Short poems for children: 50 beautiful poems with meaning ✍

Many parents read poetry to children. It can be a small quatrain or beautiful lines of a poem, easy to memorize. For summer pastime it is recommended to read small poems for children. After reading each verse, you can choose the quatrain or the best verse for learning with your baby.

Popular nursery rhymes for the little ones

Do you know the letters A Be Tse?
A cat is sitting on the porch.
Sew panties to her husband
So that he would not freeze in a cold.

* * *

Aunt Trott and the cat
Sat y window.
Trott asked: "Kees-kies-kies,
Can you catch rats? ”
“Murrr,” said the cat,
After a moment of silence.

* * *

A cat walks in the corridor
She has great grief-
Evil people poor pussy
Do not let the sausages steal.

* * *

What a rustle? Is it really
Mice wound up in a closet?
There is no mouse, there secretly
Eating our Tanya cookies.
Our Tanya is afraid
What will have to share.

* * *

Why should I not cry?
Why am I not angry?
For a tuft drags me
My younger sister.
I'm not a sneak, but still -
Nothing to wave your hands.
If dad doesn't help,
I will complain to mom.

* * *

Tanya’s porridge is not given,
It’s not put in a mouth from a spoon,
A candy without hassle
Sami and climb into your mouth
Is Tanya to blame -
Cache places are not enough.

* * *

Mother cat sends kittens to school,
And they don’t want to study.
Meowat, - Mom, we are sick.
We should be in the crib.
- It’s a pity, now they invited us to visit,
So we will not go this time.
And waiting for you instead of cake
Pills and castor oil.
The brook runs, ringing.
He invites me:
“Come on, race!
Who is faster to the river ?! ”
And set off.
I follow him without feeling my legs.
Ahead, the river glistens.
I hear a splash from afar:
“You can’t catch up anyway -
I’ve been in the river for a long time! ”

* * *

Who is kinder in the world?
- My mommy!
Who always pity me?
- My mommy!
Who will read me a fairy tale?
- My mommy!
Who scolds the cause?
- My mommy!
Who hugs, sips?
- My mommy!
Who dad loves us deeply?
- My mommy!
Who is the most beautiful in the world?
Who is always with me?
Who has a holiday today?
- She, dear!

* * *

Tanya woke the doll,
She combed and washed
I fed tasty porridge,
Tea, cabbage pie
She dressed up, gathered
I led to kindergarten.
On the road I punished
To not play with Bear
(He is a brawler and terribly rude)
And ordered to be friends with Any -
After all, in the pockets of Lyuba this
There are always sweets.
So they reached the garden,
Tanya needs to work.
And the work of our Tanya -
To be a child
in the younger group.

* * *

Shame on you, Bear!
You became fat, even too much
Clumsy, clumsy ...
There yesterday - fell into a puddle
And of course the whole get wet
From head to foot.
We barely washed you
And then dried for half a day.
You caught a cold and got sick -
Nozzles in my ear all night.
I'm tired of all this!
I know what to do with you -
I will teach you order!
Get on a charge
And take an example from me!
We start: one, two, three ...

* * *

Why do we need soap
And transparent water?
To Tanya soap hands
So that she could wash herself!
We soap, we wash our hands, so that
All the germs were scared
So that Tanya doesn’t get sick,
To clean the skin.
Soap swells with white foam,
So it looks like a cloud
And washed off with water.
Because it is very important
(Let everyone remember this!)
Wash your hands before eating!

* * *

Once Tanya decided
Wash our cat in the bath.
She got a new shampoo,
Foam with a pine smell.
Only the cat is unhappy
And it scratches painfully.
Run away from the trough
Her back arched angrily:
"Leave me alone
I will wash myself -
No shampoo and no sponge
I will wash my coat!
We are without soap, without water -
Language-m um-meem-m-m-wash. "

* * *

They live in Tanya’s bed
A variety of animals:
Dog, tiger and hippo,
Monkey, lion and red cat.
And once under the covers
I even found a snake!
Some kind of zoo in bed!
There is not enough space for Tanya.
Sleep closely with the beast Tanyushka
Put the toys in place!

* * *

Cat, cat Kotofey!
Come to us soon!
Our Tanya wants to sleep,
Tanya needs to shake.
You are so affectionate, so good -
You can’t find a better nanny!
You purr her a song,
Dreaming sleepy cry.
Lull, cradle
And get the reward:
I'll give you a piece of meat
Yes, some milk.
Do not be shy, cat, eat!
And dream Tanyusha in a dream.

* * *

Rain, wait, wait!
Rain, rain, don’t rain!
Stop watering the earth
Give me a little walk.
Wet slides and swings
And shops and carousels,
Wet the house and the fungus
The sand in the sandbox is wet ...
All run home soon ...
Only rain walks in the yard.
And that's why
he is crying and sad
What to one
he doesn’t like walking.

* * *

Hands of my mommy -
A pair of white swans:
So gentle and so beautiful
So much love and power in them!
They fly all day
It’s like they don’t know tired.
The house will bring comfort
Sew a new dress,
Caress, heat -
Mom's hands can do everything!

* * *

From colored paper
I’ll cut a piece.
I'll make of it
Little flower.
Mommy's gift
I'll cook it.
The most beautiful
I have a mom!

Best Poems for Kids

Mom gave birth to a son.
They gave the son a name - Bear.
They brought him home
Introduced to my sister.
And sister Vera - five,
And she can’t understand in any way:
In the drawings, the bear is a beast.
Here are the artists and believe!

* * *

I'm the happiest right now
I became taller than my mother
Above tall Yegor,
Above our fence.
I'm huge, I'm powerful
I reach the clouds!
I will explain to you what the secret is:
I turned five
And walk along the alley
I'm on grandfather’s neck!

* * *

The son calls: - Yeah, yeah! -
Like, stay with me.
And in response: - I can’t,
I wash my dishes.
But again: - Yeah, yeah! -
Heard with renewed vigor.
And in response: - Run, run,
Do not be angry, my dear!

* * *

When I become an adult
I will stop crying
Like my beloved dad
I will wear a hat.
I will be very brave
Serious business
I like a fashionable lady
Well, I'll marry MOM!

* * *

It was time - I broke a cup,
He dumped everything on his brother Sasha.
Only mom somehow at once
I did not believe the story.
I didn’t get a cup -
For the offended Sasha.

* * *

It's hard for mom, I know something.
I often help her -
I’ll put all the toys in a row,
I’ll tell you how to wash it.
Grow to the table
I could do a lot.

* * *

To what, to what
We look alike!
Even our dad is sometimes
Repeats: "My God! .."
I myself, looking at the photo,
Where exactly my features
I ask my brother: “Who is there?
Is it me or you? ”

* * *

The bird voices rang
A lilac bloomed in the garden
In spring, Andryusha was born
One good day.
Father is proud of the boy
And Sveta -
She is six years old -
Shouts to brother: - Well done,
What was born into the world!

* * *

I'm without bumps and scratches
I can’t live a day.
I have a daddy character -
A fight comes out of me.
I sat quietly for five minutes
He painted people at home ...
Only a fight, whistling famously,
She got out again herself!

* * *

Kolya traded a slingshot
On father’s gloves ...
I went out with her to the yard
And shoot a little ...
How to check it in business?
Bam !!! ... the fragments flew ...
Maybe mom won't notice
That the lantern is no longer shining?

* * *

Why don't I cry
Why am I not angry?
For a tuft drags me
My younger sister.
I'm not a sneak, but still
Nothing to wave your hands.
If dad doesn't help,
I will complain to mom.

* * *

A bird flew across the sky
She wanted to eat a bird,
Keen look down
Found a worm.
But dive into the branch
Suddenly I came across a neighbor,
The skirmish between them began -
For two, one prey.
They argued for a long time, to tears -
And the worm crawled away long ago.

* * *

Perched on a Woodpecker branch ...
Satisfied - crazy.!

* * *

Noisy battle in the bathroom -
Brothers sink ships.
Frigate Vitaly joined the battle
And the command sounds: "Pli!"
But Seryozha is getting into a rage -
The cry flies: "On the boarding!"
Somewhere dripping water
The neighbors ring the doorbell.
Well, think of trouble -
Children played.

* * *

Pretzel Mendel Sausage
Pig soared up to heaven
And some peasant
Her grab - and right in the net,
Her grab - and straight into the woods.

* * *

A goat crawls on me
It's like weed.
And the moth sits down
Like I'm a flower.

* * *

Oh and sleepyhead - our son is John,
He slept in his pants,
He slipped the shoe away
And in the other he slept all night.

Interesting poems for children 4 to 5 years old

Well, you little mischievous bear,
Dirty all the panties?
I dabbled at dinner
And doused with kefir.

* * *

My funny ball
Jumps and jumps:
Jump-jump to the corner
And then back.
That's how we have a party
Had a nice time!

* * *

I bought a blue ball.
It was light and airy.
Oh how beautiful he was
But terribly naughty.
He burst into the sky all the time,
I didn’t want to be humble.
And as soon as I gape
The ball took - and flew away.
Wave my hand to him
Though a little sorry for him.

* * *

Monkeys are very fond of
Eat sweet bananas.
We look like monkeys
And we love bananas too.

* * *

Our cat is striped
Like a zebra, like a sailor.
I thought for a long time guys
I guessed the secret of the bands:
Seen for nothing not lost
Her grandmother's time -
Granddaughter cat knitted
Striped lingerie.

* * *

I put a stroller in the stroller
Clean diaper
Put on the diaper
Our kitten.
But in a wheelchair does not lie
Stupid kitten
He is scratched, angry,
He crumpled the whole diaper,
And under the closet - how insulting! -
The coward hid.
Well, it’s necessary to ride
Teddy bear!

* * *

I have a little dog
And barks loudly, loudly,
But maybe at the same time
Sing a duet with a cat
Howl her piercingly-thin.

* * *

What a nice toy
This miracle rattle
Wonderful looking
It sounds attractive.
If it gets into the pen,
And it goes right into your mouth!

* * *

Multi-colored truck
On the road straight
All day, everything goes, goes
And the kids are driving toys:
Doll, teddy bear,
Ball, cubes and a book.
Over the lace through the carpet
The driver is driving a truck
He’s not afraid of work,
Though he is only three years old!

* * *

Ringlets wooden
Colored and shiny.
Let's build a turret
Just like real!
We put on a stick
Rings after friend
And the hat is bright red
To the very top.
And the turret turned out-
Smart, beautiful:
Green and red
Both yellow and blue.
Let's ring together
We will count with you
And the turret in place
Put on the shelf!

* * *

On the shelf is a doll
She is bored and sad.
But you take her in your hands
And you will find one more in it.
And in that one more ... And now in a row
Five cute dolls are standing.
Although the growth of different, but still
All are surprisingly similar.
In elegant sundresses motley
Ruddy dolls-sisters.
There was one, but five
They have no time to be bored anymore!
And girlfriends will play enough
And again they hide in each other.

* * *

Mom bought me
Cubes set.
I will pour them straight
On the floor, on the carpet.
I will build from them
House and fence
I’ll arrange on the carpet
I am a spacious courtyard.
Will be the first in the house
And the second floor.
And with a big door
For cars, a garage.
There will be people in the house
To live and not to grieve.
They won’t quarrel
All will be friends.
Will be the whole family
To live and live.
Because build
Better than breaking!

* * *

My umbrella is standing
in the corner in the hallway.
Nobody needs him
seem to be -
no rain
fourth week
because he is now
not at work.
Very boring
an umbrella in the hallway!
Let my umbrella
walks too.
Nothing's dry
let it go -
will protect
me from the sun!

* * *

Poor umbrella my wet
From head to foot
Because he's half a day
He saved me from the rain.
Lest he fall ill
I warmed him with water
And then he steamed in the bath
He wrapped in a towel.
T-ss! Look on the couch
He warmed up and fell asleep!

* * *

The sun came out to heaven
And looks in all eyes.
Hello, the sun is golden!
Good to walk with you -
Like with good hands
Embrace us with rays.

* * *

Talkative brook
To the river mommy tributary
And by the handle with her
He ran to the sea sooner.
Brooks like all the guys
We are glad to swim in the sea.
But swim in the brooks
It is necessary under the supervision of moms!

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