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Creeping thyme is popularly called thyme or Bogorodskaya grass. This fragrant perennial shrub plant is used in official and traditional medicine, cooking, perfumery, cosmetology. The culture is grown on personal plots and just in pots. Also, raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy. Tea from it is a simple, effective and safe medicine.
The benefits of the drink
The culture contains many biologically active substances. The main one is essential oil. Volatile compounds eliminate spasms, stimulate liquefaction and sputum discharge, and exhibit anti-inflammatory activity. Other useful components:
- flavonoids;
- organic acids;
- bitterness;
- tannins;
- vitamins
- minerals.
These compounds help strengthen blood vessels, cleanse blood, stabilize the nervous system, improve digestion, eliminate pathogens, and increase resistance to bacteria and viruses.
When preparing extracts from thyme, useful substances pass into the liquid fraction, and when taken, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and exhibit pharmacological actions. But decoctions, infusions and tinctures of thyme should be taken with strict observance of the dosage, since the main component of plant materials, thymol, can be toxic. If you simply make tea from Bogorodskaya grass, the risk of overdose is minimized. Light infusion acts gently, but significantly supports health in many situations.
- Nervous Disorders. Thyme tea has a mild sedative effect, which is combined with a tonic. This means that the drug does not cause drowsiness, but normalizes sleep and eliminates nervousness. The tonic effect is manifested by an increase in disability, mood, ability to concentrate and optimize the thought process.
- Gastrointestinal diseases. The drink relieves moderate abdominal pain. The tool relieves spasms, eliminates gases, helps to normalize the intestinal microflora. As a stimulant of secretory activity, thyme tea improves digestion, normalizes motility, and optimizes the absorption of nutrients.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system. Thyme tea is useful for men suffering from prostatitis, infertility, erectile dysfunction of neurogenic origin. Women are recommended to drink it in case of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, delays in menstruation and frequent gynecological inflammation. Also, the plant eliminates inflammatory and infectious lesions of the kidneys and urinary tract, helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
- Colds and SARS. It is an anti-feverish, diaphoretic, antipyretic agent. Also, the drink eliminates coughing attacks, promotes its transition into a productive form, activates the elimination of sputum. It acts as an immunostimulant, the timely intake of which can protect the body from seasonal diseases.
Cooking methods
Regarding the rules for the preparation of thyme tea, herbalists have no consensus. There are recipes in which grass is combined with other plants. This, according to phytotherapists, allows you to eliminate a specific problem much faster. Herbalists who adhere to homeopathic principles of treatment, on the contrary, recommend not mixing thyme with other components to allow the plant to show its healing potential in full force.
Features It is used for all ailments for which thyme is active. It has a tonic and anti-aging effect.
Preparation and use
- A couple of teaspoons of dry raw material is poured into a glass of boiled water.
- The tool is insisted under the lid for a quarter of an hour, after which it is filtered.
- Take 1/3 cup up to four times a day.
For the stomach
Features A mixture of herbs treats inflammatory lesions of the stomach, intestines, pancreatitis, disturbances in the liver, bloating, and dysbiosis.
Preparation and use
- Thyme is mixed with centaury, mint and caraway seeds in equal proportions.
- A tablespoon (without slide) of the mixture is poured with boiling water (200 ml).
- Insist the remedy for a quarter of an hour, wrapping the container, then filter.
- Take 1/3 cup half an hour before the meal.
Features Cold, flu and other viral diseases, weakness, fever, cough, runny nose are treated with a drink.
Preparation and use
- Shredded thyme, oregano, plantain leaves, primrose and anise are mixed in equal amounts.
- A tablespoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water.
- The mixture is insisted for a quarter of an hour.
- After straining, they are taken orally in a warm form. The maximum daily dose is three cups.
Features Thyme is combined with sedative herbs to eliminate nervousness, the effects of psychoemotional stress, treatment of depression and insomnia.
Preparation and use
- Thyme, valerian root and mint leaves are mixed, observing a proportion of 1: 1: 2.
- A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water (200 ml).
- After 20 minutes of insisting, the product is filtered.
- Drink the entire volume per day, dividing into three parts.
From vitamin deficiency
Features The drink will make up for the deficiency of nutrients in the body in spring. The tool tones, gives strength, increases activity.
Preparation and use
- Mix a spoonful of thyme, two tablespoons of rose hips and two tablespoons of lingonberry fruit.
- The resulting mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water.
- Insist for three hours, and then filtered.
- Take half a glass up to four times a day.
Limitations and contraindications
Thyme drink can be drunk for children of the older age group, but provided that there is no allergy to the plant. Young children give tea after agreement with the pediatrician. During pregnancy and lactation, it is undesirable to use plants with a high content of essential oil. The list also includes thyme. In the presence of any chronic pathologies, the possibility of drinking herbal drink should be discussed with a doctor.
Extracts from a plant are contraindicated in:
- hypertension
- stomach ulcer;
- diabetes mellitus;
- liver and kidney failure;
- thyroid disease;
- severe damage to the central nervous system.
Contraindications and restrictions apply to concentrated means with thyme. But without a health risk, you can use the plant differently. To do this, a pinch of raw material is added to the cup:
- with black tea - also enriched with honey, sugar, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla;
- with green tea - flavored with honey, lemon, sea buckthorn, mint leaves or lemon balm.
The plant, as a stimulant of metabolic processes and digestion, is useful for losing weight.Thyme tea can be a substitute for coffee and even sweets.