Anna Rozhkova
Echinacea purpurea: properties, effects on the body, application
Therapeutic properties and contraindications of echinacea. The choice of medicinal plants, harvesting, composition. The use of Echinacea purpurea for the immunity of children and adults.
Prickly Eleutherococcus - properties and application of "Siberian ginseng"
Features of Eleutherococcus, medicinal properties of the plant, collection and harvesting techniques. Indications for use of Eleutherococcus, use for women and men, in pediatric therapy.
Chamomile medicinal: benefits, uses, healing properties
The healing properties of chamomile pharmacy. Collection and harvesting technique, application in traditional medicine. What is useful chamomile, features of the preparation and reception of infusion, decoction, herbal collection.
Useful properties of aloe, application in traditional medicine
Medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe vera. Application in traditional medicine, recipes, home use technique. Treatment of sinusitis, runny nose, sore throat, stomach with aloe.
Ginseng root: a technique for the collection, use, effects on the body
Useful properties and contraindications of ginseng. Application in traditional medicine. Ready-made ginseng preparations, the effectiveness of use for children, men, women.
Carrot face masks: for acne, wrinkles and for a beautiful tan
Carrot face mask: tips for use. How carrots make the skin beautiful, saturate with moisture and removes wrinkles. A review of the beneficial properties of carrot cosmetics and the best recipes.
Watermelon face masks: recipes for all skin types and wrinkles
Watermelon face mask: a review of useful properties and popular recipes. Tips for choosing a safe product. Recommendations on the frequency and composition of masks for different skin types.
Is a face mask effective against black spots from gelatin: recipes and tips for use
Gelatin face mask from black dots at home. Recipe, tips for use. Analysis of the effectiveness of gelatin procedures in cosmetology.
Gelatin face mask recipes at home
Gelatin face mask: for wrinkles and black spots, recipes for different skin types. Why gelatin rejuvenates. How to use the cream and mask based on it.
Kefir mask for the face: how sour milk bacteria remove acne and wrinkles, a review of popular recipes
Kefir face mask: for whom and for what is suitable. How to choose a product for cosmetic procedures. Why kefir is effective against acne and wrinkles. Browse popular recipes.
Save on shopping: 5 ways to buy cheaper online
The main rule of online shopping is not to rush to the “tasty” offers of unknown companies. The store must be: a) famous; b) reliable; c) customer friendly; d) have a positive / negative feedback ratio of approximately 80/20. Minimally.
Dry skin care in summer and winter at home
What to do with dry skin at home. What care is recommended by cosmetologists. What cosmetics to use, how to reduce the manifestations of dryness, peeling. Features of dry skin care in winter and summer.
The scheme of how to apply cream on the face along massage lines
Instructions on how to apply the cream on the face. How to achieve the best effect from the caring composition. Where are the massage lines, how to move along them, and why the cream does not work.
The scheme of how to apply eye cream: technique and popular mistakes
How to apply the cream around the eyes, taking into account the age of the skin and time of day. What are the mistakes in caring for the sensitive area. Recommendations of cosmetologist Olga Fem and dermatologist Svetlana Zhukovskaya for the selection and application of cream on the eyelid region.
What to do with oily skin at home: care in winter and summer
Oily skin care at home. Features in winter and summer. The reasons for the increased fat content, which cosmetics are recommended by cosmetologists. The right means to care for oily skin, application technique.