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It is believed that this product is exclusively for children. Semolina is included in the diet of infants, and in adulthood is not consumed due to the high calorie content. There are as many errors in such an opinion as there are not in relation to a single grain. Let's try to figure out whether semolina is good for adults and how valuable it is for children.
Features and usefulness of semolina
The most common baby product is obtained from wheat. The grains are ground into flour, and those grains that turned out to be larger than the "flour norm" become semolina. She has no varieties, but there are differences in the structure of the grains.
Types of cereals
- M - or soft. It is obtained from a soft variety of wheat, it is usually it can be found on store shelves. When cooking, the grains break up completely, the porridge is viscous, uniform. But the use of semolina porridge brand "M" is minimal, because its glycemic index is extremely high. The product is absorbed very quickly, saturating the body with excess calories. Their quantity is large - 360 Kcal per 100 grams of product.
- MT - or hard soft. The composition of such cereals includes durum wheat or durum. Its amount is up to 20%, which increases the nutritional value of the product. A cup of MT groats will turn out to be just as viscous and tender, but there will be less extra calories in it.
- T - or solid. The most useful semolina, characterized by a minimum glycemic index. It is poorly digested, grains remain intact. It is absorbed slowly in the body, which is why it maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time. It doesn’t “settle” with empty calories, so it can be used in a diet that is healthy.
The choice
Given the types of semolina, you can choose the right product. The choice should be based on a number of factors.
- Plastic packaging. In such a product is stored longer and is not exposed to the environment. In cardboard boxes, semolina can absorb moisture, which makes it rancid and forms into lumps. In plastic packaging, you can consider the structure of cereals. It should be friable, uniform.
- No impurities. If stored improperly in the croup, bugs can start. Also, upon closer inspection, you can see small pebbles. Each type of impurity indicates a low quality product and a violation of the technology of its production, storage.
- Colour. It will determine the exact composition of the cereal. The grains are white or cream, opaque and "matte" correspond to decoy type "M". The beneficial properties of semolina of this type are minimal, and calorie content is high. Creamy grains of saturated color, having a translucent, ribbed structure correspond to the brand "durum" or durum wheat. This product is optimal for a healthy diet. If the composition is dominated by dull grains, but there are also translucent ones, then the cereal is of the mixed MT type.
Product benefits
The use of semolina is recommended in the diet of adults and children. The negative image of the product was formed mainly as a result of its calorie content and the almost complete absence of valuable fiber, which helps digestion. But, despite the fact that fiber in cereals is only 2%, it has many other valuable components.
- Potassium. Krupa is a record holder for the content of a trace element important for the work of the heart. For every 100 grams of it, 186 milligrams of potassium is consumed. The complete absence of cholesterol in combination with magnesium (up to 47 mg) and potassium allows recommending the use of semolina for people with impaired heart rhythm and vascular pressure.
- Carbohydrates. Their number is 73 grams for every 100 grams of product. Using the brand “T” groats in the diet, you will get a very satisfying dish that will gradually saturate the body with energy for 4 hours.
- Squirrels. And there are very few of them in cereals, only 13 grams. This allows you to recommend it in a diet low in protein products.
- Gluten (gluten, natural starch). The beneficial properties of cereals are largely based on the presence of a huge amount of gluten in it. During cooking, the product quickly thickens, and when it enters the body, it envelops the walls of the esophagus with a film. This feature allows us to recommend the use of semolina for people with gastrointestinal disorders, for example, with pancreatitis or peptic ulcer, gastritis. In each case, the product reduces pain, helps relieve spasm of the stomach, reduces the intensity of the effect of acid on its walls.
Semolina can be included in the diet during pregnancy, in baby food, it can be consumed at night. Modern pediatrics has long answered the question of whether semolina is good for children. It is useful, but only when using it after the baby is one year old.
Product harm
In the first feeding of the child, semolina should not be. The reason for this is the very gluten, which perfectly relieves pain in case of gastrointestinal disorders in adults, but for infants, on the contrary, it can provoke disorders. Enveloping the walls of the intestine, the product reduces the intensity of movement of the "cilia" of its mucous membrane. The passage of food slows down, which is fatal for an unformed digestive system.
How harmful is semolina for children and adults?
- The content of phytin and mucopolysaccharides. These substances are dangerous for a child under the age of 1 year. The first reduces the intensity of absorption of calcium and iron in the intestine, which can provoke the development of rickets. The second can stimulate fermentation processes, which in babies leads to increased gas formation. The damage to the product is completely eliminated after the formation of the digestive system. And this happens when the child reaches the age of one.
- Gluten free. Contraindication to the use of the product in adulthood is an individual intolerance to gluten. It is formed at the genetic level and requires a diet throughout life. The use of gluten-containing products, in particular semolina, entails a persistent inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal tract, called celiac disease. The danger of the disease consists not only in constant discomfort in the intestine, but also in a decrease in the intensity of absorption of useful substances in it.
- High calorie. The abundance of calories does not exclude the complete use of the product, but requires compliance with the measure. Do not eat semolina porridge daily. It is enough to use it twice a week to minimize harm and benefit from the product.
The subtleties of cooking
We offer a simple technique for cooking baby porridge. According to this recipe, you can cook sweet breakfasts, each time introducing a variety of tasty and healthy additives into them: honey, fruits, berries.
You will need:
- milk - 500 ml;
- semolina - 100 g;
- honey - 2 tablespoons.
- Bring the milk to a boil, reduce the heat.
- Spread the cereal over the milk with a sieve.
- Stir thoroughly, stir continuously for 2 minutes.
- Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid.
- Season with honey before serving.
That's all the secrets of how semolina is good for adults and kids.Using it wisely, you can get the most out of the product. And get another tasty dish to the everyday table.
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