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As a medicine, birch mushroom has been used since the end of the 12th century. There are suggestions that people in Russia were less susceptible to cancer precisely because they often consumed chaga tea. The drink has tonic and tonic effects, and also prevents the growth of abnormal cells. Clinical trials on cancer patients confirm the beneficial effect of the fungus in malignant diseases. However, there is evidence of the absence of any effect from its use. Scientists explain this by the too late use of the drug, when irreversible changes in the patient's body have already taken place.
Botanical characteristics of birch mushroom
Chaga loves mixed and deciduous forests in the steppe and forest zones. A prerequisite for a successful growing season is moderate humidity. For this reason, it is not so common in southern regions. It is ubiquitous in Russia, especially in dense forests and spruce forests, in which birch grows. From this tree, it can migrate to other deciduous species if they are located near an infected individual.
Under optimal conditions, grows to 20 years. It enters a tree with streams of air that carry basidiospores over great distances. Getting into a crack or other damage to the cortex, spores germinate, forming a mycelium. It penetrates the core, causing its rot. The chaga looks like this:
- surface - black or dark brown, with many cracks;
- vegetative body - brown in color, thickness up to 15 cm, located under a black crust;
- fruiting body (producing spores) - located under the bark of a tree;
- the form - oval or round;
- growth diameter - up to 50 cm;
- weight - can reach 5 kg.
When the wood rots, the host tree breaks down under the influence of external factors. The fruit body that emerges from under the bark spreads a huge amount of spores, infecting other plants. If the dead tree does not break, the life cycle of the fungus also stops, as it simply has nothing to eat.
Harvesting raw materials
To prepare drugs from the mushroom, you can use pharmacy raw materials or independently prepare it.
- Collection. Searches begin in the spring or in the fall. During this period, the fungus accumulates the maximum amount of nutrients, is clearly visible on leafless branches. Collection is carried out only in forests, in ecologically clean areas. For medicinal use, do not remove the mushroom from shrunken or broken trees.The growth is cut with an ax or a large knife, and then carefully disconnected from the wood. For the workpiece, both the outer part and the fruit body are suitable.
- Training. The mushroom removed from a tree should be well cleared of wood. Only brown dense substance - flesh - should remain. It is cut into small pieces, up to 6 cm long.
- Drying. Dry the mowed tinder fungus in a warm and well-ventilated area, spread out in a thin layer. To speed up the process, you can use the dryer, observing the temperature regime up to 40ºС. A fully dried mushroom becomes hard and light.
Composition and properties
The birch fungus contains polysaccharides, triglycerides, amino acids, which are traditional for representatives of this wildlife kingdom. This explains its tonic and restorative action. However, there are other components with increased biological activity. The main property for which chaga is valued in folk and official medicine is anti-cancer. It is caused by the content of the following substances in the fruit and vegetative bodies of the parasite.
- Pterins. These are nitrogen compounds exhibiting cytostatic activity. They help to slow down the growth of tumors, regress cancer structures, and prevent and inhibit the growth of metastases.
- Chromogenic Polyphenol Carboxylic Complex. Phenolic substances can slow down glycolysis - the process of energy production by cells. It is extremely important for atypical (malignant) cells. Violation of their nutrition also helps to reduce the rate of progression of malignant disease.
- Inotodiol. The combination of the triterpene series enhances the anticancer properties of chaga due to the anti-blast effect.
Against the background of taking the drug, the severity of pain decreases, the general condition improves, blood counts approach the norm, and the systemic symptoms of the malignant process decrease. In addition, the fungus is used in chemotherapy - to reduce the negative effects of treatment and prevention of the development of other oncologies against the background of immunosuppression.
The described organism also contains a number of valuable organic acids:
- agaricin;
- huminoid chagovaya;
- oxalic;
- vinegar;
- formic;
- vanillin;
- lilac;
- oxybenzoic;
- inotonic;
- Oblikvinuyu.
They determine the expressed gastroprotective (film-forming), metabolic, secretory, diuretic, immunostimulating, antibacterial and regenerating effects of the fungus. Due to the content of lignin and other fibers, chaga cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, establishes the motility of the stomach, intestines, and the functioning of the endocrine glands.
The ash of the mushroom is rich in manganese. Increased concentrations of this compound activate the production of enzymes, accelerate metabolic processes, while optimizing them.
Diseases for which it helps
Birch mushroom - biostimulant. Prevents cancer, chronic fatigue, strengthens the immune system. With regular use, it establishes metabolic processes, contributing to weight loss (with obesity), as well as weight gain (with exhaustion). In folk and official medicine, the drug is used to treat various ailments.
- Oncology. Chaga preparations help to improve the well-being of patients with inoperable forms of cancer and relieve pain.They prolong life for several months - in extremely advanced cases, for several years - with less complex tumors. Cases of complete cancer treatment are known in the early diagnosis of the problem and the use of the fungus along with medications. It is considered especially effective in oncology of the mucous membranes and lungs, and hematopoiesis. But less effective in internal metastatic tumors. And almost useless for malignant lesions of bones and brain tissue.
- Gastroenterology. It promotes the healing of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, normalizes the production of digestive juices, the absorption of nutrients. Helps restore intestinal microflora and normalize the motility of the cavity organs of the digestive tract. The use of the fungus is popular in diabetes mellitus - due to the ability to lower blood sugar, stimulate the production of your own insulin.
- Gynecology. The use of chaga preparations inside, douching and the introduction of tampons with them are practiced with cysts, myoma, fibromyoma, endometriosis, cervical erosion. The tool helps to activate the internal reserves of the body, due to which it eliminates inflammatory processes, protects against malignant degeneration of tissues.
- CNS. In folk medicine, the fungus is often used to treat hypertension. At the same time, normalization of blood viscosity, a decrease in the level of low density lipoproteins, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis, are noted. The sedative effect is characteristic of the remedy. With its help they treat neurosis, depression, neurasthenia, insomnia.
- Skin problems. Chaga can be used to eliminate a variety of skin problems - from cancer ulcers to fungal infections. Preparations from it eliminate swelling of tissues, have a local anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate regeneration, prevent infection from joining, and also eliminate purulent processes due to antiseptic action.
Due to the biostimulating and cytostatic effects, birch mushroom is contraindicated in pregnant women and children. Potentially, the drug can affect the hormonal background, therefore, until adulthood, its intake is limited. Due to the laxative effect, do not take mushroom preparations for diarrhea.
Taking the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects:
- digestive disorders;
- diarrhea;
- nausea;
- headache;
- decrease or increase in blood pressure;
- fatigue or hyper excitability of the nervous system.
Prescription Drugs
With proper and moderate intake of chaga, it is well tolerated and rarely provokes individual sensitivity reactions. Undesirable effects are mainly due to excess dosage and the recommended duration of the course.
Features You can brew powder from the mushroom, as well as large pieces. In the second case, you need to pre-soak the raw materials in cold boiled water for four hours. The softened product is ground through a meat grinder or grater. The water extract is diluted with water and taken orally. Less concentrated solutions are used externally.
Preparation and use
- The crushed mushroom is poured with significantly warm water - up to 50ºС. (Using a higher temperature reduces the content of nutrients). The ratio is 1: 5.
- The container with the mixture is covered with a lid, left to infuse in a dark place for two days.
- After insisting, the product is filtered, squeezing the raw material through cheesecloth.
- Take an infusion of half a glass up to six times a knock. For external use (rinses, lotions, compresses), the drug is diluted in half.
Features Tincture of vodka is used as a prophylactic and drug for all the indications listed above. The internal intake of the alcohol extract is supplemented by the external use of an aqueous extract.
Preparation and use
- 50 g of dried mushroom is poured into 300 ml of quality vodka or diluted alcohol.
- Put the mixture in a dark place for three weeks, regularly shake the vessel.
- Take a tincture in a tablespoon three times a day, diluting the medicine in a quarter glass of water. The course is ten days.
You can not combine mushroom therapy with antibiotics. At the time of treatment, it is advisable to abandon alcohol, sweets, fatty and heavy foods. Ideal - follow a milk and vegetable diet. The latter rule is especially true for those who seek to lose weight with the help of chaga.