Author's columns

Author's columns

Georgian Polyphony and Chakhokhbili Recipe

About the old capital. The historical memory of the people and the oral chronicle of the country are categories that help small nations preserve their culture, identity and traditions. The concepts are abstract, but the struggle with assimilation is obvious and is not lost among the Caucasian peoples. This thought came to me for the following reason. Mentioning the city of Mtskheta, Georgians invariably emphasized that it was the former capital. She naively believed that the events were two hundred to three hundred years old. Nothing like this. It turns out

Author's columns

Happy, because the person!

Is loving yourself good or bad? Let's talk about respect for the individual in the life of each of us. From childhood we were taught that selfishness is bad. They taught to love the homeland, family, friends. They were taught to treat others with compassion and help in trouble. Everyone, the whole world. The promise of humanity has been laid in us for decades. And this is not bad! He brought kindness to the world. But in this message there was one important detail missing - a person’s love for himself. Woman's love for herself. Respect

Author's columns

Blonde in Georgia: woman cannot be compromised

Prologue It is said that while God distributed places for different nations, Georgians drank. God had already completed the distribution of land when the Georgians came to him. The astonished Lord asked where they were before this time. “We made toasts in your honor,” the Georgians answered. The flattered Lord said: “If so, then I will give you a great piece of land that I have set aside for myself.” So the Georgians got Georgia. Country really

Author's columns

Always loved

Is it possible to keep love for years? And what happens to feelings after five, seven or more years of marriage? Why is interest disappearing, and previously seeming ideal relationships give a crack? Is there any secret of love without time, relationships without reproaches and quarrels? I’m not sure that I’ll open the “terrible secret”, I just want to share my observations from the “height” of relations 10 years long. In my house - the usual five-story Khrushchev, perfect audibility. If a

Author's columns

Modern housekeeper

I am a housekeeper, and I am not at all ashamed of this. Unlike hundreds of thousands of women for whom this word became a sentence. I am an ideal wife, despite the fact that it sounds very smug. Are there many women who will be able to say the same thing without a twitch? I’m sure that it’s not, since the attitude to myself and my life is made up of many factors, but above all, of a personal attitude to what is happening. It, in turn, forms

Author's columns

Let the tale not end

New Year left behind. Noisy holidays were replaced by workdays, which return everyday life and vanity to our lives. I don’t want to go to the office on this gloomy Monday after the Christmas holidays, sit down at the computer instead of my favorite soft sofa. But this is inevitable, every adult will decide, because everything in this world once ends ... And now imagine what sensations this period causes in children? Yesterday they are rampant


