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This question is very relevant. There are a lot of fans of Citramon. A pair of plates of this product is supplemented by every third purchase in a pharmacy. Even in the car kit there was a place for pain medication. The reasons are a simple but active composition, a convenient dosage form, affordable price.
Drug history
The classic composition of the drug, which made Citramon a favorite remedy for headaches in the Soviet expanses, included:
- acetylsalicylic acid;
- phenacetin;
- caffeine;
- citric acid;
- cocoa.
A set of simple ingredients is selected so that in combination each substance acts as efficiently as possible. Carefully calculated doses give a good analgesic, antispasmodic effect. An additional property is that the product stimulates the body, improves mood, and arranges vascular tone.
Over time, the composition of the drug has changed. Phenacetin was withdrawn from the turnover of pharmacological substances. The reason for this is the toxicity and many side effects of the compound. However, the drug was already popular, and therefore pharmacists had to look for a way out of this situation.
He was found quickly. Phenacetin was replaced by one of the equally effective, but low-toxic metabolites - paracetamol. Result - the analgesic effect of the drug increased, and its toxicity decreased.
Modern composition
Today “Citramon” consists of three main ingredients: aspirin, caffeine, paracetamol. Excipients, cocoa and citric acid, are also included. Each ingredient has its own function.
- Acetylsalicylic acid. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property due to inhibition of the synthesis of pro-inflammatory substances. The antiplatelet effect of the compound improves blood flow. Reduces the severity of pain, hyperthermia, affecting the hypothalamic centers of temperature regulation.
- Paracetamol. It neutralizes pain, has an active antipyretic effect. It suppresses inflammatory processes due to impaired prostaglandin production in body tissues.
- Caffeine. Weakly stimulates the central nervous system, increases efficiency. Improves blood circulation due to vasodilator action. Regulates the blood supply to vital organs.
Among the excipients, cocoa is of importance, impregnations of which are clearly visible on the tablet surface. As a source of theobromine, it has weak antidepressant and stimulating effects. The substance does not provoke significant changes in the well-being of the patient, however, it positively affects the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
The role of citric acid is participation in the processes of tissue respiration. The supply of sufficient oxygen to the cells of the body is the key to their effective functioning, the full flow of internal reactions with minimal formation of free radicals.
The main indication is a headache. This can be a migraine, a feeling of pressure after intense mental or physical labor, mild pain caused by stress or fatigue.
Reception "Citramon" in pain in the joints (arthralgia) and muscles (myalgia) is relevant. The drug copes with neuralgia or neuritis, as well as toothache. It helps with spasm accompanying menstruation. However, the discomfort in the stomach or intestines will not be eliminated, since it does not have a pronounced antispasmodic effect.
"Citramon" can be used in the complex treatment of colds and SARS. The tool will eliminate the following symptoms:
- increased body temperature;
- headache;
- body aches;
- feverish sensations;
- muscle pain.
Citramon is taken situationally. The drug does not affect the pathogenesis of discomfort, but simply eliminates the discomfort. This indicates that there is no need to drink a pill if nothing bothers. The drug is not taken for the prevention of pain. The medicine also can not be used in the following situations:
- with hypersensitivity to one of the components;
- with a tendency to bleeding;
- if there is a bleeding disorder;
- with bronchial asthma;
- in the presence of polyps in the nose;
- with any erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with severe ischemic heart disease;
- with severe hypertension;
- in case of vitamin K deficiency;
- with gout;
- with renal failure;
- during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy;
- with breastfeeding;
- children under the age of 14;
- with glaucoma;
- in case of enzymatic deficiency;
- with anxiety conditions;
- with insomnia;
- with increased excitability of the central nervous system.
Application rules
If the intake of “Citramon” is not contraindicated, the patient receives a good remedy for self-elimination of painful sensations. The crucial moment of treatment is compliance with the rules of dosing and taking the drug. There are several of them:
- single dosage - one or two tablets;
- interval between receptions - at least six hours;
- daily dose - should not exceed six tablets;
- the reception- After eating, you need to drink clean water or milk.
Citramon can be drunk for three days to eliminate the symptoms of a cold. To relieve pain of inflammatory genesis, administration can be extended up to five days. Exceeding the terms of treatment or the doses used must be agreed with the doctor.
The risks
It would seem that an elementary and well-known drug, the cost of which rarely exceeds 10 rubles. What can be the pitfalls in its action? In fact, they are, and these serious nuances.
Note to expectant mothers
According to the instructions, you can drink "Citramon" during pregnancy in the second trimester. In fact, it is worthwhile to refrain from taking the drug even during this “calm” period.The substances in the composition of the drug have a teratogenic effect on the fetus and can provoke congenital malformations such as cleft lip or cleft palate. Blood thinning can cause bleeding. The hepatotoxic effect of the drug adds to the load on the liver, which is already “not sweet” in the expectation period of the baby.
Danger to Hypertensive
It is believed that too small doses of caffeine in the composition of Citramon are not able to have a significant effect on pressure. Theoretically, this allows you to drink the drug with hypertension. Doctors say the opposite. Regular use of tablets can lead to vascular wall weakness. It is fraught with a stroke. Such risks increase if hypertensive patients take the drug for a long time or exceed the recommended doses.
Alcohol compatibility
The Citramon network is often described as an excellent anti-hangover remedy. This statement is true only for those who in the morning after libations suffer from a decrease in pressure. In the overwhelming number of cases, the cause of a headache during a hangover is an increase in pressure when taking Citramon is inappropriate.
When intoxicated, taking the drug is unsafe. Alcohol increases the risk of unwanted effects of all components of the drug. Alcohol negatively affects the condition of the liver and pancreas, and also enhances the toxic effect of Citramon on these organs.
Side effects
The negative consequences of ignoring contraindications and dosage rules may occur:
- nausea
- vomiting
- stomach pain;
- internal bleeding;
- ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
- renal failure;
- impaired liver function;
- bronchospasm;
- tachycardia;
- tinnitus;
- increased headache;
- hemorrhagic diathesis.
This suggests the need for constant monitoring of biochemical parameters of blood and urine, the state of the digestive tract, the presence of latent blood in the feces in case of prolonged use of the drug.
Negative effects are complex in case of an overdose of Citramon. Cases of severe intoxication can end fatally due to respiratory failure, blood loss, suppression of the central nervous system.
If the drug is used to treat a headache in a child, for example, with a cold, the risk of developing Reye's syndrome increases. This condition is characterized by acute liver failure and swelling of the brain tissue. The syndrome ends fatally in 30% of cases. To eliminate the fever in a child, Citramon analogues should be used without acetylsalicylic acid in the composition. The drug of choice in pediatrics - "Paracetamol", The alternative is Ibuprofen."
Reasonable drug combinations
"Citramon" is absorbed into the systemic circulation and affects the functioning of the whole organism. It may interact with other medicines taken by the patient. Taking incompatible drugs can result in significant health problems.
Even episodic use of “Citramon” while taking anticoagulants can provoke internal bleeding. The risk is increased if the patient has erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa. If treatment with anticoagulants is necessary (in some cases, they are taken for life), Citramon should be completely abandoned.
The drug is able to level the therapeutic effect:
- diuretic drugs;
- anti-gout agents;
- pills to relieve pressure.
Abuse of Citramon or its prolonged use can cause the most difficult conditions and hospitalization.
The classic triad with caffeine. The medicine contains aspirin, which dilutes the blood and normalizes metabolic processes. In addition, paracetamol relieves pain and fever. Finally, medical caffeine will certainly make you feel better. There are many triple-acting drugs on the market. But Citramon is the best among them.
Alik S.,
Citramon is the number one in my medicine cabinet. It would seem that the tablets are cheap, the composition is the simplest, but it always helps. After giving birth, my pressure began to drop often. My head hurt terribly, I felt sick and all that. And somehow the therapist advised me to citramone, since I am breastfeeding and I can’t do anything else. I drank it and after half an hour everything was already normal. But you should not abuse it, before the appointment it is better to consult a doctor, especially if you are a nursing mother.
Olichka B.,
In vain you are so welcome. I often drink 2 and often every day, my boss is also every day on citramone. I can say that citramone is better than any pentalgin, Sedalgin, etc. to me at least. My head constantly hurts and I was examined, did everything except the tomogram. And they said something like vegetovascular dystonia, but this is not treated. Chezh now die of a headache?
Without citramone in the morning there is not even the strength to get up. And coffee can itself cause a headache. And if we talk about a headache (which by the way does not correlate with pressure at all), only citramone helps, and even then it is usual without any forte and so on. I understand that I’m “hooked”, but the pace of life is not mine, I can’t handle it! Doctors, if you have something wrong with their textbooks, look like an idiot. Does anyone know how to handle this?