Anna Rozhkova
Coconut oil hair mask how to use, the benefits of coconut
Coconut oil for hair: what is useful and how long can you grow the length. Three applications and six mask options. How to choose a product in the store, and whether it is possible to "get" a useful substance from natural coconut at home.
Vitamin E for hair: how to adjust the diet, make masks and use in company with retinol
How to apply vitamin E for hair: mask recipes and sources in the diet. Useful properties of tocopherol. How to use the substance to stop hair loss and enhance the growth of strands. Which vitamin is better - in ampoules, capsules, tablets.
Kefir masks for hair: how to wash off the bad color after dyeing and whether the drink will help against dandruff
Kefir hair mask with egg, yeast, mustard and oils. Recipes for dandruff and for growth. How to use the product to wash off paint or lighten natural strands. Ten rules for conducting kefir procedures. Reviews
Gelatin mask for hair: a way to straighten curls without ironing with the effect “before the first wash”
Gelatin hair mask: with the effect of growth, strengthening and straightening. Features of the procedure for home gelatin lamination. How to breed and use gelatin for cosmetic purposes. Opinion of a trichologist and reviews of girls.
Vitamin A for hair: what to look for in the diet and how to add to cosmetics
Vitamin A for hair: against loss and for growth. How to use externally. Retinol for head massage, consisting of masks, spray and shampoo. The nuances of ingestion - with food and tablets
Mask for hair growth with Dimexidum: do they get strands plus 3 cm per month
Hair mask with Dimexide: how quickly the strands grow. Features of the product and its cosmetic use. Contraindications and safety measures. Mask recipes, reviews
Mask for hair growth with cognac: who helps and how to apply for a month
Hair mask with cognac: what effect to expect and to whom the product can harm. How much to keep on hair. Six rules to increase session efficiency. Recipes with honey, coffee, castor and egg.
Mask from black dots on the face at home: options with charcoal, egg, honey and gelatin
Face mask from black dots: how effective. Recipes from gelatin, activated carbon, egg white and honey. The principle of operation of the mask film. Application tips, reviews.
Homemade paraffin mask: troublesome but effective
Paraffin face mask: recipes and step-by-step technique. Features of paraffin therapy and how difficult it is to carry out the procedure at home. Indications, contraindications. Reviews
Homemade face masks with vitamin C: recipes with ascorbic acid from ampoules, powder and fruits
Face mask with vitamin C at home: benefits and contraindications. How to apply. Features of ampoule, powder and fruit "ascorbic". Recipes for dry, oily, aging and problematic skin.
Homemade face lifting with masks: skillfully mask age after 30 using ginger, eggs and gelatin
Face lifting masks at home: the use of natural tightening agents and contraindications.How to do so as not to harm the skin. Which lifting tools are suitable for thirty-year-olds, and which are needed after 40 and 50.
Hair mask with linseed oil: external method and “drink” for luxurious hair
Hair mask with linseed oil: benefits and harms. Is it possible to drink a remedy to grow a beautiful head of hair. Popular recipes for home masks: for hair growth, against brittleness and for recovery. Reviews and experienced results.
Mustard hair mask against oily sheen and for quick growth
Mask for hair with mustard: benefits and contraindications. Nine rules for the use of mustard cosmetic procedures. Can I use the spice to treat dry strands and apply after staining. Recipe table.
How to get rid of the second chin: home methods to quickly solve the problem
How to remove the second chin at home: causes of the problem, massage, table of home masks. As well as a set of exercises and the right diet to quickly fix the problem. Preventive measures, reviews.
How to get rid of age spots on the face: salon procedures, medical cosmetics and "grandmother" methods
Causes and treatment of age spots on the face. Effective salon procedures. Popular medical cosmetics. Table of folk recipes. Preventative measures. Reviews of women about what helped them in the fight against pigmentation.