars shine.

Oh, I don’t understand
Why I'm not a hero.
Just like they fly
I'm, after all, a fighting guy.

All year round, in spring, in winter
I fly in space.
And my spaceship
It is called - the Earth!

*  *  *

He was born near the city of Gzhatsky,
Russian boy in a peasant family.
Name proud Yuri Gagarin
Everyone knows now on earth.

He is proud of the whole world, the whole planet,
The name Yuri is on everyone’s lips,
Russian guy rose above the world
Having given his heart to Russia.

The very first round of the planet
He made for the glory of the country,
A bright little star rising to the sky
On a clear day of that beautiful spring.

This feat Yuri Gagarin,
On an unprecedented flight
For centuries, glorified all of Russia
And our great Russian people.

Everything will once become commonplace
And the flight to the moon, and to Mars,
And tourists are already delivering
To the expanses of space routes

There will be many discoveries in the future,
Endless space above the earth
But there is always someone first new step
Will do, risking himself.

*  *  *

Space flight,
The ship went down
In a given area,
And now the virgin Pilot is coming,
To earth again
Take in your own hands ...
And in space
He only thought about her
Because of her
I flew to such a distance -
And only about her
All two hundred long days
I wrote in my
Space magazine!

*  *  *

Here it happened, it's a miracle!
Mother goes - get out, people:
The son has returned, and even from where -
From the cosmic latitudes themselves!
It was he who burst into ours tomorrow,
What is fantastic to match ...
The first cosmonaut in the world
Hugs and kisses mother.
And with such maternal power,
Joy sharing the people,
All Russia embraces his son,
The whole earth applauds his son!

*  *  *

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
Could rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

*  *  *

Decisive, bold, skillful in all matters.
Thank you, tell her, she is a hero for all ages!
And into space the very first, worrying a little, probably
She flew up into the sky faster than the breeze!

Among the planets, among comets and past stars,
Giving light, the rocket flashed.
And in her she’s completely alone, and there’s nobody near her,
There was only a connection with the Earth.

And behind the glass - such a beauty!
And whether a dream, or a dream - I can not believe my eyes!
There billions of stars burn and asteroids fly.
Everything is so beautiful there!

The vast black ocean, lifeless and empty there ...
But suddenly a wonderful light - not a meteor and not a star,
And our mother Earth, yes - yes, more beautiful than all the planets!

She saw this whole beautiful cosmos for the first time,
Thank you again!
And do not forget the world of such people,
Praise you, Valentina Tereshkova!

*  *  *

Leonov stepped into the open space
About half a century ago
He looked around, and trillions of stars -
The gaze is lost in the abyss.

Only a thin suit and a fall umbilical cord
The warmth of his life is kept ...
The oxygen supply is already half.
Twelve minutes and back.

One on one with a penetrating abyss
Risking yourself dangerously
Gathered, and acting clearly and soberly,
He returned to Earth - home.

*  *  *

Staro - “Earthly Life is not eternal”,
We again refresh the memory
George Grechko dared, -
Smilingly went to live
Into a wonderful Cosmos: without bombing,
Without crying, where the heat from the stars.
Fly, our good pilot!
And let your flight be simple!

*  *  *

What was he like?
More and more distortion.
Both voice and traits change
and on canvases of his images
more business simplicity.
And the monuments seem like a manner ...
What monuments! Name forever.
And all: “It's so good that I'm not the first,” -
said holding his palm by the visor
Titov, when the veil flew off
under the sky of timeless flowers
and what appeared to contemporaries
Titov unexpectedly expressed himself ...
What was he like?
But just not gloomy.
Yes, how can we know how he was!
He hasn’t invented himself yet,
I have not yet completed my features.

Interesting verses about the universe

Distant nebula clubbing
All the beauty of the extraordinary
The universe was looking at you
And you looked into the face of the universe.

From coal cold black
From the milky blizzards to the human warmed were
Soviet man, you are back
Not turning gray from stardust.

And the motherland welcomes you
And humanity stands and applauds
And back the rebellious hunchback
The Universe has bowed to you.

*  *  *

How tempting it is to become an astronomer
close familiar with the Universe!
Hear often
as whispered around:
“There Sobakin went ...

That would not be bad at all:
watch the orbit of Saturn,
admire the constellation Lyra,
detect black holes ...
and compose a treatise without fail -
"Explore the depths of the universe."

I would like to become an astronomer
drawn to work at night.
But all these dreams are in vain:
I’ve been since childhood
I'm afraid of the dark.

*  *  *

Earth - a grain of sand in the ocean
Among the countless worlds.
And we are not only earthlings,
Kohl hear the interplanetary call.

And if the wings are for flying
Managed to spread and take off -
No perfect starship
Earth magnet to overcome.

*  *  *

Ships launch into space -
Following the daring dream!
It's great that we were able
In the open spaces of the universe!

Nice to know, though.
Himself tenants in the Star House,
Into the Worlds as stepping into rooms -
Over the threshold at the spaceport.

*  *  *

We will pave the Star Trek
Along the Milky Shores
Opening the earthly passers-by
Constellations of the worlds.

There life is extraordinary
In everything - a different way,
We are waiting for joy and mystery
Every spirit there is like a brother.

So rush, earthling,
And triumph with your heart!
Desire, dare and act -
Realize your dreams!

Strive to the Universe -
In the constellation of the worlds,
In a fit of inspiration
Along the Milky Shores.

Together we will lay the path
The luminaries comprehend the essence.
Enough to be a passerby -
Be a pioneer!

*  *  *

Black velvet sky
Embroidered with stars.
Light track
Running through the sky.
From edge to edge
It spreads easily
As if someone spilled
Milk in the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice
We are a star system
We see our own on the side.
So we see the galaxies
Native distant light -
Space for space
For many thousands of years.

*  *  *

The head of cheese went for a walk
and found herself in the vastness of heaven.
Looks, mice countless army
hungry eyes asks for bread

A head of cheese, kindness
ordered them: "Eat me and the point!"
Thirty days later there was no mouth in the sky,
who would not taste a piece of cheese

Only a thin slice shone for me from heaven
I counted the mouse eye to a hundred.
But soon the slice also disappeared
and the world has darkened

*  *  *

Blue sky opened
Yellow-orange eye.
The Sun - Daylight
Gently looks at us.

The planet spins smoothly
In the shaky flicker of lights.
Somewhere in space, a comet
Following seeks after her.

Tears from orbit Mercury,
He wants to hug Venus.
These are magnetic storms
Can Mercury raise.

Distant stars blink
Something signaling the Earth.
Black holes gaping
The eternal mystery in the darkness.

Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?

*  *  *

"Now answer me, young friend,
What is the zodiac circle
And where to find him? ”
- Across the ecliptic go
Constellations. We have them here
They call the zodiac
Twelve of them all.

Their names are: Aries, Taurus,
Leo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius,
Plus Scorpio and Cancer,
And Capricorn, and Aquarius,
And Virgo, and Libra with her -
All together
Make up the zodiac.

And our sun for the whole year
It’ll pass through all the constellations,
Will stay every time.
The planets also go here,
According to the zodiac along the crawl,
But this is only visible
From Earth to our eyes.

*  *  *

Spreading its fiery tail
A comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Miraculous news
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds
I was at the Sun at a party.
I saw the Earth far
And the new Earth satellites.
I was carried away from the Earth
Ships flew after me!

*  *  *

Each of the planets has
Your character, your secret.
Its special flavor.

In the center - The sun is on.
They are attracted, they are warmed,
Planets are flying around him.

Here comes Mercury
Like a leaf driven by a storm
Nimble, like a childish top,
And it’s painfully hot.

On Venus, on Venus
Very stuffy in the atmosphere
Fog above the surface
The wind is just a hurricane!

Do you recognize? - here is the Earth:
There are forests, fields on it,
Rivers, mountains ... - everything in the world.
There are both adults and children.

Who sprayed on Mars?
Who cut the channels?
Who pulled on and when
Top hat made of ice?

I put on a warm sweater -
I'm flying to Jupiter.
There at any time of the year
Very bad weather.

It wouldn't be bad at all
Visit near Saturn.
He has his own face
And around the face is a ring.

However, it is too early to be amazed -
Uranus also has rings.

You are not the king of the sea, Neptune!
You are a tramp and a flier
The traveler is excellent,
Flew to the edge of the universe.

Pluto hardly shines -
He is farthest from the Sun.
There is no colder planet ...

The sun is gentle, where are you?

*  *  *

If there is a remnant of semolina
And it’s not yet dawn
Leave them for the bait,
For bait
Millet also comes in handy -
Put it right on the floor
Will land very soon
An object.
It’s worth a look at the alien,
You can see right away -
He wants to eat
He has a thin body
And there’s a spoon in your pocket.
The unearthly mind scares ...
is he
Not at all what I:
is he
Eats up
At once
No whims and whining!
Having treated our food,
Wiping funny
And in a bowl of porridge
Rushing out the window!
I shout to him:
"See you!"
Imagine, he heard
And he answered me:
And waved his hand.

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