Evergreen Begonia: Care and Causes of Poor Flowering

Begonia is ever-flowering, especially for lovers of indoor plants: it blooms luxuriously, moreover, almost without interruption. In this case, the plant is unpretentious. But if you do not know the basic subtleties, you can destroy a flower even with the most modest requirements.
Pink begonia flower

Culture in nature is found in tropical forests and in subtropical climates. It can grow on mountain slopes and on the coast. Typically, tropical guests who have moved to the windowsill are hard to please, but this is definitely not about begonia. The beauty, blooming all year round, easily adapts to any conditions. But the pet has a minimum set of requirements. Follow them - get lush flowering all year round. Begonia is believed to bring prosperity and happiness to its owner. If flowering species take root in a person who has not yet met the “soul mate”, a fateful meeting is just around the corner.

Botanical characteristic

The plants of the Begonia family were first described by Charles Plumier at the beginning of the 17th century. Flowers got a name from the name of the expedition leader (Begon), in which the French botanist took part. Evergreen begonia (look for Begonia semperflorens in reference books) by the common botanical characteristics for this species.

  • General form. Bush plant. Belongs to medium-sized. In a young plant, shoots are straight, with "age" they acquire an ampelous form.
  • Flowers The plant has large enough flowers. The size of the opened bud in diameter is at least 2.5 cm, maximum - 5 cm. Flowers are tied in inflorescences in groups. They quickly fade, but new buds that immediately open come in their place: hence the eternal flowering. Most often, plants with red, white, pink, salmon flowers are found. Breeders bred two-tone varieties - with the bordering of the petals (pinkish or red).
  • Leaves. Large (4-6 cm) leaves next to the flowers are the “visiting card” of the variety. They have a rounded shape. Along the perimeter, the leaves are slightly flat. The color of the leaf cover can be different: naturally, all shades of green are found, but there are leaves with a red tint.
Although the plant blooms almost without interruptions, intense flowering begins in the summer and continues until the end of November. In the winter-spring period at room conditions it is not so violent.

Popular varieties

The evergreen begonia is considered the most diverse species of the Begoniaceae family: breeders were so impressed with the flowering plant without pauses that they brought out a huge number of varieties and hybrid species - more than 2 thousand. Naturally, each variety has its own characteristics that you need to know about when choosing a flower for the windowsill. To help gardeners - a table.

Table - Popular varieties of evergreen begonia

GradeHeight cmLeavesFlowers
Chord30- Round;
- with bronze tint
- pale pink;
- small (up to 3 cm)
Bicol13Bright green- White with pink trim;
- collected in inflorescences of 4 flowers
Ambergris14 — 16Dark green- Small (up to 3 cm);
- pale pink
Bada bing20 — 25Saturated greenDairy, red, raspberry
Bella20Dark green- Red or dark pink with a border;
- gather in inflorescences of 10 flowers
Albert Martin15Green with a red edging- carmine-purple;
- the inflorescence is formed of 9 flowers

Popular varieties of evergreen begonias can be grown in the garden in the warm season, and with the onset of frost planted in a pot and brought into the house. But this is an optional condition: if desired, the flower can be "domesticated" and not planted in open soil.

Through the efforts of breeders, interesting varieties regularly appear. For example, begonia carmen attracts gardeners not so much with its delicate pink inflorescences as with leaves with purple and red spots.

7 rules of care

You bought a flowering begonia and are looking forward to how it will delight with lush flowering all year round, but ... a week or two passes and the plant begins to wither. All because you simply did not know how to care for him. A flower does not require special conditions, but you need to know the seven basic rules.

  1. A place. Begonia refers to those flowers that love stability. Choose a place for the flowerpot so that you do not have to rearrange it. Begonia can even begin to wither away from a change in habitat. Note that the plant needs space: the flower does not like close proximity. The first week is better to ensure begonias loneliness: she needs time to get used to the climate, and it is very important in this stressful period to prevent infection by insects from other plants.
  2. Lighting. A flowerpot is best placed where there is a lot of light. The eastern, southwestern window sill is ideal. Bright light is the key to long flowering begonia. However, if in the summer heat the scorching sun falls directly on the plant, it is better to shade it to avoid burns. To enjoy the inflorescences all year round, you need to provide a 16-hour light period. In winter, you will have to use additional lighting.
  3. Temperature. The ideal temperature for a flower is 20-25 ° C. Moreover, a tropical guest needs such a regimen all year round. Critical temperatures for a "pet" are considered indicators below 12 ° C: begonia begins to wither away from the cold. The plant can adapt to the rest of the temperature regime. However, if the thermometer shows below 20 ° C during flowering, it will bloom less intensively.
  4. Humidity. Tropical plants like moist air, but creating the same conditions as in their homeland is not at all easy. There are a couple of life hacks: you need to put a container of water near the flowerpot, put wet pebbles in the pan, and regularly spray water around the plant. But do not make the mistake of inexperienced gardeners: do not spray the begonia! Dark spots appear on leaves and buds from water.
  5. Watering. The plant should be watered sparingly. Focus on the condition of the soil: it should dry out by about 1 cm, but the flower does not like prolonged drought. Water in the morning or in the evening, twice a week, using soft, settled water at room temperature. After watering, be sure to check the pan, drain the water from it. Stagnation should not be allowed - the roots will rot.
  6. Top dressing. Feed the plant is recommended once a month. For this, flower growers use a weak solution of mineral recharge. Fertilizers must contain phosphorus and potassium. These minerals contribute to flowering. But there should be a minimum of nitrogen in the composition: on the contrary, it can harm budding. In the period of laying the buds, it is better to use special dressings designed for flowering crops. If the begonia leaves "at rest", feeding is stopped, with a light and warm wintering - no. It is undesirable to “feed” the plant during the period of acclimatization - the first two weeks after appearing in the house.
  7. Pruning. Although this species of begonias does not extend above 40 cm, plants need to be trimmed. So you can update the perennial, get planting material. It is recommended to do this after flowering and after wintering. It is necessary to remove not only those shoots that are greatly extended, but also the weakened parts. Do not regret it: they only in vain pull the juices from the plant, but new strong ones will appear in place of the weakened ones. During the flowering period, it is important to remove wilted inflorescences in a timely manner: new ones will come in their place.
If in the cold season it is not possible to highlight begonia and maintain the desired temperature, it is recommended to put the plant in a dormant state. To do this, lower the room temperature to about 15 ° C, reduce the frequency of watering, remove the top dressing. In the spring, "wake up" with the help of manipulations with the microclimate.

Transplantation and adaptation after it

Immediately after purchase, replacing begonia is not recommended. Unless the soil in which it grows is in doubt. Transplantation is required as the plant grows. Young specimens are actively growing, so they need to be transplanted more often. The need for an “operation” is easy to guess: the roots begin to hang from the drain holes. It is better to plan a transplant in early spring: the plant wakes up, it is full of strength.

Old begonias are not transplanted annually, because they grow slowly. Often cost updating the topsoil in the spring. If the bush is already three years old, then you must definitely plant it during the transplant. The root system is divided into parts - several new plants are obtained. After the update, begonia will bloom actively, but you need to plant it carefully. Do not share young flowers - ruin them. Use the step-by-step instructions - and the plant will take root in your new home.

  1. Soil preparation. Buy a special mix of soil in the store. You can prepare the soil yourself: sheet land, peat, humus, sand (2: 1: 1: 1).
  2. Drainage. You can use just sand, but it is better to take a purchased drainage. They fill the pot by a third.
  3. Purification from the earth. Take the plant out of the past flowerpot. Gently clean it from the ground.
  4. Root disinfection. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and lower the root system into it for half an hour. So you disinfect the roots and increase the chances that the plant will take root in a new pot.
  5. Drying out. Dry the roots, cut off those that have lost viability (or are close to this).
  6. Landing. Start planting: from below - drainage, install a bush on it, pour soil.

In the first two years, begonias tolerate transplantation well. However, you need to give the plant time to adapt. Shade it for a week, water it more often, but do not flood it - begonia will thank lush flowering.

Over time, the old begonias lose their decorative effect. If this happens, then the plant is not transplanted, but replaced by sprouts received from the "mother".

Breeding methods

Reproduction is possible in four ways: division of the rhizome, seeds, cuttings, rooting of the leaf. Dividing the rhizome is the easiest way: during the transplant, the roots are divided and that's it. However, this method is applicable only to adult plants older than three years: usually the rhizome grows to such a size that it can be divided without fear. So, if you want to breed your "pet" earlier, you will have to learn the wisdom of floriculture and learn other ways. Novice lovers of indoor plants should try to cuttings: it is not difficult. Anyone who likes to bother can learn the seed way: at least that's interesting.

Woman inhales the scent of begonia flowers


Features Cuttings are obtained in the process of pruning begonias after flowering or in the spring. For cuttings, you need to take small shoots, but always with several sheets. Rooting is usually carried out in a purchased substrate, but peat, leaf soil and sand can be mixed in equal parts - the soil mixture will be no worse than store soil.

How to do

  1. Cut the shoot from the bush. Chop the place of cut with charcoal.
  2. Plant the stalk in the substrate.
  3. Place a container with landed cuttings in a well-lit area. But sprouts should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If it is possible to put the tank only on the sunny side, then it is better to shadow it.
  4. Watch the soil: as soon as it starts to dry out a little (by 1-1.5 cm) - water it.
  5. We saw that the cuttings were rooted - you can transplant.
You can root in water: just immerse the prepared cuttings in a container with liquid.However, flower growers still prefer the soil method: in water, the stalk can rot.


Features With the leaf propagation method, you will have to wait to get new plants. It takes at least two months to fully root.

How to do

  1. Trim the veins at the bottom of the leaf plate.
  2. Lay the sheet on the calcined sand with the underside. Gently lock.
  3. Wet the soil twice a week. Use a pallet for this.
  4. Roots appeared at the site of the cuts - wait for the sprouts in the near future.
  5. When the begonia begins to cluster, separate the resulting seedlings and “relocate” each into a separate pot.


Features Seed is usually purchased in a store or greenhouse. Seeds can be collected at home: you need to pollinate a brush with inflorescences, do not cut off faded flowers and wait until the fruit-boxes are formed. This method is more suitable if you planted begonia in the garden for the summer. A houseplant with dried inflorescences does not look aesthetically pleasing, and it will take a long time to wait for the fruit to form.

How to do

  1. Sow the seeds in loose soil. It’s better to plan an event for February.
  2. Put the container in a warm room, cover with a film.
  3. Wipe off condensation on the film regularly, otherwise the seeds may rot.
  4. Be sure to water the greenhouse. It can be watered by irrigation (using a spray gun) or through a drip tray. Determine the frequency of watering according to the condition of the soil: it should dry out by about 1 cm.
  5. When seedlings appear, the greenhouse can be removed. The formation of three full leaves indicates the need for a dive. Two months later, seedlings can be transplanted into individual flowerpots.
If you want begonias grown from seeds to bloom in the first year, give the sprouts maximum light. Use additional illumination and soon "pets" will please with magnificent blossoming.

Growing problems and their causes

Most of the problems arise as a result of violation of the rules for keeping a "pet". Often, just adjusting the care is enough, and the plant comes to life before our eyes. To understand the causes of the most common problems and find the best way to restore the "pet" will help the table.

Table - Problems in growing evergreen begonias

ProblemThe reasonsWhat to do
The leaves are dry- Inadequate watering;
- dry air
- Adjust watering;
- increase the level of humidity by spraying the space around the pot;
- put a container of water near the flower
Leaves turn yellow, fade and fall- Too intense watering;
- cold air
- Give the earthen to whom to dry;
- adjust watering;
- move the flowerpot to a warm room
Rot on leaves, stems and flowers appearsExcessive moisture- Do not fill the plant;
- refuse to spray
Leaves turn paleLack of light- Transfer the flower to a bright place;
- provide additional illumination
Flowering rate decreased- Direct sunlight;
- draft
Find a new place for a flower
The buds are dryingDry airTo increase the humidity in the room
The plant does not bloom- Little light;
- Inappropriate temperature conditions (too hot or cold);
- dry air;
- drafts;
- the plant is "overfed";
- a large pot;
- unsuitable soil
- Make sure that the plant fits its place, soil, pot;
- adjust the microclimate;
- feed only on schedule and with suitable mixtures
Remember that not one begonia lives long - a maximum of five years. Extending the life of a “pet” is impossible even with proper care. The only way out is to rejuvenate the plant, growing new begonia from the parent material. If your beauty suddenly began to languish, remember how old she is.


Evergreen begonia can be affected by disease. Fortunately for the florist, this rarely happens, especially if the care rules are followed.One of four ailments can be determined by the appearance of the plant, the growth rate and the process of budding.

  1. Root rot. If begonia suddenly stopped growing, its leaves fade, then this may indicate that the roots of the plant were affected by rot. To test your guesses, you need to transplant a flower. You will recognize the rot right away: the roots turn black. “Benomil” will help to cope with such an ailment: rotten roots are removed, and the remaining ones are sprayed with this agent. Better to transplant begonia into a new pot. If you plan to use the old one, it must be carefully treated with a potassium permanganate solution. Be sure to adjust the watering: waterlogging is the main cause of root rot.
  2. Bacterial wilt. Did you see black spots on the leaves of blooming begonia? This is a bacterial wilt. The disease develops gradually: at first the blistering spots are transparent, then they turn black, and after that the entire leaf becomes dark. You can overcome the disease only in the early stages, if you miss the moment - the begonia will die. It is recommended to spray the plant with systemic fungicides. Not only affected, but also completely healthy leaves are treated for prevention.
  3. Downy mildew. A disease called "powdery mildew" usually affects the decorative-deciduous species of begonias, and its false form is blooming. It is easy to recognize the ailment: the sheet blanket is strewn with white dots, they are soft to the touch. Just in case, the grower should keep systemic fungicides at hand.
  4. Botritis. If brown, black "blots" are visible on the leaves, signs of decay of the leaf plate appear - the plant suffered an ailment called "botritis". The appearance of such a scourge provokes improper care, violation of the conditions of detention. Evergreen begonia is sick if the room in which the flowerpot is not ventilated, and the careless grower regularly overwhelms the soil. Begonia can be cured if treated with Benomil and the growing conditions changed.
Please note that most begonia diseases are due to improper watering. It’s better not to overfill than to pour - follow this rule, and you won’t have to treat the tropical beauty.

Begonia flowerpot in hands

Pest control

Evergreen begonia can begin to wither due to the fact that pests have settled on it. It is possible (and necessary!) To fight insects, but first it is important to recognize who settled on the flower.

  • Whitefly. If the leaves suddenly turned pale, they began to dry rapidly - probably the whitefly was chosen by begonia. She loves high humidity, so you just have to transfuse the plant - the whitefly is right there. Fighting her is easy. Use a mild soap solution to clean and spray the leaf dome - begonia will literally change before our eyes. Act carefully, make sure that the soapy solution does not get to the roots.
  • Nematode (gall, leaf). If growths and swellings appeared on the stems and leaves of the begonia - the flower is affected by the gall nematode. When brown spots and swellings are visible only on the "crown" of the plant - this is a leaf nematode. You need to fight insects, otherwise begonia will stop growing, it may begin to rot. Be sure to remove the affected areas. The diseased plant is watered with 100 ml of Heterophos solution.
  • Shield and false shields. The scale shield first stops the growth of begonias, and then completely leads to the drying of the plant. If brown poorly detachable flakes appear on the leaves, a scab has settled on the plant. A lesion with a pseudo-scutellum can be identified by brown sticky spots on the leaves and stems. Insects need to be cleaned by hand, treating the stems with a soft toothbrush dipped in soapy water. In severe cases, specialized chemicals are used (Actellik, Fosbetsid).
  • Spider mite. The fact that the parasite chose begonia as its home can be found on the web on the leaves. It is thin and barely noticeable, so you need to carefully inspect the plant. Gradually, the web becomes larger, the leaves of the plant turn yellow, fall off.For the treatment of the affected "pet", experienced growers recommend using the drug "Decis". It is important to remember that the parasite especially likes to settle on the lower leaves on the back side. They need to be processed especially carefully. A favorable climate for spider mites is warm and a lot of moisture, so try not to fill the begonia.
  • Aphid. The main sign of damage to aphids is yellowed twisted leaves, falling buds. Suspecting the presence of "dirty tricks", it is necessary to take emergency measures. Aphids feed on plant sap; a flower dies quickly. A black fungus settles on insect excrement. In the fight against adversity, the drugs Fufanon, Actellik are effective.
  • Thrips. Thrips is a fairly large insect. If you regularly inspect begonia, then it is impossible to miss the problem. The affected plant stops growing, its leaves are discolored. The best conditions for insects are high air humidity combined with high temperature: just such a microclimate is created for ever-flowering begonias. You can remove insects with soapy water: treat them with affected areas.
Regularly inspect the "pet": this will allow you to see the insects before they cause significant harm. When bringing new flowers into the house, do not place them near the begonia: keep the quarantine time, make sure that the plants are not infected, and only then plant the neighbors on the windowsill of the tropical beauty.

Evergreen begonia can not only decorate the interior, but also create a positive atmosphere in the house. It is believed that the plant "filters" the negative energy that enters the apartment. In a house where begonia blooms, breathing easier and freer.


I like this begonia because there are always flowers on it. It is unpretentious: more than once forgot to water it, warm dry air rises on it from the battery, and it blooms and blooms. It is compact, and so far it is not growing (although, in the summer, of course, I will plant it naughty on the street).

A rustic, of course, a plant. But I think so, a well-groomed simple and unpretentious plant is better than a tortured exotic and rare specimen that hardly adapts to home conditions and looks homely and dreary.
My runners grow on the north window, this is another plus, because not many plants are ready to bloom all year round from the most unlit side.

Caring for it is very simple - I water it, sometimes mine (right under my shower when it gets dusty).

Ma1ina, http://irecommend.ru/content/raduyut-kruglyi-god-foto

I have 4 evergreen begonia plants. Bloom year-round. This is a very trash plant. Flowers flow in and without stress. Does not tolerate drying of the soil. Winters better cool. I have a temperature on the loggia up to 20 degrees. In severe frosts, I turned on the floors and the temperature rose to 24 degrees. All flowers, including and begonias reacted with denial of elevated temperature.

In the summer they are at my dacha in hanging pots run amok. The root grows very quickly, and of course the plant itself. Many of them cuttings, rooting and giving away.

Baba Galya, http://cvetoforum.ru/topic1495.html

I have many indoor flowers. But evergreen begonia is one of my favorites! After all, it blooms all year round. When there are snowdrifts outside the window, this begonia really warms my soul. I bought it with a small bush in the market for 80 rubles from people involved in its cultivation from seeds. There were many colors, and I chose a soft pink, terry begonia.

Its content does not cause any problems. Watering, occasionally feeding fertilizer for flowering. She loves a warm shower very much - her leaves begin to shine! Begonia refers to self-cleaning plants. Those. after the flowers bloom, she throws them off. As a result, there will be a little trash on the windowsill.
I recommend this absolutely unpretentious plant!

Deep_in_Heart, http://irecommend.ru/content/begoniya-vechnotsvetushchaya-tsvetenie-kruglyi-god-na-vashem-podokonnike

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