How to do cheat cheat: eat what you want and do not get fat

People who want to lose weight and advocate for a healthy diet, dream of creating an "ideal diet." To eat so that the body does not ask yet, and the restrictions did not cause any physical and moral discomfort. A novelty in dietetics came to us from Western scientists who gave a green light to a short digression from all the prohibitions on nutrition, arguing that it would even be useful for a losing weight body. Chitmil - this is a planned violation of the diet. However, it is important to follow certain rules so that such “plans” take away extra pounds with them, rather than turn into a breakdown and “rollback”.
Girl is going to eat pizza

There are no analogues to the word cheat in Russian. In English, this phrase (cheat meal) means "cheat with food." This method is applicable in the diet of both professional athletes who are building muscle (for example, in bodybuilding), and for people who want to lose weight and diet.

What is cheatmeal (cheat meal) and its basic rules

A feature of cheat cheat is that weight loss should have a “carrot and stick” system. It is known that any undertaking should be done in small steps, so as not to cause stress and ultimately rejection of the body. Overloading ourselves, we risk losing all motivation and not only not getting closer to the cherished goal, but also to put it off, possibly forever.

Being, for example, on a long low-carb diet, and working hard several times a week, you can lose extra pounds, but from the habit of driving your body into a state of "increased danger". At every opportunity and lack of motivation, he will strive to return comfortable living conditions, receiving calories (and kilograms) “in reserve”. The way out is to remember the reward system, rewarding yourself regularly and embodying nutritional desires so that they do not become obsessive ideas and do not occupy thoughts. It is important to implement them planned and according to certain rules. There are four basic rules for cheating.

  1. Cheat meal is different from cheat day. Chitmil is only one meal once a week, not in the evening, and preferably on the day of a good workout.
  2. Food should be nutritious. Its meaning is to obtain carbohydrates and fats, which the body usually lacks on a diet. Everything is allowed. But if there is a choice between a sweet cake and a burger, we choose from two evils - a burger.
  3. Modesty is the enemy. It is necessary to eat within reasonable limits, but not to limit yourself, so that saturation is not only physiological, but also, most importantly, psychological.
  4. Alcohol is the enemy. Do not use alcohol in any form. Alcohol is a definite harm.
Most experts believe that cheating is worth starting only if a person has at least a month been on a certain diet, and knows for sure that the body will be able to limit itself to just one meal. This alternation of calorie intake is psychologically beneficial. The body is not used to getting the minimum dose of calories, which means it is less susceptible to stress at the end of the diet: it will not seek to urgently compensate for the lost.

How often to practice

There are several recommendations for how to cheat often. Nutritionists claim that it all depends on a specific goal. If the goal is to lose weight dramatically in a short time, it is better to arrange a cheat code once a month. Those who wish to simply keep in good shape can be advised to break the diet once a week. Most often, it's Sunday. In any case, the percentage of healthy to bad food should be 90/10.

But we repeat: to decide how to arrange a cheat, and to follow the recommendations, experts advise people who are already accustomed to the diet, and not just started it. The body must get used to the new food so that the calorie content of the portions systematically decreases. During the month of the diet, dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain, which are responsible for the body’s strong attachment to certain foods, will not be constantly stimulated, and the body will break the habit of eating addictions.

It is important to understand that cheating is not an opportunity to know how much the body can consume at a time. This is not a protracted feast, after which it is bad and "no longer climbing." Chitmil is the same reasonable meal as everyone else, just after which we do not count calories eaten and do not analyze food.

Why dieting is best outside the home

In general, a cheat cheat is needed to make a psychological deception of the body: allowing ourselves the forbidden fruit, we do not create mental anguish, but we know for sure that everything is possible for us, just at a certain hour.

It is more reasonable, by the way, to conduct cheat codes outside the house: in a restaurant you won’t start to order more and more uncontrollably, and the general atmosphere will make you feel like a holiday. Continue to eat after the cheat, without changing your diet, in the usual household conditions it will become easier, and in the refrigerator there will be no tempting foods.

With prolonged restriction in food, the level of the hormone leptin, which controls appetite and the formation of fat cells, decreases. The brain receives a signal that hunger is not satisfied, and the body increases appetite, producing the hormone ghrelin. When restricting calories received, hunger does not go away, a person is insatiable and not happy with life. The level of thyroid hormones decreases, the body saves energy, and metabolic processes slow down.

Being stressed and getting a minimum amount of food, the body begins to store calories, fearing the threat of hunger forever. So the process of losing weight slows down. The practice of cheating is inspiring the body that everything is allowed on a regular basis, but not every day, and does not allow a person to get used to stress. Metabolism is accelerated, and the desired weight loss occurs.

Woman thinking about food

Who benefits from “Sunday snacks”, and to whom they can harm

The benefit of deviations from the diet is even appreciated by professional athletes who use cheatmil during drying. Drying the body is a set of measures aimed at “drawing” the muscles and reducing subcutaneous fat, accompanied by the maximum removal of water from the body. As a rule, this is a protein diet, rigorous training with a large number of approaches, proper fractional nutrition. Chitmil helps athletes accelerate metabolic processes and strengthens morally. Summarizing the above, we highlight the pros and cons of the cheat cheat. The benefit of the cheat is that he:

  • activates metabolism and thermogenesis;
  • allows you to replenish carbohydrates and fats that are lacking in a low-carb diet;
  • relieves psychological stress due to severe restrictions on food;
  • provokes the production of endorphins - "hormones of happiness."

The following conditions are related to possible side effects of the practice of cheating.

  • Heaviness / pain in the stomach. The gastrointestinal tract, especially the pancreas, which is responsible for the digestion and breakdown of food, receives stress from the heavy load of an already unusual meal. A definite contraindication for cheatmeal is gastrointestinal tract disease.
  • Weight gain. There is a real threat of a breakdown in the diet due to similar goodies reminders. Chitmil is contraindicated in people with a weak will. Experts strongly advise not to start cheating, if there is a risk of not stopping in food and disrupting the diet, because the body will gain many times more than lost.

A set of theoretical tips indicating how to properly arrange cheat cheats can be infinitely long and full of many clarifying recommendations. In practice, it is important to evaluate your capabilities and understand the main goals. If the task is to become healthy and get rid of extra pounds forever, and not for a while, then one Sunday lunch will not do much harm, but will reward a person for steadfastness on the way to the goal.

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