Hair care
Fish oil from hair loss: how to apply to achieve the effect of “Rapunzel will envy”
Fish oil for hair: what are the benefits. When capsules are used, and when - a liquid substance. Rules for oral administration and application externally. Contraindications Recipes for masks from falling out, for growth.
"Selenzin" for hair in tablets and the cosmetics line of the same name: salvation or marketing move
Testimonials of trichologists about "Selenzin": why they praise the drug. Indications for the appointment of tablets, their composition, dosage regimen. Overview of the cosmetic line. How much is. Possible side effects. Analogs
The use of sea and salt for hair: how to rub, with what to mix and when to wait for the transformation
Sea salt from hair loss and hair growth: is it possible to replace it with table salt, what effect should be expected. Seven rules of application. Recipes for scrubs and masks. Reviews of girls who have tried salt therapy.
How to get rid of gray hair: we treat, prevent and mask
Why hair on the head turns gray: causes, types and types of gray hair. What drugs and procedures are recommended by trichologists. Vitamins and minerals to prevent problems. Recipes for homemade lotions and masks. Masking with staining.
Bay leaf from hair loss, as well as a way to return the graying strands to their native color
Bay leaf for hair: composition and medicinal properties. To whom it is possible and to whom it is impossible. We treat alopecia, get rid of dandruff and gray hair with decoctions and infusions. How to defeat lice. Recipes for masks with butter and ether "Lavrushka".
Mask from a bow for hair: how to get a spectacular head of hair and not “scare” those around with a specific amber
Onion hair mask against loss: chemical composition and benefits. Mixtures for normal, oily and dry curls. Tips for use. How to neutralize a specific smell. The use of a decoction of husk.
How to do a head massage for hair growth and density: “increase” the length literally with your own hands
Head massage for hair growth at home: the rules and features of the procedure. Manual technique: techniques for prevention and for complete recovery. Methods with comb, salt, towel and vegetable oils.
Nettle broth for hair: what should be feared by blondes, and how to neutralize a green tint with lemon and chamomile
How to brew nettle for hair, make alcohol tinctures, oil or juice. Harvesting of raw materials. How to neutralize the coloring effect. Recipes of decoctions and infusions. Compositions of masks for oily and dry hair, from dandruff and hair loss.
Decoction of burdock root for hair and other products based on it: try forgotten recipes
How to use burdock root for hair: collection, storage, application. Composition and medicinal properties. Contraindications Recipes for dry and oily masks. We prepare decoctions, infusions, ointment, cream. How much can you store a home remedy.
Tar hair shampoo: benefits, harms, popular brands
The benefits and harms of tar tar shampoo, to whom the remedy is contraindicated. Methods of use for psoriasis, dandruff, hair loss, lichen. Browse popular brands. Reviews about the effectiveness.
Hair glycerin: a spectacular surprise for blondes and an unpleasant surprise for brunettes
The benefits of glycerin for hair: what effects can be expected. Recipes masks for dandruff and loss. How to lighten strands in tandem with chamomile or kefir. How to achieve the effect of lamination. Contraindications and side effects.
How do lice look on the head, where do they come from, and is it possible to get them from pets or in the pool
What lice and nits look like, where they come from, how they are transmitted and multiplied. Is it possible to “catch” parasites in the pool or in public transport. How to diagnose pediculosis in yourself, and distinguish nits from dandruff.
How to remove lice at home, and whether it is worth etching parasites with kerosene and vinegar
How to get rid of lice and nits at home. Treatment of pediculosis with pharmacy drugs. What kind of comb is needed to comb out insects? Is it possible to remove parasites with folk remedies. Will staining, hair dryer and ironing help.
Causes and treatment of baldness in women: what folk remedies and medicines will help get rid of bald spots on the head
Causes of alopecia in women, symptoms, basic forms. Diagnostic Methods Treatment of baldness with medicines, masks, shampoos, physiotherapy and folk remedies. How to prevent hair loss. Reviews
Causes, symptoms, stages of alopecia areata in women, and how to stop hair loss
Treatment of focal alopecia in women with folk remedies, medicines, vitamins, homeopathic medicines. Causes and symptoms of baldness. Diagnostics and analyzes. When surgery is required.