The content of the article
What does “BEACH” mean? We are talking about nutrition, built on the alternation of protein and carbohydrate foods. The diet allows you to burn your own fat reserves, and does not affect muscle tissue. Initially, such diets were developed for athletes and bodybuilders.
For example, the BEECH Powell cycle. This diet was developed by trainers from America, husband and wife Chris and Heidi Powell, for athletes and people with an active lifestyle.
But time has shown that BEECH is able to help those who wish to find harmonious forms. This diet is very popular among girls and not only: in a week a woman can lose up to 5 kilograms on such a diet. Wikipedia does not yet contain information about this diet, but many VK groups will not only tell you about it, but also offer a detailed description of the menu in grams.
BEACH diet: advantages and disadvantages
What is protein-carbohydrate alternation? Diet implies a change in protein and carbohydrate foods, that is, BCU - proteins alternate with carbohydrates. But products alternate in accordance with a specific pattern. The classic version of BEECH consists of such days.
- Protein (B). On this day, the main emphasis in food is on protein food. The recommended amount of protein is calculated from the ratio: per 1 kg of weight - 3-4 g of protein.
- High Carb (U). Carbohydrate-rich foods are preferred. The daily dose is 5-6 g per 1 kg of body weight.
- Mixed (C). This is the day when it is recommended to consume both proteins (2-2.5 g / 1 kg) and carbohydrates (2-3 g / 1 kg).
Power schemes
The diet consists of the same cycles, including all types of days: B, U, C. Moreover, there are several options for their alternation. Depending on your personal preferences, you can use one of the following meals.
- Four Day Cycle (BBUS). This circuit is considered classic. Initially, there are two protein days. They are replaced by carbohydrate and the mixed day completes the cycle. Then, without a break, again two protein days follow.
- Five Day (BBBUS). If fatigue or fatigue is not felt in the evening of the second protein day, then an enhanced cycle can be practiced.
- Six Day (BBUUSS). Such a cycle allows not only to efficiently burn fats, but also fully restore the body, preventing the development of undesirable consequences.
- Seven Day (BUBBUS). Such a cycle is most successful for a working person. After all, he allows you to treat yourself to delicious food for the weekend.
How does it work
What provides this rotation? And due to what is losing weight? Answers should be sought in the human anatomical structure. The diet is built on the following mechanism.
- Intense weight loss. In the first protein days, an organism lacking energy (because carbohydrates are not supplied) finds their glycogen. Initially, it expends the entire liver reserve, and then proceeds to the breakdown of fatty tissue. These days, rapid weight loss occurs - from 0.5 to 1 kg.
- Energy recovery. Since energy is not replenished, but consumed, the body decides to drastically change tactics. He is sure that hard days have come, which means that fats need to be reserved for later. And he decides to throw muscles into the furnace, the most unnecessary, in his opinion, structures. To protect the muscles and "confuse" the wise guy, they inject carbohydrate day. Having received energy from carbohydrates, the body “relaxes”, leaving the muscle tissue intact. On this day, a return of previously thrown kilograms may be observed. But this is not a mass of fats, but a volume of water that will quickly go away at the beginning of the next cycle.
- Liver repair. This day always follows before the start of the next cycle. It restores exhausted glycogen in the liver.
A properly organized diet has a number of advantages compared to other diets. It does not provide instant results, but at the same time it does not harm health. The main advantages of a diet include the following factors.
- Balance. The diet is as close to balanced as possible, which eliminates harm. Exchange processes are faster and more efficient.
- Saturation. During the diet, there is no feeling of “wolf” hunger.
- Profitability. A simple diet does not require the purchase of overseas products and does not imply complex recipes.
- Weight loss. Weight loss is based on the breakdown of fats, and not on the withdrawal of water. There is no “plateau effect" (body weight ceases to decline, because the body is used to restrictions).
- Optimal term. You can sit on the BEECH from four to nine weeks without damage to health. The cyclic power scheme allows you to saturate the body BZHU, necessary for the proper operation of all systems.
- Combination with sports. Diet can and should even be combined with sports.
- Psychological comfort. Periodic "days of relaxation" (when you are allowed to treat yourself even with a chocolate bar) provide a comfortable psychological state and do not provoke the appearance of depressive disorders.
Like any diet, BEECH is not without flaws. Before you start losing weight, be sure to study them or go to a consultation with a competent nutritionist. Experts indicate the following three disadvantages of the BEECH system.
- Complexity of calculations. The right diet is based on strict control of calories eaten. Therefore, those who lose weight have to constantly calculate the norm and strictly control their menu.
- Slow weight loss. Weight loss can be compared with the effect of a pendulum. Weight loss is constantly alternating with weight gain. This can upset those who are striving for a quick gain in harmony.
- Lack of energy. Sometimes losing weight indicate such side effects as the appearance of fatigue, fatigue during protein days. In some cases, dizziness is possible.
Be very careful about the presence of contraindications. BEECH means periodic loads on the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. And this can aggravate existing diseases. BEECH is prohibited when:
- kidney disease;
- pregnancy
- liver pathology;
- pancreatic disorders;
- lactation;
- pathologies of the digestive system;
- diabetes mellitus;
- high cholesterol.
How to eat
The most basic plus of this diet, as shown by reviews of those who have lost weight, is its effectiveness. BEECH, despite the slow pace, really works and helps to lose weight. A rough menu and nutritional guidelines will help you understand what your diet should be.
5 diet rules
Having decided to find a slim figure with the help of BEECH, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the basic rules. Their observance will protect you from unpleasant consequences and failure. During the diet, be sure to consider these five points.
- Ration calculation. Calculating the daily protein norm for a protein day is not difficult - you need to multiply your weight by 3. You can’t calculate the norm in carbohydrate (although this is not difficult, by analogy, only a factor of 4). On this day, high-carb foods, but with low GI, which are digested for a long time, for example, cereals, vegetables, are included in the food.
- Serving Size. To ensure fat burning, you need to monitor the energy value of your diet. Nutritionists recommend adhering to indicators of 1200-1500 kcal. With high physical activity, calorie content can increase up to 2500 kcal.
- Food selection. Thinking through the menu for a week, 14 days or a month, include a wide variety of products in the food. The body must receive vitamins, minerals. He also needs fats.
- Physical exercise. Sport will help to find harmony much faster. Therefore, nutritionists are advised to combine BEECH with training. If the choice fell on the classic food scheme with a four-day cycle, then it is recommended to play sports three times a week. On Monday and Friday (the first protein days of the cycle), prefer aerobic exercise. On Wednesday (carbohydrate day), you are full of energy, so do strength exercises, heavy sports loads and work on muscle relief are possible.
- Diet duration. Doctors believe that the diet is not able to work for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to the BEECH for no more than one month. Reviews of doctors show that even such an intricate diet the body is able to get used to.
It is almost impossible to completely eliminate the use of carbohydrates on a protein day. Indeed, many products contain all nutrients (BZHU). Therefore, nothing bad will happen if you treat yourself to a piece of apple on a protein day. The table helps to navigate the preparation of the diet.
Table - Protein and carbohydrate content in food
Name | Protein in 100 g | Carbohydrates per 100 g |
Beef | 18,9 | — |
Mutton | 16,3 | — |
Veal | 19,7 | — |
Pork | 16,4 | — |
Hen | 20,8 | — |
Rabbit | 20,7 | — |
Chicken egg | 12,7 | 0,7 |
Hake | 2,2 | — |
Flounder | 2,6 | 0 |
Sturgeon | 10,9 | 0 |
Shrimp | 0,8 | 0 |
Squid | 18 | 0 |
Milk | 2,8 | 4,7 |
Ryazhenka | 3 | 4,1 |
Sour cream (fat content 20%) | 2,8 | 3,2 |
Brynza | 17,9 | — |
Cottage cheese | 14 | 1,3 |
Black bread | 6,8 | 40,7 |
Rice | 7 | 77 |
Oatmeal | 11,0 | 49,94 |
Buckwheat | 13 | 68 |
Barley | 1,3 | 71,7 |
Millet | 2,9 | 69,3 |
Pasta | 10,4 | 74,9 |
Sugar | — | 100 |
An Apple | 0,4 | 11,3 |
Banana | 1,5 | 22,4 |
Potatoes | 2 | 19,7 |
Cabbage | 1,8 | 5,4 |
Carrot | 1,3 | 7 |
Products that can
During the diet, the use of a wide variety of dishes is permissible. Therefore, it is impossible to call this diet strict. The following table will help determine what you can eat on a BEACH diet.
Table - Recommended products for the BEECH diet
Protein days | Carbohydrate days |
- Meat (goose, lean pork, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef); - fish (bream, flounder, zander, hake, carp, pink salmon, pollock, blue whiting, tuna, salmon); - any seafood; - non-fat dairy products; - eggs | - All cereals; - vegetables that do not contain starch; - rye bread (useful with bran); - unsweetened fruits; - pasta made from durum wheat; - greenery |
Products that can not
Despite the wide variety of acceptable products, some dishes will have to be abandoned. During BEECH it is impossible to use:
- fat meat;
- pineapples, persimmons, grapes;
- fast food;
- oily fish;
- sweets, pastries;
- alcohol, soda;
- semi-finished products, smoked meats.
And if possible, reduce the amount of salt used.
Sample menu
When designing the menu, consider four to six meals. Do not lose sight of the drinking regimen. It is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day. The approximate menu is presented in the table.
Table - Approximate BEACH daily diet menu
Day | Eating | Diet |
Monday (B) | Breakfast | - Hard boiled egg"; - vegetable salad with the addition of linseed oil; - tea |
Lunch | - Cottage cheese with a pinch of cinnamon | |
Dinner | - Vegetable stew; - steam chicken breast |
Dinner | - Baked pike perch | |
Tuesday (B) | Breakfast | - Steamed omelet; - Black tea |
Lunch | - Ryazhenka | |
Dinner | - Stew with zucchini, cabbage, carrots; - boiled pollock |
Dinner | - Baked chicken with vegetables | |
Wednesday (Y) | Breakfast | - Oatmeal; - a glass of tea |
Lunch | - One banana | |
Dinner | - Serving of pasta | |
Dinner | - Steamed rice porridge with vegetables | |
Thursday (WITH) | Breakfast | - Serving "Hercules" |
Lunch | - rye loaf; - a slice of hard cheese |
Dinner | - Buckwheat; - baked beef |
Dinner | - Baked fish with vegetables; - dried fruits (several pieces) |
Friday (B) | Breakfast | - Cottage cheese (allowed to add raisins) |
Lunch | - Kefir | |
Dinner | - Salad of vegetables and olives; - boiled fish |
Dinner | - Steamed chicken breast |
This example is for informational purposes only. An effective menu for every day BEACH diet should be developed individually, taking into account age, gender, excess weight.
Exit from the program
When the diet has come to an end, you must properly complete it. Only the correct exit from the BEECH will save the achieved result. Therefore, tune in for another one to two weeks, providing a smooth return to a normal diet. Exiting the BEACH diet consists of the following steps:
- 1-5 day - a mixed day ration is used;
- 6-9 day - gradually enrich the diet with new dishes, but without fast food, sweets, fats.
If you really want sweets, you can allow a small piece, but only in the morning.
By studying the sample menu, you can make sure that cooking does not cause any special difficulties. The diet contains simple dishes that do not imply "overseas" ingredients. The following recipes will help you make sure of this.
Summer salad
- bell pepper - two pieces;
- green salad - one forks;
- cucumber - two;
- onion - one;
- parsley - three branches;
- lemon juice - a tablespoon;
- olive oil - a tablespoon;
- ground black pepper - a pinch.
- Vegetables are cut into small pieces.
- The components are placed in a salad bowl and poured with olive and juice squeezed from a lemon.
- Add herbs, pepper.
- All are mixed.
Baked fish
- low-fat fish - one carcass;
- lemon juice - two tablespoons;
- black pepper
- The fish are thoroughly gutted and washed. Share on filet.
- Shallow transverse incisions are made throughout the carcass. Thanks to them, the fish is better saturated and will not be dry.
- Cooked fillet, pepper, sprinkle (optional) with herbs and sprinkle with lemon juice.
- Then the fish is wrapped in foil and put in a hot oven (180 ° C) for approximately 35-40 minutes.
Concluding the detailed description of the BEACH diet for weight loss, it is necessary to dwell on one more point. Protein day may be accompanied by mild nausea. If you had to deal with it, then diversify the menu with fresh cucumber. If you feel problems with the stool (in particular, with constipation), introduce kefir, fresh beets and bran into the food.
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