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So it happened, one of the traditional autumn concerns is the choice of a fitness club. In large cities, the number of health centers per square kilometer can be in the tens, most of them sell only annual cards. A bad choice will force the unlucky poor fellow to be a slave to the hated establishment until next September. It would seem that everything has been written a thousand times, the correct words have been spoken: choose a club near your home or work, the whole arsenal of sports equipment is desirable in it, the staff should be equipped with super professionals and, most importantly - look for discounts: seasonal, family, collective.
The owners of the clubs took the situation into account - most of the fitness centers without fail have solid Chinese treadmills, a cramped pool, and a cold infrared sauna. Potential mailboxes are regularly inundated with discount flyers. How to choose now? Study reviews - they are all written by site administrators, reviews and ratings are usually paid from the clubs' advertising budgets. Search by the method of “scientific poking”, use “word of mouth” or even by the Mongolian horoscope, which orders in 2015 to search for medical and recreational facilities exclusively in the southwest direction?
This is not a woman’s business ...
Harsh names: Den, Coke, Drive, Workshop, unshaven guys on advertising banners - fitness is becoming different. Glamorous shaping girls dissolve in the past. The modern positioning of the clubs is more of men, good and different ... The design has changed: fashionable sports clubs began to resemble prison yards with brick walls or pre-revolutionary workshops from the movie "Maxim's Youth". The coaching staff was different - where only gymnasts, acrobats and dancers used to live, masters of sports in football, skiing, athletics and powerlifting have now thoroughly settled down. Fitness 2015 has become easier and more brutal. He finally parted with the dances, which were organized in separate dance centers. Soon yoga and other oriental practices will separate from fitness. Therefore, if the client is a woman, and even with poor health, in poor athletic form, she should have a seat in the far corner on an exercise bike by the cooler.
It is this discrimination on the basis of gender that has given rise to new types of clubs, called women's clubs, which, although they are considered fitness institutions, actually belong to the wellness category, their task is to relieve stress, fatigue, and restore working capacity. Wellness studios use the so-called passive simulators, most of which migrated from medical cosmetology and rehabilitation departments. Those who are unfamiliar with such studios will easily imagine their atmosphere, recalling the hilarious conversation between Vasily and Raisa Zakharovna from the film “Love and Pigeons”, where they are wobbling on hippo exercise machines and discuss humanoids. The training effect of the wellness simulators is negligible, but they are not created for this! They are designed to heal, cure, restore.
Cadres decide everything!
And the saddest thing is that fitness has lost its face, more and more the club consists of simulators, furniture, plumbing and a certain biomass of trainers, technicians, bartenders, hairdressers, parking people who have no names or surnames. If an individual in the schedule is indicated by last name, look for the dollar sign next to it - with a high probability this class will be for an additional fee. Only 1% of the physical education community will buy personal training, which will definitely be necessary with this new approach. The rest should find a coach at an affordable price on the side, and at the same time a good coach, the best! I assure you, this is now possible.Now for those who are in front of the monitor screen, the whole world is in the palm of their hands, everyone is happy, but as usual they are numb, but could get an online consultation from any specialist, and at a price lower than the cost of a personal training in an average sports center.
An independent coach is not spoiled by network ethics, he does not monitor the level of sales of club cards, so he will draw up a training program that will take into account only your goals, level of health and financial capabilities. It remains, as psychologists say, to lower the level of claims, and to understand that for $ 1000 (the average price of a club card), you only buy a equipped room, and look, not in the first club you get, but in the daily log.
- Stirlitz, do you have a plan?
Gleb Arkhangelsky, the Russian “organizer boss and outluk commander,” teaches you to plan every little thing right down to family outings. He would surely agree that planning, in particular, physical education classes not only improves performance, but also improves health. Any effect on the body should be rhythmic, chaotic training on different days of the week and at different times of the day quickly leads to overtraining, and not far from illness or, what’s good, to the worst sports disaster - “burnout”. Burnout is a special state of the psyche when the body does not want to train, literally hates the load, Burnout is not treated and leads to complete fitness or sports unsuitability.
Therefore, look through the organizer and select 3-4 days in which you will attend classes at all costs. And decide on the time! As a rule, this is either before the start of the working day, or after it. The interval between eighteen and twenty hours, the Indians consider the time of golden silence, for fitness clubs this is the time of golden earnings - in these hours the halls are full. Therefore, choosing a club, it is appropriate to sign up for a guest visit during this period and determine how busy the locker rooms, pools and halls are. You’ll have to study the schedule and circle the pencil with classes that coincide with those treasured three days a week. Correlate the orientation and level of load that fell on your share of training with the recommendations of the coach and ... get ready to walk around 5-6 clubs until all the conditions of the fitness puzzle match.
Not all eggs in one basket
It may happen that none of the clubs matches your conditions. One of the most reasonable and cheap solutions is to pay attention to small authoring studios. They are created, in most cases, by popular trainers who promote their own fitness development. In them, for a very modest fee, usually monthly, you can get professional advice and friendly attention, and if you're lucky, a personal discount. Moreover, for women who are used to the fact that the fitness club is a reasonable combination of dance and oriental practices, a variety of aerobic programs, and not just the dull pedal of the simulator, a sauna and incredibly tedious power classes - this is the right decision.
The ability to pay for a small number of classes allows you to have a subscription to several studios, and thereby take into account all the training aspects - from pumping up muscles to choreographic training. One drawback: there are far fewer men here. Although flirting in training is an thankless task. For men, sports are akin to hunting or war, for them the first thing is simulators, well, girls? And girls can safely choose a club not in a “brutal trend”, in which women's training has not yet been moved closer to midnight and the coaching staff has an idea of grace, beauty and female physiology.