Anna Rozhkova
Body slimming myostimulation: alternating current vs constant fat
What is body myostimulation: how is it done in a salon, and is it possible to repeat the procedure at home. To whom it is shown, and for whom it is undesirable. How often you can "beat" yourself with electric shock. Reviews about the effectiveness.
Indications and contraindications for ozone therapy: the healing properties and side effects of the “rejuvenating” gas
What is ozone therapy, and what methods of introducing an ozone cocktail exist. Anti-aging and healing effects of gas for the face and body. Duration and frequency of procedures. Analogs and prices. How to recognize ozone cosmetics.
Contraindications and indications of pressotherapy: air massage against "orange peel"
What is pressotherapy: the principle of the apparatus and the effect of compressed air on the body. To whom it is possible, and to whom the procedures are contraindicated. Side effects of the method. Recommendations for the competent selection of the program.
How to get rid of stretch marks on the body: are all means good
How to remove stretch marks on the body and prevent their appearance. Who is prone to striae formation. Prevention and treatment of ugly stripes. Overview of professional and folk ways. Reviews on the effectiveness of popular techniques.
The benefits and harms of succinic acid: the healing potential of "natural energy"
Indications for the use of succinic acid, and why it is called a natural energetic. Main sources. In what form is sold in pharmacies. Rules for admission and contraindications. How she helps to be slim and beautiful.
How to make chocolate wrap: “sweet” procedures for plumbing and against cellulite
Chocolate wrap at home: does it help for weight loss and cellulite. Rules of the procedure, contraindications. Recipes with seaweed, coffee, honey, pepper. Techniques for the body and hair.
Indications and contraindications for thalassotherapy: how to conduct marine treatment at home
What is thalassotherapy: benefits and disadvantages, indications and contraindications for marine treatment. The list of procedures. Application of the technique at home for hair, face and body, for weight loss and cellulite.
Stretch marks on the butt photo how to deal with stretch marks on the legs
How to remove stretch marks on the priest, hips and legs: old and fresh. Prevention methods, beauty treatments and special exercises. Home therapy and aesthetic medicine procedures. Reviews
Lymphatic drainage massage how to do manual lymphatic facial massage, effect and benefits, photo
Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home: indications and contraindications to the procedure. Varieties of hardware and manual lymphatic drainage. The technique of massage the face, the area around the eyes, neck. Reviews
How to use a mesoscooter for rejuvenation, weight loss and beauty of hair
Mesoroller for the face: how to use at home, contraindications. The choice of device and means for independent mesotherapy. Application algorithm for rejuvenating and treating the skin, enhancing hair growth and against cellulite.
Why bischofite baths are needed, and how to take them with maximum effect
Indications and contraindications for bischofite baths, effectiveness for weight loss. Rules for conducting procedures at home.The benefits of mini-baths and compresses. What patients say about bischofite baths: real reviews.
Instructions for use the soul of Alekseev: will it help to lose weight and remove cellulite
What is the soul of Alekseev, who is shown and contraindicated. How to do a general massage of the back, legs, face. Features of use against cellulite and for weight loss. Criticism of the shower head.
How to apply mummy from stretch marks: we prepare a cream and practice wraps
The recipe for a mummy from stretch marks: how to make a cream of tablets and wrap. Useful properties of the substance in the fight against striae. Use at home during pregnancy and lactation: possible contraindications. Reviews
Cream for stretch marks (during pregnancy and beyond): a review of professional products, folk tips and opinions of moms
Cream for stretch marks for pregnant women: the rules of effective use. Can I use during pregnancy, after childbirth, how often to apply. Overview of popular tools. Homemade recipes to fight striae.
Hypoallergenic diet menu for adults and children (allergy diet)
Hypoallergenic diet: the essence of diet and menu principles. Allowed and forbidden products. What are the features of a hypoallergenic diet. How to go out a diet.