How to clean the body at home: scientific and folk methods, their effectiveness

The human body from nature is equipped with a sufficient number of mechanisms that allow him to get rid of indigestible, toxic substances and compounds in a timely manner. But their effectiveness is not unlimited. For example, in the case of potent poisons, malfunction or failure of the ways to eliminate toxic substances. Then cleaning the body at home or in the hospital becomes necessary.
Woman holds a cup of herbal tea in front of her stomach

The basis of self-disposal of excess, unnecessary or dangerous components in the body is formed by the metabolism and excretion systems. Their health and intensive work allows you to solve most of the problems with how to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins without the help of a doctor.

Indications for the procedure

The body needs to be cleaned in conditions with which detoxification organs can not cope (or cope with high stress), namely when:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • drug addiction;
  • exacerbations of autoimmune diseases;
  • parasitic infestations;
  • diseases (failure) of the liver and kidneys;
  • after chemotherapy.

However, the purification of the internal environment of the body in these conditions, as a rule, is not carried out at home. And most often at home, people clean themselves of the consequences of a feast associated with alcohol intoxication.

But temporarily relieve the symptoms of autoimmune pathologies (psoriasis, severe allergy) helps only hardware purification of blood from antibodies that provoke an immune response. But it does not concern how to clean the body at home, since we are talking about mechanical blood filtration using high-tech equipment. And among folk remedies, including herbs, there are no analogues with similar effectiveness.

When cleaning the body at home is not necessary and even dangerous

Most cases when a person wants to cleanse the body with folk remedies is actually associated with diseases of the internal organs that need to be treated.

For example, with stomach discomfort, indigestion, drowsiness, loss of strength, other signs of malaise, there is no need to clean, especially if the deterioration of health is repeated more often. First you need to establish its nature, which with the same degree of probability can consist in both a slight hormonal failure and progressive anemia caused by a malignant tumor.

Another case when cleansing the body is not necessary and can do much harm is in childhood. The child’s body is growing and is actively updated. Its possibilities for self-management of the effects of poisoning and diseases are almost endless.

Contrary to popular belief, cleansing the body also does not affect:

  • weight loss rate;
  • severity of toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • the course of skin diseases, including eczema and acne;
  • the course of chronic diseases, including bronchial asthma.
Cleaning the body of alcohol and the results of overeating after an official event is a necessary thing, as well as cleaning the body of parasites. But with pancreatitis, gallstone disease, cancer, hormonal disorder, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and viral infections, it can be useless and dangerous, stimulating unwanted processes instead of suppressing them.

Methods for the digestive system

In the vast majority of cases, the thought of the need to cleanse the body causes discomfort from the digestive tract.Indeed, the lion's share of indigestible, toxic, chemically “wrong” compounds is either formed in the stomach / intestines during digestion, or simply gets into them through the oral route. To clean the digestive tract, traditional medicine recommends using the following tools.

  • Castor oil. Unlike other vegetable oils, the digestible and so irritating intestinal wall that its intake ends with bowel movement within the next few hours. You need to drink castor oil one tablespoon once a day so that diarrhea that has begun soon will not violate plans for the day. In addition to accelerated evacuation of intestinal contents, castor oil is also considered an effective remedy for worms. However, all intestinal parasites are naturally equipped with mechanisms for reliable attachment to the walls of the digestive tract. Therefore, from worms you still have to drink "Pirantel" or "Vormil."
  • Oats and flax. Both in the form of cereals, and in the form of germinated grains. Rice and buckwheat supposedly have similar properties, but there are much more negative reviews about cleaning with their help. In order to properly clean the body with oats or flax, you need to take whole, unrefined grains. The grains, together with the husk, are washed, filled with 1.5 l of cold water, boiled and boiled for about an hour, until they become a thick mucous broth. After cooling, it is filtered and drunk half a glass three to four times a day half an hour before meals for a week. Restrictions in the diet for the period of treatment are not required, but desirable. It is worth abandoning fatty, fried, pickled, spicy and multicomponent, complex dishes, as well as coffee.
  • Garlic. A strong irritant for taste buds and all organs involved in digestion, with the properties of an antiseptic, choleretic and anthelmintic. Despite the fact that there are many preparations based on processed garlic, it is best to eat it fresh, like onions. At the same time, it is not recommended to eat garlic and onions separately from food - you can earn an ulcer. And if it already exists, both types of spices are strictly contraindicated for use. The most reasonable thing is to season them with dishes, like ordinary spices. To remove the worms, you may need to take pulp from the juice and pulp of three to four finely grated cloves of garlic, diluted with a teaspoon of warm water.
  • Sagebrush. As well as celandine, St. John's wort and other partially poisonous plants. Traditional medicine greatly appreciates them for the properties of natural antibiotics - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. A decoction of wormwood, pumpkin seeds, and also garlic make up the three most famous folk remedies for worms. Their real effectiveness is extremely low. In any case, the anthelmintic, diuretic, choleretic and disinfecting wormwood worms are prepared at the rate of two tablespoons per glass of water. Such a mixture is simmered for five minutes, then allowed to cool, filter, diluted with drinking water another half and drink a tablespoon three times a day between meals for two to three weeks. Like garlic with onions, wormwood is strictly prohibited for use in gastritis, duodenitis, stomach or intestinal ulcers.

Body cleansing activated carbon Now it is also very common, but in fact it is a weak absorbent, a means of absorbing harmful components only within the digestive tract. That is, activated carbon does not cleanse anything but the stomach and intestines. Even the pancreas or gallbladder located nearby are inaccessible to its action. And its reception in order to improve diet results, blood composition or skin condition is meaningless.

Soda also “extinguishes” only hydrochloric acid of the stomach, decomposing at the same time into carbon dioxide and water. The misconception about her ability to cleanse the digestive tract is probably based on a free interpretation of her cleansing properties.Natural dairy products like kefir can “colonize” the intestines with beneficial microflora. But store products do not contain it, improving digestion only at the expense of food acids, like lemon and other citrus fruits.


Lung cleaning at home may be required for bronchitis, pneumonia and other inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. In this case, to speed up expectoration of sputum, you can take a completely herbal preparation "Mukaltin." And traditional medicine often uses inhalation with a decoction for this purpose:

  • daisies (mainly in children);
  • celandine;
  • oak bark;
  • linden blossom;
  • eucalyptus.
The warming of the chest with mustard plasters and warming ointments - turpentine, "Doctor Mom", "Doctor Tyss" also helps. But in severe cases (rapidly increasing shortness of breath or suffocation, wheezing in the lungs, high fever), it is most advisable to consult a doctor.

Happy girl with a big cup

If toxic substances in the blood and tissues

In case of drug poisoning or after a course of chemotherapy, it is necessary to clean the blood, not the stomach. Cleaning the body of the products of protein decay, neurotoxins secreted by many parasites, as well as free radicals, also involves blood purification. Equipment for hemodialysis or plasmapheresis helps to cope with this task. But at home, you can also remove some of the toxic substances from the blood (provided that the kidneys work well). The following tools turn out to be great helpers in this.

  • Caffeine. A good stimulant of the central nervous system, current velocity and metabolic processes in the body. Coffee, mate, guarana extract accelerate blood flow, glucose consumption and thinking, tone the muscles, and improve digestion. Plus, caffeine acts as a diuretic, stimulating the work of the kidneys and sweat glands. All of these effects form the basis of quick blood purification from any extra elements. The action of caffeine and other power engineers lasts no more than six hours, so you have to drink it twice a day. But substances of this series are strictly contraindicated for use with severe atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension, myocardial infarction and stroke (including a history).
  • Carnitine. This is a vitamin-like substance that is involved in many biological processes, including the detoxification of organic acids and foreign substances, such as pesticides. Carnitine is a fat burner, useful in that it takes part in the processing of sugar by cellular mitochondria (their main "energy stations"). You can buy carnitine preparations in stores and sports nutrition departments. A single and daily dose of his intake depends on the body weight of the individual and the level of his physical activity.
  • Knotweed. Also referred to as the "mountaineer of the bird." It has a strong diuretic effect. Maggots are brewed in a thermos for an hour at the rate of a teaspoon of dry, cut grass in a glass of boiling water. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk in a quarter cup, three to four times a day, until a diuretic effect is achieved.
Water purification also contributes to the intake of water - a plentiful drink in combination with diuretics and a refusal of salt for the next two to three days. After all, sodium retains and distributes fluid in the tissues.

In women of childbearing age, the optimal period when it is possible to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins occurs during pregnancy planning. To carry out large-scale cleansing of the body during gestation and lactation is extremely undesirable.

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