"Cyclodinone" in gynecology: efficacy for menstrual irregularities

Almost every woman in a given period of her life is faced with menstrual irregularities. One of the reasons for this pathology may be increased production of prolactin - a hormone involved in the regulation of menstruation. The most common manifestations of hyperprolactinemia are premenstrual syndrome, pain in the mammary gland (mastodynia), menstrual bleeding or, conversely, their absence. Instructions for use "Cyclodinone" indicates that this drug effectively removes such symptoms. But is this true, and what is its effect based on?
Cyclodinone Packing

Prolactin plays an important role in the female body. First of all, it provides lactation during breastfeeding. In the remaining period of a woman's life, prolactin has the following actions:

  • participates in the prolongation of the phase of the corpus luteum in the menstrual cycle;
  • inhibits ovulation;
  • reduces estrogen synthesis;
  • reduces progesterone production by the corpus luteum.

Changes in the synthesis of prolactin in women can be caused by various reasons. For example, an increase in its blood level is noted in some women during menopauseas well as under stressful conditions. An increase in the concentration of the hormone provokes menstrual irregularities and changes in the mammary glands.

Hyperprolactinemia leads to a disruption in the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones, which, in turn, causes an imbalance in the levels of estradiol and progesterone. Such violations cause changes in the monthly cycle, contribute to the appearance of mastodynia. In addition, a high level of progesterone in the blood, especially in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, stimulates the formation of connective tissue in the mammary gland, which is clinically manifested by symptoms mastopathy.

The pharmaceutical industry has developed a number of drugs, both synthetic and herbal, that can affect the level of prolactin in the blood, in particular, help to reduce it. The advantage of herbal preparations, which includes Cyclodinone, is a milder effect on the body and a high level of safety with a sufficiently high efficiency.

What is the drug

Is the drug hormonal? The main active ingredient of Cyclodinone is an extract obtained from the common bar. This plant is known for its healing properties since ancient times. It was used in the treatment of female diseases, and also as a means of reducing sexual desire.

In modern medical experiments, it has been proven that common barley blocks the release of prolactin from pituitary cells. This effect is due to the ability of the active components of the plant to stimulate dopaminergic pituitary receptors. With prolonged use of the drug in the blood, a significant decrease in prolactin is determined, in some patients by 40-90%. It is this effect that determines the therapeutic effect of Cyclodinone. Against the background of the use of the drug:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • mastodynia phenomena are reduced;
  • the level of estradiol and progesterone in the blood is restored.

Cyclodinone is produced in the form of two pharmaceutical forms:

  • pills;
  • oral solution.

Tablets "Cyclodinone" contain up to 4.8 mg of the main active ingredient (extract from the common bar).In addition, the composition of the drug includes: lactose, cellulose, fillers, magnesium stearate, and the shell also contains a small amount of dyes.

The Cyclodinone solution is made for oral administration. It contains barley extract, about 288 mg is contained in 100 ml of the medicine. Also, the pharmaceutical product has additives that give a pleasant taste and aroma: mint flavoring, sodium sugar, sorbitol. It also includes polysorbate, ethyl alcohol and other components. In pharmacies you can buy bottles of different volumes: 50 or 100 ml. The price may vary, depending on which pharmacy you purchase the drug.

In which cases they recommend

The main indications for the use of the drug are pathologies associated with excess prolactin production in the body. "Cyclodinone" is prescribed for:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • ICP (premenstrual symptom complex);
  • pain in the mammary glands (mastodynia);
  • complex treatment of mastopathy.

In most cases, Cyclodinone is recommended for various gynecological pathologies accompanied by menstrual irregularities:

  • polycystic ovary;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • bleeding in the menopause.

There are also indications of its use in the treatment of infertility and in planning pregnancy to increase the likelihood of conception.

However, it is not recommended to take Cyclodinone on your own to correct your period. In some cases, such disorders may be caused by organic pathology (myoma cervix or malignant neoplasm). With these diseases, other therapeutic measures are necessary. Also, you should not drink Cyclodinone on your own for prevention, for acne or for weight loss.

There are clinical recommendations for the use of "Cyclodinone" in anxiety-asthenic disorders that occur against the background of menstrual irregularities. Reviews of the Cyclodinone tablets indicate that it helps to reduce depressive disorders, improves sleep, and restores the psycho-emotional background.

"Cyclodinone": instructions for use of tablets and drops

Cyclodinone tablets should be taken once a day. They are swallowed whole, in no case do not chew. Drink the medicine with 100-150 ml of water. You can start taking Cyclodinone from any day of your menstrual cycle.

How to take drops? The dosage regimen for Cyclodinone drops is the same as for tablets. You need to know how to drink the alcohol solution of Cyclodinone. It is taken once a day, preferably one to two hours after a meal. There is a convenient dispenser on the medicine bottle with which you can measure the required number of drops. The usual dosage is 40 drops, it is better to dilute them in a small amount of water (100-150 ml) and then drink in small sips. Store the bottle in a dark cool place, shake it a little before use.

The duration of treatment with tablets and Cyclodinone solution should be at least three months. During menstruation, you can not interrupt treatment, you need to take the medicine in the usual dosage. After the phenomena of mastodynia decrease and the menstrual cycle is restored, treatment with Cyclodinone is continued for another two to three weeks, only after that it is canceled.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication to taking "Cyclodinone" is intolerance to the common rod, as well as additional components in the composition of the drug. Also, this pharmaceutical product is not prescribed for pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers.

According to doctors and patients, Cyclodinone rarely causes any side effects. But if, against the background of treatment with the drug, the temperature rises or the menstruation intensifies, you should definitely consult a doctor. Also, after its use, allergic reactions may develop in persons sensitive to the plant component of the drug.In addition, there are indications of the appearance of pain and engorgement in the mammary glands in some patients. Over the entire period of use of Cyclodinone, no cases of its overdose were recorded.

Ethyl alcohol in the composition of the solution “Cyclodinone” may be contraindicated in certain categories of patients, in particular, undergoing treatment for alcoholism. In addition, you should pay attention to the compatibility with alcohol contained in the composition of Cyclodinone, some drugs. So, its simultaneous administration with metronidazole or its analogues is not recommended.

Woman taking medicine

Where to buy and analogues

"Cyclodinone" is purchased in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, it is still not recommended to take this drug on your own, since it acts on dopamine receptors in the pituitary gland.

There are no exact analogues of the drug in the pharmaceutical market. However, on the recommendation of a doctor in the pharmacy, you can purchase other drugs that help reduce prolactin:

  • "Bromocriptine";
  • Cabergoline.
These pharmaceutical preparations belong to synthetic pharmacological agents, and therefore have a number of side effects. So, they are limitedly prescribed to patients with arterial hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, mental disorders. In addition, Cabergoline and Bromocriptine are able to influence the speed of mental and motor reactions, which limits their use in some patients.

The use of "Cyclodinone" in gynecology is justified with increased prolactin in the blood. Given that it contains only a plant component, it practically does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by patients. However, its use should always be agreed with the doctor, otherwise treatment may not give the expected effect.

Other medications

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