Anna Rozhkova
Elecampane tall (yellow): grass from nine diseases and the rules for its use
Medicinal properties and contraindications of elecampane high (yellow). The use of the root from cough, worms, psoriasis. Effectiveness in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Antitumor potential. The role in gynecology. Prescriptions for drugs.
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo bilobate): the benefits of relict tree hoods for the cardiovascular system, potency and brain
Characterization and medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba). The composition of the relict tree. Benefits for the cardiovascular system, potency and brain. Recipes of powder, tincture, broth and fortifying dessert.
Hawthorn: the benefits and harms of berries and flowers for the heart
Useful properties and contraindications of hawthorn. The composition of the flowers and fruits of the plant. Effectiveness in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Use in adults, children and the elderly. Recipes of infusion, tincture, tea.
Immortelle sandy (tsmin sandy): choleretic properties, and what else the grass helps
Medicinal properties and contraindications of the Helichrysum (sandworm). Use in the treatment of pathologies of the liver, intestines and stomach, with diseases of the genitourinary system and skin. Anthelmintic effect. Prescriptions for drugs.
Birch sap: useful properties, uses and contraindications
The benefits and harms of birch sap. Collection technique and expiration dates. Risks when using and contraindications. Effectiveness for skin diseases. Cosmetic value. Benefits to the respiratory system and joints. Recipes
Birch tar (birch bark): benefits and harms, application techniques, contraindications
The benefits and harms of birch tar (birch bark). Use for psoriasis, dermatitis, edema, nail fungus and skin. The test results of the effectiveness of the tool. Risk of adverse effects on the kidneys. The possibility of treating children.
Birch buds: how to collect, useful properties and contraindications, prescriptions for medicines
Composition and medicinal properties of birch buds. Rules for the collection and procurement of raw materials. Recipes for infusion, tinctures, ointments. The use of diseases of the stomach, liver, edema, cough, eczema and baldness. Contraindications
Belladonna (belladonna ordinary): characteristics of the plant and its significance in medicine
Botanical characteristics and medicinal properties of belladonna (belladonna vulgaris). The chemical composition of the poisonous culture. Contraindications A review of drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract and hemorrhoids. Application in gynecology.
Ledum marsh: use of cough, and other therapeutic effects of the plant
Botanical characteristics and medicinal properties of marsh rosemary. The composition of the raw materials and the method of procurement. Effectiveness with cough, hypertension and skin pathologies. Recipes for infusion and oil. Contraindications
Egg diet (chemical): detailed menu for 4 weeks in the tables
Menu egg (chemical) diet for 4 weeks. The essence of the technique, the pros and cons, contraindications. Lists of allowed and prohibited products. Predicted Results. Curd and fast varieties of the program.
Vitamins of group B: content in products, symptoms and danger of deficiency
List of foods rich in B vitamins.Roles B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. Daily allowance for children and adults. Causes and signs of deficiency. The effect of compounds on the condition of the skin and hair, nervous system, mucous membranes.
Treatment table No. 5: characteristics, varieties, menu
Indications and purpose of the therapeutic diet No. 5 (treatment table No. 5). Varieties. Lists of prohibited and permitted products. Calorie intake, distribution of BZHU. An example of a daily menu. Reviews
Keto-diet (ketone, ketogenic diet): menu and metabolic adjustment rules
The essence, varieties and effectiveness of the keto diet (ketogenic diet). The rules of low-carb nutrition, the ratio of BJU. Prohibited and permitted products. Sample menu for seven days. The risks of the technique.
Therapy table number 9: the right diet for diabetes and other metabolic disorders
An example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 9 (treatment table number 9). Diabetes mellitus and other indications for the purpose of the diet. Distribution of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. The role of nutrients. Calorie intake, water consumption.
"Vikasol": regimens for heavy periods and other bleeding
Instructions for use "Vikasol" for bleeding. Appointment in tablets and ampoules. Action for heavy periods. Dosages by age. Contraindications and side effects. Options for replacing the drug.