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The most important question is rather not how quickly and easily to quit smoking once and for all, but am I ready for this? Is life ready to give up cigarettes? Are you ready to find new habits instead of old ones? Is it ready to change the circle of friends (sometimes this is also required!) Or make the relations in the familiar circle of friends different? If you sincerely answer positively to these questions, you can start working on yourself. Do not be afraid, it will not be difficult. Especially when you know everything about smoking ...
Cigarette and Smoking Facts
Life shortens by 20 years
Smokers with "experience" die at a young age, usually from 35 to 60 years. The reason for this is disruption of the heart and blood vessels, hemorrhage in the brain, cancer caused by intoxication, lung disease.
Quality of life is declining
The first cigarettes are always interesting: a cheerful company, beloved friends, a bottle of beer or wine, no health problems! But after a few months they become yellow teeth, the color of the fingers changes, a persistent unpleasant smell comes from the mouth and from the clothes. Next up is a cough, unmotivated, often suffocating and unproductive. Then comes the turn of the heart, which begins to show a painful state of arrhythmia and "jumping" in the chest. Following will tell about the problems of the stomach and liver.
Harmful to loved ones - secondhand smoke
Often wondering how to quit smoking yourself, a person acts under the pressure of relatives. More often mothers and wives worry about the health of a loved one, but they and their children are also at risk. Passive smoking delivers only 1.5 times less harmful compounds to the organisms of others than the smoker himself gets. The risk of getting lung cancer in relatives of a dependent increases by 34%, and getting cardiovascular disease - by 50%.
You can part with smoking! Effective and efficient way
Do not listen to anyone who says they cannot give up smoking. It is not true! Just a person does not want this, but is afraid to say so. Another common question is, can I quit smoking abruptly? Not just possible, but vital! The body will not receive any “stress”, since nicotine does not integrate into any processes in it. Nicotine is the poison that kills you. And the “withdrawal” syndrome, which can plague a couple of days at the physiological level, is a natural reaction to the body’s need for a drug.
10 quick tips for breaking up with a cigarette
What should be done to quit smoking? So, here are the recommendations of narcologists, how to safely quit smoking, where to start:
- Refuse coffee and alcohol - these are the first "companions" of a bad habit. If at work you’re used to having “coffee breaks” with breaks, go for tea or fruit juices. And cancel the next gatherings with smoking friends or reschedule for at least a month.
- Throw sharply - just exclude cigarettes from life, and throw away everything that came with them (accessories, rituals, etc.) without regrets. So you can quit smoking in 2 days, and on the second day, the physical craving for nicotine is almost not felt. Only the psychological factor that needs to be fought is preserved.
- If the “chopping off and forgetting” method is not for you, keep a smoking cessation calendar. Make a decision to reduce the number of cigarettes per day, for example, to smoke no more than 1 time in 2 hours. And record the data in a notebook. The next day, increase the interval by another hour, then another. By the end of the week, you can survive without a cigarette all day. And if you “stretch” one, then the second, and even the third you can do.
- If the cigarette asks in your mouth, send a glass of liquid there (but not coffee or beer!), Chew the apple, chewing gum, peppermint candy. As a last resort, hold a toothpick in your teeth and be distracted by routine affairs.
- Avoid situations in which everyone has always smoked: do not go with your colleagues for a break, after work go home, not to the club, even at the bus stop waiting for transport, stand not in the usual place, but in another.
- All objects reminiscent of a habit, mercilessly erase from life. There is no place for souvenir mouthpieces, tubes, lighters and ashtrays. If you store the “backup pack” somewhere, firstly, it should be of the sort that you absolutely do not like, and secondly, cover it with tape to make it difficult to access cigarettes. And it’s better to get rid of such a “nest egg” in general, believe me, it doesn’t need you.
- Stop buying and taking cigarettes with you to work, walk.
- To understand how to quit smoking at home, physical activity will help. Let them be gentle and very pleasant in the first days. For example, buy yourself a simple treadmill or a relaxing exercise machine. And gradually increase the intensity of classes.
- Calculate how much money you spent per month on smoking. Set aside this money and buy something incredibly pleasant on it. Better go to a good gym.
- Let everyone you know about your decision. Offer smoking friends to “tie up” too, argue that quitting smoking in one day is easy!
Cleansing the body of tobacco poisons
- Drink up to 2 liters of water per day, including green tea and juices, to activate the elimination of toxins.
- Rinse your mouth with a solution of soda - a teaspoon in a glass of water to relieve inflammation of the oral cavity.
- Adjust the air parameters of the house (humidity at least 50%, temperature up to 22 ° C) to facilitate the removal of sputum from the lungs.
These recommendations will help you give up smoking without assistance.