Hair care
How to remove yellowness from hair after lightening how to make masks after bleaching at home
How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing: homemade masks, professional shampoos and tonics. Why, instead of the perfect blonde, we get a “chicken effect”. How to bring an ugly shade of soda, peroxide and kefir.
Chamomile broth: what is useful and how to apply from gray hair, to strengthen and brighten hair
Chamomile for hair: is the broth capable of replacing purchased products. Benefits, recipes for rinse aid, shampoo and chamomile masks. Methods for lightening and dyeing strands. Compounds for greasy, dandruff and gray hair.
The use of jojoba oil to strengthen hair: add to shampoo, to a comb and other methods
Jojoba oil for hair: recipes for recovery and growth. Use of the product and rules of use. How to use in pure form and as part of masks. Reviews on the effectiveness of liquid vegetable wax.
The use of grape seed oil for hair growth and strengthening: in its pure form and which components will enhance the effect
Grape seed oil for hair: what it consists of and what properties it has. Popular recipes for growth and anti dandruff. Table constructor masks. Reviews on the effectiveness of the tool.
Mask and other home treatments with castor hair oil
How to use castor hair oil at home: recipes for therapeutic masks for growth, from dandruff, dryness and loss. Application in the form of a spray. Castor version of lamination. Tips on how to easily rinse your hair.
Honey mask for hair growth, density and lightening: effectiveness and how to apply
Hair masks with honey: benefits and rules of use. How to choose a quality product. Recipes for cosmetic honey mixtures with egg, lemon, mustard and yeast. Honey against dandruff and loss. The method of honey brightening strands.
Hair mask with almond oil: a table of recipes and tips on how to speed up the result
Almond hair oil: chemical composition and beneficial properties. Table of recipes for masks to accelerate the growth, strengthening and brightness of the color, from dandruff and loss. Tips for choosing and using the product.
Hair mask with burdock oil how to use at home
Burdock oil for hair: how to apply and wash off easily. The composition and properties of the product, the effect on curls. Methods of use: in pure form, mask, shampoo, massage. Popular recipes for growth and dandruff. Reviews
Hair mask with egg and honey against hair loss and growth, benefits, recipes
Egg hair mask: benefits and eight application features. Prescription tables for greasy, dry and damaged strands, for growth and strengthening, from falling out and against dandruff. Reviews: Do yolks-protein mixtures help.
Coconut oil hair mask how to use, the benefits of coconut
Coconut oil for hair: what is useful and how long can you grow the length. Three applications and six mask options. How to choose a product in the store, and whether it is possible to "get" a useful substance from natural coconut at home.
Vitamin E for hair: how to adjust the diet, make masks and use in company with retinol
How to apply vitamin E for hair: mask recipes and sources in the diet. Useful properties of tocopherol. How to use the substance to stop hair loss and enhance the growth of strands. Which vitamin is better - in ampoules, capsules, tablets.
Kefir masks for hair: how to wash off the bad color after dyeing and whether the drink will help against dandruff
Kefir hair mask with egg, yeast, mustard and oils. Recipes for dandruff and for growth. How to use the product to wash off paint or lighten natural strands. Ten rules for conducting kefir procedures. Reviews
Gelatin mask for hair: a way to straighten curls without ironing with the effect “before the first wash”
Gelatin hair mask: with the effect of growth, strengthening and straightening. Features of the procedure for home gelatin lamination. How to breed and use gelatin for cosmetic purposes. Opinion of a trichologist and reviews of girls.
Vitamin A for hair: what to look for in the diet and how to add to cosmetics
Vitamin A for hair: against loss and for growth. How to use externally. Retinol for head massage, consisting of masks, spray and shampoo. The nuances of ingestion - with food and tablets
Mask for hair growth with Dimexidum: do they get strands plus 3 cm per month
Hair mask with Dimexide: how quickly the strands grow. Features of the product and its cosmetic use. Contraindications and safety measures. Mask recipes, reviews