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Regardless of which of the paints you plan to use (chemical or natural), it is recommended to observe two simple rules.
- Protect your hands. Before dyeing, protective rubber or plastic gloves must be worn.
- Lubricate the skin. It is advisable to treat the hair growth line and two more centimeters from it with a protective cream, which is sometimes included with the paint. If it was not in the package, use a gel for washing, make-up remover or baby cream. With a cotton pad, generously apply the product not only to the forehead, but also to the neck and ears.
Bad advice
But not all stains are removed so easily. We find some already after the time after staining, and they manage to “take” on the skin. In search of how to remove traces of hair dye from skin, women often follow the dangerous tips that the Internet abounds. For example, it is proposed to use hydrogen peroxide or acetone. These products are suitable for cleaning certain types of fabric. But the skin after such a treatment turns red. And if it is a sensitive type, an allergic reaction can also make itself felt.
How to remove paint from the skin? A less "cruel" advice is to use toothpaste to clean stains from paint. It is proposed to rub the skin area with a brush with paste, leave for a few minutes, and then rinse with warm water. After checking such a recommendation, it turns out that the stain, of course, becomes a little brighter, but does not go away completely. In this case, rather mechanical cleaning occurs, after which additional procedures have to be carried out.
How to safely wash hair dye from skin: methods from natural dyes
Even natural dyes such as henna and basmaare difficult to remove from any surface they fall on. The raw material for the manufacture of henna is the shrub lavsonium non-spiny. She owes coloring properties to such a substance as alkanine, with the help of which it is possible to achieve shades from golden to saturated burgundy.
Basma is obtained from the leaves of a tropical shrub indigophera. Since ancient times, it has been actively used not only for dyeing hair, but also for making ink. The leaves of this shrub contain an indigo dye, with which it is possible to achieve a bright black color with a shade of blue. To remove this blue basma, usually mixed with henna.
You need to act as quickly as possible: wash off the stains with a soap solution in the first couple of minutes after paint gets on the skin. Then there is a chance to remove them completely and without extra effort. What to do?
- Prepare a solution. Fill a small container with moderately hot water.Add soap in the form of a gel or make your own chips. For 200 ml of water, one tablespoon of the product is enough. Stir the soap solution well until it turns into a homogeneous mass.
- Treat the skin. Dampen a cotton pad in the solution and quickly try to wipe the hair dye from the scalp in a circular motion. First, wash areas along the hairline and temporal zones. Similarly, remove fresh spots of paint on other parts of the body.
- Rinse with clean water. Rinse under running water and repeat the procedure if necessary. After the dyeing process and the final washing of the head, the remaining paint will come off completely.
If the paint is chemical
If you have professional hair dye at your disposal, especially one presented in the form of a mousse and not containing ammonia (there is a corresponding mark on the packaging about this), then washing the paint is greatly simplified. Such a tool actively affects the hair, giving them the desired color, but from the skin it is easy to clean it even with just warm water. This should be done with a damp cotton swab during the staining process. If you missed the time, you will have to use soap and act according to the above scheme, which is used to remove streaks from natural dyes. How to wash hair dye from the skin in this case, you can still? Below is a list of valid effective and safe remedies.
- Kefir. Yogurt has good reviews in terms of cleaning the body from stains of chemical paint. With a soft cloth or dense towel, apply oily kefir to your skin. Soak for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
- Soda. It allows you to erase even heavily absorbed hair dye from the skin of the head, forehead, neck, hands and clean stains from nails. But this remedy should not be used for owners of sensitive and prone to irritation skin. Two teaspoons of soda are mixed with warm water in a proportion that will produce a thick paste. Then applied to the skin, wait a few minutes and rinse with plenty of running water.
- Vegetable oil. This method will be the most time-consuming, but safe. Unrefined sunflower (can be replaced olive cold pressed) oil with a cotton swab should be applied to a skin area. Wait at least an hour and then wipe off the oil with a napkin first and then with warm water and soap or take a shower.
Some more recommendations
The most powerful ones are chemical color-strippers or decolors. In case of improper use, there is a risk not only to destroy the hair structure, but also to damage the skin of the head, neck and hands. After such unsuccessful experiments, bleached hair resembles a washcloth in appearance, whitish spots remain on the body, yes, and white stains appear on clothing in case of paint. In this case, it is especially important to quickly wipe the hair dye from the face.
Better yet, change the image in specialized beauty salons: a professional master will not allow contact of delicate skin areas with caustic chemistry.
When cleaning your skin from stains, be sure to use a nourishing cream. Remember that washing off hair dye from the skin will be easier if you follow the instructions that came with the product during the coloring process. Do not overdo the dye on the hair, this will not increase the effect. Soak as much as indicated by the manufacturing company. Wear a special wrap or wrap with an old sheet. Apply hair dye with a special brush.When using it, you will not once again touch the scalp, and, accordingly, there will be less spots on the skin.