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Celandine has cytostatic activity - it slows down cell growth. The chemical composition of the herb includes about 20 alkaloids. Most of them are toxic to a living organism. This is the basis of the plant's ability to eliminate growths on the skin.
Types and causes of warts
Warts and papillomas are benign hyperkeratotic growths on the skin. Local hyperkeratosis provokes papillomavirus. Penetrating into the body through damaged areas of the epithelium or mucous membranes, the virus infects skin cells, causing protective reactions of the body. The result is the growth of the stratum corneum and compaction of the internal cells of the epidermis. For this reason, not only the upper part is formed in the papilloma, but also the so-called “leg”. Papillomavirus causes the appearance of:
- vulgar (ordinary) warts;
- flat papillomas;
- genital warts.
In addition to the virus, increased friction can lead to growths on the skin. In this case, hyperkeratosis develops as a protective reaction - corns, corns appear. Plantar warts bring particular discomfort. They often have a papillary shape, painful, sometimes make it difficult to walk so much that they cause disability.
Dermatologists also distinguish senile warts. Benign neoplasms caused by the degeneration of epidermal cells. As a rule, these are elastic, hard, painless growths, often accompanied by pigmentation.
Celandine treatment
Treatment of papillomas with the help of celandine is a long and painstaking process that requires regular use of plant preparations. A positive result does not always occur. It is important to remember that the grass is poisonous - you should not inhale vapors of warthog juice, take it inside or apply to large areas of the skin.
The juice
Features It is applied locally to the growth, without affecting healthy areas of the skin. Education is gradually becoming smaller, exfoliating. Papilloma can be treated with the liquid released from the stems of the plant directly when cut. If this is not possible, then use blanks.
Preparation and use
- The roots and the whole aerial part are passed through a small meat grinder several times.
- The pulp obtained from the plant is wrapped in gauze, put under oppression for several hours or carefully wrung out using hands using gloves.
- The extracted juice is mixed with vodka 2: 1.
- Store the product in a tightly closed glass container in a dark, cool place.
- Apply with a cotton swab. Therapy lasts three weeks. Warts are smeared with the drug twice a day, do not rinse. To consolidate the result, treatment is continued for another week after the disappearance of the problem, but juice is already applied once a day.
Features In pharmacies, dried medicinal raw material of celandine is sold - its herb. The drug is used as a choleretic and hepatoprotective. However, traditional healers recommend preparing a tincture of the herb for the complex treatment of warts. But the medicine must be taken orally. Since the appearance of growths most often provokes the virus, simply removing the defect is not enough. The infection remains in the body, can provoke not only the reappearance of papillomas, but also cause the development of malignant tumors. Herbalists consider the plant an antitumor and immunostimulating agent, and therefore recommend an extract from it to help the body overcome the attack of viruses.
Preparation and use
- Two tablespoons of dried grass are poured into a container for infusion.
- Pour raw materials of 0.5 liters of quality vodka.
- Put the mixture in a dark place for two weeks, shake it regularly.
- After infusion, filter, take inside 30 drops three times a day before meals.
Pharmacy preparations
The pharmacy sells a ready-made remedy for warts "Super Celandine." But despite the name, in its composition there is no juice or plant extract. The drug consists of two types of aggressive alkalis, which remove papillomas through a chemical burn. After applying the liquid, the warts turn black, which indicates tissue necrosis caused by chemistry.
Warts die off already after the first application of the drug, but the smearing of the growth continues until seven days (once a day). During this time, he falls away. When alkali comes into contact with healthy skin, burning occurs, ulcers appear. If this happens, the drug is not used until the herbs are completely healed. To prevent such incidents during the procedure, the skin around the wart is covered with a thick layer of cream.
Re-use is possible ten days after the end of the first course. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy, in children, apply to the face and mucous membranes.
There is also a natural alternative to Super Celandine - Mountain Celandine balm. It is a dense mass of dark color with a pungent odor. Available in 1.2 ml and 15 ml vials. Used to eliminate growths, warts, corns, treatment of psoriasis. In addition to the warthog extract, the composition of the drug includes:
- gentian;
- golden rhododendron;
- a series of.
Apply the product pointwise, protecting the surrounding areas of the skin with cream. Repeat the procedure twice a day. The course of therapy lasts up to ten days. During use, red dots on the outgrowth may appear, timbers are a normal reaction to the drug. It is undesirable to use during pregnancy, in childhood, with sensitivity to the components of the balm.
The people also have the practice of simultaneous treatment of warts with plant juice and oxolin ointment. It is believed that the grass eliminates the external defect, and the ointment locally inactivates the virus, preventing the re-growth of papillomas.But the effectiveness of such a methodology does not have scientific evidence.