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This is a clear fluid resulting from damage to the trunk, breaks in tree branches. It comes out under the influence of root pressure, aimed at providing the branches and leaves with nutrients. A particularly strong flow is observed during the period when the tree wakes up, forms shoots and a crown.
Product feature
Intensive sap flow ends when the buds open on the tree, so the time for harvesting the product is limited. Organized collection is carried out by specialized forestry enterprises. In Russia and Belarus, the private collection of the “drink” is prohibited, since in the process of extraction a person causes irreparable damage to trees, many young individuals die.
Collection technique
It is allowed to collect the product only from old, large-stemmed trees. For them, the loss of part of a valuable liquid is not as destructive as for the young. For this purpose, leskhozes determine the forest areas where logging is planned to update the fund.
They don’t make a secret of the location of such sites, on the contrary, they inform those who are interested in order to reduce the risk of damage to young animals. Here, with the first heat, you can meet foresters collecting liquid in large plastic bags, and buy one or a couple.
In the place of juice harvesting, you will not see large notches with an ax on the trunks. Collection is different. A hole with a depth of 2-5 cm is drilled in the barrel with a screwdriver or drill. The tip of the system from a dropper of a similar diameter or a plastic tube is inserted into it. Its end is led into a plastic bottle, a plastic bag. Capacity is fixed on a tree.
During the day, a birch with a trunk with a diameter of up to 20 cm gives 2-3 l of juice. The productivity of large, old trees is higher - up to 7 liters per day. The fluid is collected gradually, so if you collect it yourself, you will have to spend at least several hours in the forest.
In the Soviet Union, the drink was so widespread that it was not accepted to talk about its beneficial properties. He firmly entered into everyday life, was considered one of the few sweet drinks for children of the era of total deficit. Over time, even the myth appeared that in three-liter jars with the familiar "white-barrel" labels, it was not natural product that was poured at all, but water with sugar and lemon juice.
This myth had no real reason, the procurement of the product in the country of the Soviets was carried out in colossal volumes due to the adequacy of the raw material base. And the use was recommended for children and adults because of the content of valuable components:
- betulin;
- saponins;
- organic acids;
- trace elements;
- tannins.
There are also many fruit sugars in the product, their concentration reaches 2%. They give the drink a moderate sweetness and pleasant taste, but they do not bring benefits to the body.
The properties
The rich composition determines the various medicinal properties of the product. Is he:
- normalizes pressure;
- struggling with anemia;
- lowers cholesterol;
- supports the work of the heart;
- eliminates swelling;
- tones up, supports the nervous system;
- saturates the body with vitamins;
- normalizes metabolism;
- Stimulates the work of the stomach.
As an anti-inflammatory drug, it is not accepted to drink it. But it is worth using for external treatments, especially since the wound healing ability of the composition is proven by science.
In 2014, the University of Freiburg Germany conducted a study of the ability of birch sap to stimulate tissue regeneration in case of damage to the skin. It was found that the composition is able to accelerate the natural process many times. The substance betulin activates the proteins involved in the synthesis of inflammatory elements that accumulate in the wound. They also serve as a signal for the body to produce and direct keratinocytes - cells to close the tissue defect to the indicated focus.
Risks and contraindications
Birch drink is not called a medicinal product, but rather a tonic, useful. But its use can bring harm to the body.
“Once in childhood, we all collected birch sap and drank it with pleasure,” commented therapist A. Strelchenko. - But look around. There are no ecologically clean places in the cities. It is not known which ditch or trash grew that birch tree, and what substances accumulated in the wood. ”
According to the expert, it is strictly forbidden to collect a drink in the city. Wood actively absorbs toxins, salts of heavy metals, especially if the tree grows along the road. You can even poison yourself with such a drink, and the danger of intoxication is that its symptoms appear gradually, with the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.
It is important to consider contraindications.
- Diabetes. A high sugar content in the composition and a complete lack of fiber is dangerous for people with diabetes, as it causes an instant increase in glucose levels in the body.
- Allergy. With individual intolerance to birch pollen, it is not worth trying its juice due to the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
- Urinary system diseases. The drink has a pronounced diuretic effect. It can be harmful if you have kidney stones.
- Gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis. With these diseases, the drink can not be abused, but in small quantities you can drink.
National experience of application
Only fresh composition and for a short time has useful properties. You can store the product in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. In the heat, it becomes cloudy and acidifies for two days, which is important to consider when collecting the product: do not harvest it too much.
Partially keep the benefit of the product at home allows it to freeze. But canning almost completely destroys valuable qualities: only sugars are preserved, while organic acids and betulin disintegrate.
In folk medicine, it is recommended to drink liquid one glass per day as a general strengthening agent. It will support the body's powers in the fight against diseases:
- respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis;
- skin - furunculosis, eczema, lichen;
- joints - rheumatism, arthritis.
Especially useful for gout, as it helps to remove uric acid crystals from the tissues. It is believed that the drink has a blood-purifying property and cures jaundice. It removes small deposits from the liver and kidneys, does not destroy large stones, but partially dissolves it.
Skin care
With eczema, lichen recommend lotions with juice. It reduces inflammation and stimulates the regeneration of healthy tissues. Saturated with microelements and bioactive substances, the composition is beneficial for the skin as a whole. Beauticians recommend using birch ice: wipe them face and neck in the morning and evening after washing. The tool can be used instead of tonic, it improves turgor well, refreshes, improves appearance.
Hair care
A clean composition recommend rinsing the hair after washing to strengthen it, improve growth. But this technique is available to residents of villages located near the forest. In the city, you can cook a mask with oils. To prepare it, mix a tablespoon of castor and burdock oils. Add a teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of birch sap. The product is slightly warmed up in water and rubbed into the roots. The head is wrapped with a film and a towel. Leave the composition for 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Apply twice a week for a month.
When canning, it is impossible to preserve the useful properties of the product, but to get tasty drinks is easy. The natural sugars that make up it give moderate sweetness to wines and kvass.
Yeast-free kvass
Features. A traditional recipe used in Russian and Belarusian villages. There are only two ingredients in it, and the composition is insisted without yeast, making the cooking process as simple as possible. You do not need to add sugar to the drink.
How to do
- Pour fresh drink into a glass jar.
- Slice rye bread, dry in the oven or outdoors.
- Put crackers in a cloth bag.
- Dip the bag into the container, close the lid.
- Leave for two days - before the start of fermentation.
- Then remove the lid and leave for another three to five days.
Kvass with raisins
Features. The drink has a sweet and rich taste. Due to the large number of sugars in the composition, it is stored for a long time. The recipe is designed for 10 liters of juice.
How to do
- Pour 500 g of sugar into fresh juice, mix thoroughly.
- Rinse and peel 100 g of raisins, add to the drink.
- Pour the mixture into three-liter jars without adding to the top.
- Cover with a cloth, fasten it with elastic bands on the necks.
- Leave warm for three days.
- Strain the drink through cheesecloth.
- Pour the finished kvass into glass jars. In a dark, cool place, it will stand up to four months.
Orange drink
Features. A refreshing drink with notes of citrus. Thanks to canning, it is stored for several years. The recipe uses 10 l of birch sap as a base.
How to do
- Wash cans, sterilize, boil the lids.
- Cut two oranges into large rings.
- Put one or two rings in each jar.
- Pour juice into a large saucepan, set on fire, warm until boiling.
- Pour a tablespoon of citric acid.
- Add 500 g of sugar, mix until dissolved.
- Seal cans with lids.
- Put the cans upside down, wrap them in a blanket, allow to cool completely.
Hibiscus drink
Features. Karkade with lemon give the sweet drink an exquisite sourness and ruby color. The recipe uses 3 l of raw materials.
How to do
- Brew a tablespoon of hibiscus with a glass of boiling water.
- Leave to brew for one hour.
- Pour the main product into the pan, put on the fire, bring to a boil.
- Add hibiscus juice 1/3 lemon, 150 g sugar.
- Mix well.
- Pour the drink into cans, cork, cover with a blanket and let cool completely.
Birch is a leader in the intensity of sap flow, but not the only tree known for this property. Product extraction is also possible from ash maple, walnut, and sugar maple. In Russia, these crops are being siphoned off infrequently. But it is obvious that they can provide raw materials for the production of maple and nut syrups. The development of these products in our country is already underway.