Vika Preobrazhenskaya
Snow riddles 40 best puzzles in Russian
It often happens that a lesson is asked to prepare proverbs with the word snow. Here you will find the best of them.
Riddles about vegetables 40 of the best puzzles in Russian
In the article you will find riddles about vegetables with answers for adults and children, as well as for preschoolers 5 years old. Each little riddle is very relevant.
Riddles about the summer 40 of the best puzzles in Russian
In the article you will see short children's puzzles about summer. For preschoolers, a heat puzzle is also suitable for short questions about relaxation. A proverb for grade 3 students, which you will find here, will be useful.
Match puzzles 40 of the best puzzles in Russian
The article suggests problems with matches for logic with answers for children and adults. Use the font for matches as in the zip code. You can also look for riddles with matches with answers for figures
Puzzles for adults 40 of the best puzzles in Russian
The article presents logical tasks for adult ru with answers. Also here you will find intellectual jokes and ridiculous riddles.
Interesting tongue twisters 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
The article provides tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction of adults and children. They can be learned by watching the ship season 3. All tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old are short and funny. They are also suitable for students in grade 1.
P patters in complex 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
There is the longest tongue twister in the world that is hard to pronounce. Here are difficult long tongue twisters that will be much easier to learn. All of them are very complex, but not large, and are necessary in order to develop diction with the help of words with re-sub-substitution.
The most difficult tongue twister in the world 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
This article contains the most complex tongue twisters in the world. All of them will appeal to people who are fascinated by the scanword and its letters.
Patter tongue twisters ж 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
Sometimes it is difficult to find hissing tongue twisters. In this article, the best tongue twisters for children are collected.
Tongue twisters for the letter r 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
This article presents the pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters in the letter g for children. Learn each of them with the sound of g.
Patter for children 5 years 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
This article contains tongue twisters for children 5-6 years old. Each of them has its own meaning and is intended for toddlers, children from kindergarten and preschool children of the older group.
Short tongue twisters for children 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
The article selected short children's tongue twisters for diction. Pay attention to tongue twisters for the letter p. Each of them is suitable for the entire school class, because it contains all the letters of the alphabet.
Patter mom soap 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
This article contains tongue twisters about mom. Read them all and choose a poem about a bear or dad to your cute babies.
Mila tongue twisters 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
The article presents tongue twisters with the words mom.Each given phraseological unit and verse has a separate meaning and is perfect for both kids and schoolchildren. Any tongue twister about mom will be needed to correct the articulation apparatus.
Sizzling tongue twisters 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian
In this article you will find tongue twisters for children and preschoolers in Russian. All pure language for the sound w allow emphasizing the whistling letters in the words.