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The drug has a pronounced antiseptic effect, saves from fungus and infections. They treat wounds and abrasions, chickenpox rashes, ulcers after shingles. But the solution has a big drawback - it leaves traces of raspberry color, which is extremely difficult to wash. The composition includes fuchsin, and it creates a red color. The substance enters into a chemical reaction with acetone, after which a persistent coloring effect appears.
It is believed that it is quickly impossible to wash the traces of pink green from the hands or body: they will gradually erase themselves. And if raspberry “blots” hit the furniture or clothes, then they will stay there forever. It is a myth! It is difficult, but possible, to get rid of traces of an antiseptic on the body, things and interior items.
In pharmacies you can find the colorless "Fukortsin." The absence of a characteristic crimson color indicates that the preparation does not contain fuchsin. But this means that the product does not have an antifungal effect. The colorless analog is less effective.
Gentle methods for baby skin
Red greenery is most often treated with chickenpox rashes in children. As a result, the baby walks all in raspberry speck. What to do if the child needs to be led to the garden, and the pink dots are still there? Children's skin is delicate, so only gentle methods of removal are suitable.
Soap solution
- Rub baby or household soap.
- Fill the chips with water. Everything is on the eye, but the solution should be strong.
- Wash stains using a washcloth.
- Repeat the procedure throughout the day. Each time, the spots will lighten, and by the evening they will depart.
- After each wash, lubricate the baby’s skin with baby cream so that it remains soft and tender.
Vitamin C
- Dilute a three-gram packet of pharmaceutical vitamin C powder in two glasses of warm water.
- Gently rub the solution into the raspberry stains.
- After two minutes, walk through the points with a cotton pad soaked in baby cream.
"Adult" ways
Everything is simpler here. Adults can go to the bathhouse or sauna. High temperature in a tandem with high humidity contributes to the renewal of the skin. Take a good steam, then take a shower - and the raspberry stains will disappear. The method with the bath, although effective, but not always possible to apply. Then you have to use the means at hand.
Peroxide and soap
- Rub a small piece of brown 72% soap.
- Mix soap shavings and hydrogen peroxide. The optimal proportion is 1: 1.
- Put gruel on pink areas, rub with a brush.
- Rinse thoroughly with running water. Repeat the procedure after a while - there will be no trace of spots.
Peroxide and ammonia
- Mix a teaspoon of ammonia with two tablespoons of peroxide.
- Add half a teaspoon of shower gel. Liquid soap is also suitable. The ingredient is needed to soften the effects of the two main, otherwise the skin can be overdried.
- Treat only raspberry traces with the mixture, it is better that it does not get on clean skin.
Salicylic acid and alcohol
- Mix the ingredients in equal proportions.
- Treat the mixture with stained areas of the dermis. Take care not to go beyond the contours of the spots.
Withdraw funds from hair
If the pink brilliant green has got on hair, try to wash it with soapy water. Repeat the procedure several times. If that doesn't work, try the lemon method. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little shampoo. Put the mixture on strands, foam. After ten minutes, rinse thoroughly.
If the marks on the teeth
If you were reckless to open the Fucorcin vial with your teeth and stained tooth enamel, do not be discouraged - you will not have to frighten those around you with a pink smile. Of course, ordinary toothpaste with raspberry traces will not cope. But there are folk methods and from such a nuisance.
Try to brush your teeth with soda and continue to not repeat the mistake. Soda can be diluted with a small amount of water and gritted tooth enamel, or use lemon juice instead of water (you need to take juice from half a lemon for a teaspoon of soda). You can add a couple drops of peroxide to the soda gruel, but provided that the tooth enamel is not sensitive. You may need two to three cleanings.
Clothes are affected
The pink traces that the drug leaves on the fabric are “moody.” If you want to save your favorite thing, you have to try. Two tools will help.
- Chlorine If "Fukortsin" stained with white bedding or a white T-shirt, then chlorine bleaches will come to the rescue. Dilute the bleach according to the instructions, apply to the "blot" and gently rub. After you wash your clothes in the usual way. Remember that chlorine is not suitable for delicate materials.
- "Vanish." An effective stain remover will help get rid of pink “blots” on colored clothes. Use the product according to the instructions. Be prepared that soaking will have to be repeated several times.
Stains on furniture and interior items
No one is safe from unforeseen situations. One careless hand movement while treating the baby’s wound with “Fukortsin” - and “raspberry” flaunts on the chair. Spilled solution in the apartment is the headache of the hostess. But if you try, then you can remove complex spots from any surface.
- From the couch. Try rubbing “blots” with soda. It is better to take calcined. Pour the substance onto a damp sponge and rub the textile upholstery until the impurities are removed. Salicylic acid will help to quickly wipe stains from furniture: it is applied to the stain for two minutes, and then washed off. Methods will not save furniture if Fukortsin hit the armrests: a wooden surface coated with varnish is easy to spoil with such treatments.
- Off the carpet. A strong soapy solution with the addition of a teaspoon of ammonia will help. They treat the stain and leave for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.After the "procedure" try to remove moisture with dry rags as much as possible.
- From linoleum. Treat stains with a pharmacy solution of sodium sulfite. You need to act quickly: apply - rub with a brush - rinse thoroughly. Leave the solution for a long time or do not completely wash it off - spoil the flooring. Are you afraid to experiment like this? Try to remove the “blot” with a stain remover designed for clothing. True, it will take a long time to wipe.
- With plumbing. Fucorcin can be removed from the acrylic sink or bathtub with nail polish remover. "Raspberry" will not leave immediately, it will be necessary to rub thoroughly and for a long time.
"Fukortsin" is heavily laundered. If you use a solution for the treatment of rashes, then lubricate them firstolivesunflower or sea buckthorn oil. This will reduce the color saturation of the solution, then it will be easier to wash off the drug. Oil will not affect the effectiveness of the drug. As for the raspberry stains in the apartment, the only way to avoid them is to use caution when using and hide the bubble away from children.