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Among scientists, there is no such thing as “twins.” Only the scientific term “twins” is used. If you look at a school textbook on biology, then remember that the unborn baby develops in a fertilized egg, which can be confirmed by Wikipedia. There are identical (monozygous) and heterogeneous (dizygotic, trizygotic, etc.) embryos.
The main difference between the twins: in conception!
What is the difference between twins and twins and how do twin twins differ from twins in the first place in simple words? The special process of conception. The bottom line is that different cells are fertilized by individual sperm. Gynecologists call it multiple pregnancy. When an egg is divided into several cells, most often two, identical twins are conceived. The development of the fetus proceeds in a separate way, although conception occurred due to one sperm. And twins are the name of heterogeneous twins in an unscientific environment. They develop in various fertilized eggs. Simply put, individual male cells fertilize two different female cells almost simultaneously.
Are there twins boy and girl? As a rule, twins are same-sex, but twins are not. It was born at the same time twins of different sexes - a boy and a girl were called royal twins. Also, twins have an identical incision and eye color, skin tone, hair structure. Twins most often duplicate each other's traits, but can be no more similar than the brother and sister who were born with a small time difference.
In genetic terms, the differences and similarities are much greater. Identical embryos have the same set of genes, blood type, and Rh factor. Even the fingerprints converge. If they ever have to do an organ transplant, then the operation is likely to be successful. For raznoyajtsevym such substitutions are incompatible, because in a biological sense they are completely different.
What is the probability of having twins
This is usually a matter of chance. Genetics still can not reliably establish what the order of genes should be for their conception. It is believed that more often this happens on the maternal side and is transmitted from grandmother to granddaughter. However, scientists have already arrived at some proven facts that increase the likelihood of twins.
- Age. The older the woman, the more cases of multiple pregnancy. For example, in France, the peak of the birth of opposite twins falls on the mother's 35-40 years old. Some gynecologists believe that this is why the birth of a child at 36 years of age and later can become dangerous, because the uterus may not bear such a load in the form of two embryos.
- Contraception. With excessive use of hormonal contraception, the likelihood of having twins increases. All because of the hormone gonadotropin. He is responsible for stimulating the maturation of female germ cells. During the ovulation period, the ovary can give out and fertilize two or three eggs, which is why twins or triplets will be born.
- Infertility treatment. In the case when a woman begins to be treated for infertility and is constantly under the appropriate drugs that stimulate the ovaries at an accelerated pace.
- ECO. During in vitro (artificial) fertilization, the likelihood of having opposite twins increases.
Can an ultrasound reveal the difference between twins and twins?
Yes you can. But only if the egg is bifurcated before introduction. Otherwise, the picture during the examination will look like a woman is carrying twins, and twins can be born.
Not always the difference can be seen in the structure of the fetus during pregnancy. The difference can be fixed if the embryos are heterosexual. However, even here one cannot be completely sure, because after childbirth it becomes clear: twins were born, although ultrasound detected twins on the floor of the embryos.
What is the difference between the education of twins and twins
After conception and birth, babies have a difficult way to grow and grow up. Given that such children are special, then the upbringing should be appropriate, as many parents think. However, this is not quite true.
The frequent difference between twins and twins is noticeable in terms of education. They have almost no similarities in character, talent, or other inclinations. For one simple reason - any child is brought up and develops in his environment, and even twins, similar in all genetic and biological parameters, can be completely different in character, temperament and taste preferences. Twins, on the contrary, can have the same views and are brought up the same way, but will not have biological similarities.
In 1922, an experiment was conducted in the States. Two identical twin girls, Jesse and Besy, were sent to foster families two weeks after birth. As we recall, identical twins have the same set of genes. Only in this case did they have different living conditions. The first time they met at the age of 18, and it turned out that they had a similar level of intelligence, energy, they both had tuberculosis. But the girls had different taste preferences, outlooks on life, opinions on problematic issues and life aspirations.
So, the main differences between twins and twins:
- a different process of conception and development of the fetus: identical eggs develop in one egg and are considered twins, heterogeneous - in different eggs and are considered twins;
- twins are always gay, and twins are predominantly heterosexual;
- twins, although similar to each other, are completely different biologically, and the twins are similar in appearance and genetic set.
This is such an interesting process of birth and development. Therefore, stay attentive to yourself, your health and remember that twins and twins are primarily children!