Acne talkers: types, why the dermatologist’s prescription is important, and how to choose the treatment lotion “for yourself”

The problem of acne is periodic or permanent. But in any case, annoying, and a person seeks to get rid of rashes as soon as possible. A special talker helps in this. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently. In a good way, an acne talker recipe should be given by a specialist - a cosmetologist or a dermatologist. In fact, prescriptions can be found on the Internet ... But how safe is it?
Acne Chatterbox with Dandelion

There are many options for acne mixtures. To choose the right prescription, you need to understand the action of the components and determine the nature of the occurrence of acne or pustular rash. The treatment with the first talker that has come to a maximum will reduce the severity of the problem for a while. However, without eliminating the cause, the trouble will return, and very soon.

What is a talker

About this tool people have heard about the age. A couple of decades ago, such drugs were almost the only effective way to deal with an annoying rash. In pharmacy there are several special ready-made medicines created and working on the basis of the talker.

Chatterbox is a multicomponent mixture. Its base (i.e., solvent) is ethyl alcohol, which in itself is an antiseptic. Adding oily or insoluble components turns the talker into a suspension or emulsion, which must be shaken before use. Hence the name of the dosage form.

The composition of the drug

The ideal approach is when the doctor gives the prescription. In this case, the features of the rash and skin structure of a particular patient are taken into account. This is important because there are no identical people. What has effectively eliminated acne in one patient can be useless or even dangerous for another. The proportions of the active substances are also important, because the drug should heal the skin, and not harm it.

Depending on the desired effect, acne talkers (anti acne) include the following components in the drug.

  • Acids Salicylic, boric acid, Aspirin. They help in the fight against microorganisms, act as a regenerating and exfoliating component.
  • Minerals Zinc and sulfur are often used. Zinc normalizes oily skin, has an astringent effect, regulates the sebaceous glands. Sulfur is an antiparasitic and antimicrobial component.
  • Tinctures. Face preparations are prepared with alcohol tinctures calendula, eleutherococcus, mint, sage, with camphor alcohol. An ingredient of plant origin provides a moderate antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory effect, and also regulates the activity of fat-producing glands.
  • Antibiotics. «Chloramphenicol"," Streptocide "," Erythromycin "," Metronidazole "- all these antibacterial drugs can be introduced into the suspension. It is important to make the right choice. For this, the nature of the pathogen must be precisely established, otherwise the microbes will adapt to antibiotics, become even stronger, and they will be worse succumbed to even strong antimicrobials. Chatterboxes with "Doxycycline».
  • Essential oils. Experienced cosmetologists often recommend an ethereal component for a talker to adjust the epidermis in the right direction.
  • Conductors. Often, such a drug is Dimexide. The conductor allows active substances to penetrate even into the deeper layers of the epidermis, affecting subcutaneous inflammation and intradermal sites of localization of bacteria and parasites.

The table below shows the most common combinations of ingredients to solve various skin problems.

Table - Selection of talkers by type of rash

Skin problemChatterbox Composition Option
Black dots- Alcohol;
- salicylic or boric acid;
- zinc oxide, tincture of Eleutherococcus;
- camphor alcohol or mint tincture
Sore acne- Alcohol;
- salicylic acid or “Aspirin”;
- sulfonamides;
- tincture of calendula
Purulent acne- Alcohol;
- chloramphenicol;
- antibiotic;
- zinc oxide;
- salicylic acid
Severe acne, suspected demodicosis, internal inflammation- Alcohol;
- "Dimexide";
- ginseng or lemongrass extract;
- tincture of mint;
- antibiotic;
- sulfur and zinc


Specialists focus patients on the fact that the talker alone will be effective only with a low and medium level of rash complexity. Severe acne, occupying an impressive area of ​​the skin, is unlikely to respond to treatment even with a multi-component suspension. In this case, it can be used as an auxiliary method.

Practice shows that with the initial form of the rash, almost each of the talkers gives a positive result. But with serious skin lesions, complex therapy and lifestyle changes are required.

It is important to get an individual acne talker recipe from a dermatologist - this increases the chances of a complete skin recovery. You need to visit a doctor in order to accurately establish the cause of the rash. It is necessary to distinguish red acne from chickenpox, deep inflamed acne - from demodicosis. Procrastination and improper therapy can aggravate the problem.

Women rubs skin with lotion

Treatment rules

Acne talker is considered a real medicine. Moreover, strong action. This means that it has contraindications, can give side effects.

4 “not allowed”

For this reason, the drug should be used in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor, to strictly follow the rules for the use of medicinal lotion. It is important to remember the four main “no.”

  1. Do not use on damaged skin. This refers to wounds, abrasions, scratches, rashes of atopic dermatitis. Irritating substances of the drug can provoke an aggravation of the inflammatory process, which is extremely undesirable.
  2. Do not squeeze acne before applying. Squeezed acne is the same injury, only small in size. The talker will disinfect the skin and burn the wounds, however, the substances in it are too aggressive for the injured epithelial tissue.
  3. Do not use too often. Most of the components of the talker are able to drain the skin. As a result, its protective function against pathogenic microorganisms is impaired. As a result, acne reappears in large quantities, internal inflammatory processes occur.
  4. Do not use for too long. The skin, as well as the bacteria on it, can get used to strong antiseptics. Microorganisms are able to acquire resistance to them, after which they are activated with a new force and a previously proven means to eliminate the rash that has arisen again will not succeed.
Mixtures for the treatment of acne containing alcohol, sulfur, zinc are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The need for lotion and its milder options should be considered together with the doctor.

Side effects

To make an acne talker effective at home, it must contain a certain amount of ingredients prescribed in the recipe.Follow the instructions necessary to avoid overdose and undesirable skin effects. So, some tinctures are able to dry the skin, essential oils - to provoke acne, and insoluble components - to settle on the dermis. For the prevention of troubles in the cooking process, one must observe the proportions, the sequence of mixing the ingredients, use high-precision scales for weighing.

Having prepared the product yourself or bought it at the pharmacy, you should be prepared for possible side effects of the lotion, among them:

  • redness of the skin;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • peeling;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • temporary deterioration of the skin.
If the product contains antibiotics and herbal components, the risk of an allergy to them is not excluded. To prevent hives on the face, individual sensitivity should be checked in advance by applying a small amount to the bend of the elbow. If redness, itching and swelling do not appear - the drug can be used for facial skin.

How to use

For successful treatment of acne, the rules for using a talker should be followed.

  • Frequency. Medicinal lotion is applied no more than two times a day. The ideal time is morning and evening. With sensitivity and dry skin, use the drug once a day.
  • Preliminary cleansing. The drug can be applied only to cleansed skin - after washing. Non-abrasive gels should be used. To prevent the appearance of spots from acne, you can wash yourself with a mild exfoliating agent containing low concentrations of lactic acid or casein.
  • Application. Spot application is not enough. In order for the drug to work, they thoroughly soak a cotton pad, gently moisten the entire area of ​​the localization of the rashes. The same applies to processing the back, neck, arms.
  • Moisturizing. After the skin has absorbed the healing composition, it is necessary to stimulate recovery and provide hydration. On top of the talkers, a high-quality moisturizer or panthenol is applied.
  • Pollution protection. Chatterbox is recommended for use at night. Categorically it is impossible to apply tonal creams, powders, other cosmetics. This will provoke re-contamination of the pores.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists do not recommend the use of medicinal lotions for longer than two consecutive weeks. After this period, you need to take a break for 15 days, and only then, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. An additional positive effect during therapy can be given by a low-carb diet, alcohol and smoking cessation. These factors cause acne as often as infections.

To maintain the effectiveness of the composition, keep the talker on the refrigerator door. Shelf life of the lotion is usually two weeks, after which it is necessary to prepare a new mixture.

Acne Chatterbox: recipes with photos

To make an acne chatterbox, you can use one of the recipes below. All ingredients are sold separately at the pharmacy. But do not forget, the availability of prescription does not eliminate the need for consultation with a doctor.

Along with the external use of talkers, you can take inside vitamins for the skin: retinol, tocopherol, biotin, B vitamins.

For teens

Features Rashes in adolescents are often the result of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands and a lack of skin cleansing. To prevent infection with parasites, you should use an acne talker with Streptocide.

Preparation and use

  1. 7 g of sulfur and 7 g of powder from Streptocide tablets are mixed until homogeneous.
  2. Mix on a vial (30 ml) of boric and salicylic alcohol.
  3. Prepared powder is poured into the liquid, the bottle is actively shaken.
  4. Use the product once a day or every other day.

Against inflamed formations

Features If the skin is sensitive to acids and antibiotics, you can use a powerful natural antiseptic - eucalyptus chlorophyll.Such a talker is suitable for eliminating internal and external inflamed pimples.

Preparation and use

  1. To prepare the talkers, 20 ml of Dimexide and 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature are mixed in a separate container.
  2. 10 ml of “Chlorophyllipt” are added to the resulting mixture.
  3. Shake the mixture actively.
  4. Apply to the skin in the evening, under a moisturizer.

For advanced cases

Features The remedy with Trichopolum is used to treat even neglected acne, since metronidazole is active not only against stomatitis and protozoans, but also against the propionic bacteria - the main provocateur of acne and acne. To enhance effectiveness, they use a natural remedy - mummy.

Preparation and use

  1. Six tablets of Trichopolum are crushed into powder.
  2. Mumiye is also treated with six tablets.
  3. Pour into a bottle with 100 ml of 96% ethanol.
  4. After three days, they begin to apply - apply on the skin at night, moisturizer on top.

For oily skin

Features Owners of oily skin will help acne talker with "Chloramphenicol" andsalicylic acid. Regular use will regulate oiliness, make the skin dull.

Preparation and use

  1. Levomycetin tablets are ground into powder, 5 g are measured.
  2. 50 ml of alcohol and an alcoholic solution of boric acid are mixed.
  3. 5 ml of salicylic alcohol are added to the liquid.
  4. Pour “Levomycetin” into the bottle, shake until smooth.
  5. Use twice a day - morning and evening.

Acne Salicylic Chatterbox

With closed comedones

Features Acne talker can be used with closed inflamed acne, as well as in the case of demodicosis. The acid component helps exfoliate the skin and acts as an additional antiseptic.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix 20 ml of glycerol and 120 ml of boiled cooled water.
  2. 10 ml of camphor alcohol is added to the mixture.
  3. Pour 5 g of sulfur powder and 1 g of lactic acid into the bottle.
  4. After thorough mixing, use the product overnight.

For general recovery

Features A chatterbox with zinc from acne can significantly improve the condition of the skin as a whole - to normalize oilyness, even out color, and eliminate inflammation.

Preparation and use

  1. 50 ml of boric alcohol and salicylic are mixed.
  2. A table box is squeezed into the container zinc ointment.
  3. 4 g of powder from crushed tablets of erythromycin is weighed, poured into a container.
  4. Shake the product thoroughly, apply once a day.

For dry skin

Features Acne Calendula Chatterbox is suitable for dry skin. However, care should be taken to ensure sufficient moisture after applying the lotion.

Preparation and use

  1. Five tablets of Aspirin and five tablets of Levomycetin are pushed until a homogeneous powder is obtained.
  2. A mixture of tablets is poured into a bottle with tincture of calendula.
  3. Shake the container thoroughly.
  4. For sensitive skin, the product is diluted with water 1: 1 before use.
If the talker is poorly tolerated, it is necessary to discuss with a dermatologist the possibility of using an ointment with antibiotics in the composition. Suitable "Baneocin", "Levomekol"," Inflarax ". An alternative may be some gels used in medicine for stomatitis (Metrogil, Dentinox).

Pharmaceutical mixtures

Among ready-made pharmacy mixtures, the most popular are the talker with cindol (“Tsindol”), as well as a kit for self-preparation of the “Zenerit” mixture. According to the statements of manufacturers, both funds have the following actions:

  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiexudative;
  • comedonolytic;
  • regulatory;
  • antibacterial.

Both drugs are effective due to the protective properties of zinc, which not only works as a local bacteriostatic agent, but also normalizes the structure of the skin, as well as the activity of the glands. AT "Zinerite"Also there is an antibiotic erythromycin - a widely used substance against acne propionic bacteria.

The advantages of ready-made forms are safety, because they contain a minimum of active components.In this case, it is multicomponent talkers that often turn out to be more effective.

Reviews of acne talkers are diverse. Some people enthusiastically talk about the instant disappearance of the rash. Others complain about the lack of results. Dermatologists argue this: patients with advanced skin lesions who constantly seek the help of medicinal mixtures, adaptation of pathogens to the active components of the lotion is observed. Hence the zero efficiency.

Reviews: "2 weeks and cheers!"

I was helped by a talker from tincture of calendula + asperin + levomecithin. Previously, there were a lot of acne and how inflamed red, and white, and internal and superficial.

Now the face is perfect, so it jumps in front of PMS pimple and all) I can’t get enough of it)) I used before this and basiron, skinoren, zinerite, yeast vitamins or anything that didn’t help until I cooked this cheap but very effective thing! 2 weeks and cheers!


I have been using Chatterboxes for a long time, this is one of the means that saves me from acne. I have problem skin with enlarged pores and constant rashes, if it weren’t for this lotion, I don’t know what I would do and how much money I would throw “down the drain”. Even though there are a lot of new medicines lately, which, according to manufacturers, are able to deal with acne instantly, talkers are not the last place in my house. Why to succumb to advertising and smear your face is unknown than if any recipe for talkers is time-tested and really effective, you just need to use it regularly


A familiar pharmacist told me about an acne chatterbox. When my forehead spilled out once, he felt sorry for me and offered to try a recipe with chloramphenicol. I doubted for a long time, the name itself was some kind of unreliable “talker,” but then I decided to take a chance and he “blabbed” it to me himself.

I rubbed my forehead twice a day with a cotton pad soaked in a solution. Soaked for three hours and then applied an ultra-nutritive cream, as my skin was dry, and a friend warned me that I should be careful not to dry it. I liked her action so much. Now I do not have acne, but I use a talker once a month instead of a scrub.


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